The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I got most of what I needed veggie wise. Peppers (even though the bigger ones are wasted on them), lettuce (sweet gem), bagged salad, celery, cucumber, parsley, dill, basil, mint (although I don't remember adding the mint, they might have snuck that one in themselves), sugarsnap peas and greens that I definitely don't remember adding? Sigh. It'll all get eaten though. I did kind of try chucking everything in just in case something was missing, but they've got food for several days there so I'm good with it.

Meanwhile, I've got cake, Fruit Winders, Haribo Tangfastics, marmite flatbreads, salt and pepper crisps, cornish pasties, peppered steak slices, milkybar cake slices, and Mug Shots. I'm an adult, I swear, lol.
Glad you’re looking after the goblins first 😂 funny how we all do that !
Us Slaves know our place!

Oh good grief.

So I'm standing in the bathroom because I'm in the middle of a game of gin and that particular app has a habit of resetting itself if you abandon it for too long. "Too long" is whenever it feels like. So as I'm standing there, toilet's been flushed, hands have been washed, and I hear this...wail. You know like the sound water pipes make sometimes, or the central heating? But the central heating isn't on* and it's unlikely to be the pipes, OR a car because the light's on, which means the fan's on, and that fan is noisy.

Nah, maybe I'm hearing things. But there it is again. Wait a minute.

Exited bathroom door. Looked left. Guess who?

Deranged delinquent shrieker, reporting for duty! So I picked up the Snugglesafes then put them to the side to come in and put my boots on. And as I open my door, I hear the boiler. Ah. So it turns out it might have just been the heating system. But this is Camowen we're talking about, so probably not.
He's just sat in the space previously occupied by a Snugglesafe and refused to move his little naked bum. So I had to find somewhere else to put it and he was not happy about this at all. Like mate I'm sorry but I asked you to move. Three times. Otherwise I'd have to put it on top of you and you won't like that at all.
It's like he understands the beds are warm, but doesn't quite grasp that they need reheating every night...or that he can't get the reheated ones back if he won't shift his bum out of the way so I can put it down.
Bann, on the other hand, was on the first one I picked up and skedaddled...straight through two tunnels and on to the other one. No mate that doesn't work either, I kinda need them both.

Then, pellets. Bann's got this down to a fine art. Cam goes to beg, stops before I can get one to him, looks around the cage in entirely the wrong place, and then comes back to the same place at the bars to beg. I swear it's like they share a brain and they can both have moments of pure brilliance, as long as they've got the brain for the time being. And when they don't, well. Look what happens.


Camowen just made angry noises at me, and I'm assuming they're because Bann got fed and he didn't. Except...he didn't. Bann got fed first because Bann was out in the cage proper. Cam was in bed and refused to leave. And I got yelled at, because that's Cam for you.

Also, was in the kitchen earlier. Halfway through putting on a wash, and my intestines twinged. Tried for a minute to see if it was going to ease, it was not. However, this would also have been around the time of Goblin Breakfast and they weren't going to let me go upstairs and to the toilet in peace. Cam had already been screaming for 10 minutes as I tried sorting out the washing and I could hear him from downstairs. Groaned. Grabbed some beans because I needed something fast, intending to just toss them into the cage and run.
I did. They still demanded I feed them one each, personally. :td:

They do it on purpose, I know they do. And I keep letting them do it, because they know I will :))
Bann can still be a bit weird about it - he'll beg for it, sniff at it, then decide the Hand is Evil and run away. Sometimes if the food's in a tray I'll offer them the tray and they'll pick what they want from that...and sometimes they both agree, The Tray is Evil.
And then, yes. Sometimes it must be given to them from my hand or it's not worth eating until they've had something else fed to them from my hand.

No pattern to any of this, lol. Every mealtime it's a case of Will They, Won't They?
Day 356 🌟
The continuing adventures of Cam and Bann….and their hooman …..I just love it 😂
Cam was making horrendous screaming noises earlier to the extent I thought he'd been injured, but I went in and...he just wanted Bann to go away. And give me a heart attack too, apparently.

So. Goblins don't get fed (other than hay) before 11am. Normally I can get away with leaving my room and going elsewhere once after my original trip downstairs (whether to the bathroom, or downstairs for another drink). I woke up early, so I had been downstairs twice (for a drink) before the postie turns up. So, I'm thinking, just walk up the stairs and into the room, the door's ajar. I can probably get away with it.

I got back up the stairs and just happened to glance in. Bann was walk-stretching across the cage. I stopped, because :wub: aaaaaaaand....we made eye contact. Oops.

The timing of this was coincidental. You know when you start something you know you won't want to finish, so you start it so you can't back out of it? And then you sit after half of it saying words to yourself that I can't actually repeat on this forum (but you all know what I mean.)
And I genuinely didn't realise the date til afterwards.

So today, 24/02/23, is exactly a year after I bought my first vape kit. It wouldn't arrive til the 25th, but I bought it on the 24th.

Guess who just tossed out 95% of the remaining nicotine containing vape juice he has?

Guys what have I done. It's too late. I've kept a couple because they're too nice to waste but we're talking the equivalent of keeping 2 bottles and dumping 30 or more.
Regret is happening but it's too late. I knew it would be. I did it anyway. It is done.
I've kept a few because I want to leave reviews for them and I want to be certain of what I'm reviewing before I do it, lol. There's 8 bottles for that (well, 7, got one done already) but the rest are languishing in the black hole that is the interior of a black bin bag.

As for the others I've kept - I don't like buying the same thing twice (I know, don't ask) and those others are the ones I would end up buying a second bottle of. So that's the only reason I'm keeping them. I could pretend it's about the money they'd cost to replace, but it would've cost money to replace them anyway, I just really don't want to buy a second bottle lol.

What have I done. Seriously.

I'm actually going to have to take the bag downstairs soon because it's too heavy. It's barely full, but liquid weighs a tonne, lol. I don't really want to take a bag downstairs though because it sets the delinquent off, and then the delinquent sets the hooligan off. And then I get thankful my neighbours are half deaf.

Also, it's cold. Woke up at 8am, goblin room was at 19.2°, so I switched the heating off. Just went downstairs. The goblins were in their Snugglesafe beds and the room was 17.1° and I realised I had good reason for wondering why my own room was so cold. Heating's back on, lol.

Meanwhile, in an apparent attempt to avoid doing anything useful, my hands are covered in mustard dust (and that's almost impossible to get off I swear) and I've downloaded and installed a bunch of Dragon Age: Origins mods. Such a beautiful game I should know better than to play because it's big. And also gorgeous. Seriously. For a game its age it has no right to look as good as it does without mods never mind with.
Great ….day 358 ….you’re getting closer 🌟

Sounds a productive day in Cam and Banns house !
Dragon Age is a great way to pass a dark Winter eve (or 2 or 3) ! Enjoy 😂
I'm still working on the mods XD trying to get everything to play nicely together. I think I've mostly got it. There's a few hairstyles missing entirely in character creation but the majority of them are there. They kept going AWOL entirely because of colour mods...except without the colour mods, I couldn't see eyes. But colour mods affect hair. And hairstyles affect hair.

There has been a lot of mutterings and swearing and maybe a thinly veiled rant at EA because apparently it takes 3 days before they can process a refund. By the time three days is up they'll give me the money back but they'll also remove my ownership of the whole game instead of the couple of pieces of DLC. I ended up saving the chat logs and quitting before I typed something I'd regret, lol.

But that's EA and unsurprising. The house is finally warming up. That black bin bag with the juice bottles is now in the outside bin. It's done! There's still 4 of the bottles left so I can vape a tank and review it but otherwise...nicotine free.
Dragon Age is a great way to pass a dark Winter eve (or 2 or 3) ! Enjoy 😂


I've actually just had a thought about this. Does anyone know what I mean when I say that something always triggers a very specific memory? I have this thing with Cascada's "Night Nurse" of all things. I don't know why specifically but when I hear it, my brain goes to this flat I used to live in, in a coastal village, when it snowed one year (and I was too broke to afford gas top ups so I basically wore 20 layers all day every day) and I'd be sitting in front of the desk I had then, it'd be dark so probably late evening or the wee hours of the morning, playing Dragon Age: Origins.

Such a specific memory, and that song triggers it every single time. Feels like a lifetime ago now, lol.
It's weird because I'll go to play the song, thinking okay I know what this does, it's not going to be a surprise...and somehow it always is because the memory is just that vivid.

The bit that gets me the most is this is pre streaming, so no Spotify, Deezer, or anything else. if I wanted to listen to it, it was on YouTube. So how have I had it on repeat like that, through YouTube, in game? I can't have done. Somehow the memory is triggered by something I wasn't even doing while playing Origins and I have no explanation for it, lol.
26-odd hours later and it's finally running, lol. But just when you think it's all sorted...the mouse speed needs reducing, you forgot to turn subtitles off, you forgot to turn the tutorials off and they take forever to get rid of because you have to click through every single one, then the game crashes because it doesn't appreciate being started and stopped about a thousand times yesterday, and the heating's back on because you still can't get the house to warm up lol.

Ah well. It's working now. I can get the screenshots sorted that were my only reason for starting this in the first place, lol.
Well done on another day ….359🌟
Enjoy Dragon Age …..all that is worth it 😂