The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Well done for day 352🌟
I love Cam and Bann’s adventures … unpredictable but so loveable 🥰
Oh don't even start me. I went in to grab the Snugglesafes and I turned round to find not only Cam running towards my legs for...whatever, probably pellets, but Bann was doing it too. Like guys it's nice to say hello but if I fall over I'll fall onto you and I'd prefer not to do that so if you could just...hide under a bendy log bridge so I can step out of the cage that'd be great thank you very much.

Cam also freaked out when I was just trying to run a bath :td: then I remembered I had hay cookies and tossed one of those in. Funny story about hay cookies. When Cam gets there first, he tries to drag it to the nearest hidey so he can have it all to himself. Bann, the otherwise notorious food thief, does not do this, he'll eat it wherever it is. However, he will stick a paw on it. Partly to hold it still, and almost certainly, partly to stop Cam trying to do a runner with it.

I always thought Comet was the worst for weird antics. Trying to leap off the sofa to get at the hay bag (...twice, because I didn't learn my lesson the first time), inciting raves at 3am, disturbing Blitzen's attempts at sleep by headbutting the hidey out of the way, rumbling 24/7 (he liked to rumble), falling asleep on my mother much to her disgust (and my amusement. Good lad, Comet), rumbling at @Claire W's Edward from across the house...and then these two turned up. I'm sorry, Comet, I take it all back :))
I was chased by this wee squirt tonight…. She came running up for a peaflake and I shook my finger at her saying “No no no ye wee rascal!” Well! As I walked away up the side of the pen, she came after me! Running up the side wheeking her demands for a peaflake - following me. “You’re a bad girl,” I said, as I gave her a peaflake and a stroke behind her ear. And a peaflake for her sister and another peaflake each, and a handful of fresh hay 🥰🥰. She’s a bad wee glype!


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Now I think we need to see some goblin pictures!

Dunno how I missed this earlier but, uh...good luck with that. Since I changed phones, the camera on this one isn't up to trying to take photos of disappearing goblins. Particularly the chocolate goblin, but the pink and grey delinquent isn't much better, lol.
Dunno how I missed this earlier but, uh...good luck with that. Since I changed phones, the camera on this one isn't up to trying to take photos of disappearing goblins.
Ach but we know you’ll try 😜
He was a very good natured boar, friendly with everyone and everything. Unless you were the vet. He did have a habit of trying to avoid letting the vet near him (he had an antibiotic injection once, which was a fun afternoon in the treatment room lol). Personality wise he and Blitzen were chalk and cheese but they got along beautifully, they'd sleep in the same hidey, they didn't like being apart for long. Blitzen constantly stole his food, Comet kept letting him do it. And they did like to play, and rumble, and popcorn, and rumble, then zoomies, and rumbles. Just constant mayhem. I think I was groaning "ffs Comet not again" in my sleep, lol.
Just to round off #353, I went to do the Snugglesafes. Cam waited, not until I'd stepped into the cage, but til I was in the middle of the movement of stepping into the cage...and ran at my feet. Right at my feet. And when I got the Snugglesafes in hand I turned round to ask him what he was doing and I swear he just...started at me. Then ran towards my feet again.


Have to redo a coil I only did yesterday morning. Grumble. 95% sure I know why it needs redoing, but it bugs me anyway.

Also, lost a pair of socks. I was bringing them up from the clothes horse downstairs, and I'd put 6 pairs in my pockets. My hands were full anyway with a can of Coke and a Mug Shot (in a mug) and Goblin Breakfast, so pockets. Right?
Got upstairs. Fed goblins. Walked into room. Tossed my socks into the basket they live in, but only 5 pairs were in my pockets. Hmm. Checked goblin room, no socks. Checked the stairs, no socks. Checked the living room and sofa, no socks.
My socks are missing. I don't even remember which pair I couldn't find. But my socks are missing. Maybe it's the ghost that also keeps setting off the smoke alarm?
I think your options are:
Snaffled by a ghost.
Snaffled by goblins.
Snaffled by Ser spider.
There were only 5 pairs to start with.
Or a time traveller popped in, took them and popped out again, just for a laugh.

Definitely six. I have an odd routine, but a routine none the less - I have enough t-shirts that they can be sorted into 6 piles of either 7 or 8 shirts. And then once I've worn everything in the pile, that's my weeks wash. Last week was an 8 shirt week, and there were two pairs of socks left downstairs. 7 or 8 probably sounds daft but since I don't have a dryer it can take almost a week to get them dry at this time of year. Even if there's 5 piles in the drawer the sixth is always either in the machine, or on the clothes horse.
Thankfully I live alone and can get away with it. Washing a family's clothes would be a logistical nightmare.

Speaking of goblins I rescued Camowen's bean from where he dropped it through the cage bars earlier. Definitely his too because I sat and watched him eat a bit of it knowing full well he'd lose his grip on it and that'd be that. And he did, just not while I was watching him lol.

Eleven more days. I'm excited. I don't know why, but I'm excited!
Yup. Officially it'll be a year since I started vaping on the 25th, but it'll be a year smoke free on 4/3.
Well done day 354 🌟
Those socks will turn up … just when you’re not expecting them to 😂
I’ve had that happen before …
I like it could be a ghost, goblins or Ser spider …. but I really think it’s you Lorcan 😂
To be fair there's a chance I could've tossed them into the basket without realising, but you'd like to think I'd remember pulling socks out of my pockets more than once, lol. I'd picked up a bunch of the pairs already in there to put the ones I'd brought upstairs to the bottom of the pile, maybe I did it then? Be much easier if I remembered which pair I couldn't find, though 😂

Have to redo a coil I only did yesterday morning. Grumble. 95% sure I know why it needs redoing, but it bugs me anyway.

Also, lost a pair of socks. I was bringing them up from the clothes horse downstairs, and I'd put 6 pairs in my pockets. My hands were full anyway with a can of Coke and a Mug Shot (in a mug) and Goblin Breakfast, so pockets. Right?
Got upstairs. Fed goblins. Walked into room. Tossed my socks into the basket they live in, but only 5 pairs were in my pockets. Hmm. Checked goblin room, no socks. Checked the stairs, no socks. Checked the living room and sofa, no socks.
My socks are missing. I don't even remember which pair I couldn't find. But my socks are missing. Maybe it's the ghost that also keeps setting off the smoke alarm?
It is the same sock eating beastie that steals them out of the washing machine in my house. 😂
It is the same sock eating beastie that steals them out of the washing machine in my house. 😂

A few weeks back I did a wash and when I went to put it on the clothes horse I had two socks missing their matches. Checked my room in case I missed them out of the basket? No. Check living room and stairs in case they fell? No. Check kitchen in case they fell? No. Check everywhere in the kitchen anyway because the only place left to check is the cellar and I refuse to? Still not there.

I abandoned them in the wash basket then realised I'd need to rewash them anyway. Sigh. So I put them in with the goblins washing. Still no sign of their pair.

Come a week later and somehow there's my two missing socks, on the floor, in the (sizeable) gap between the machine and the cupboard frame. There's no way I missed two brightly patterned socks there for two weeks.
My Lovely Late Mum was convinced that the washing machine ate socks that went in as pairs and came out as singles then spat the odd one out that it had eaten when you were least expecting it when you put in more washes! Not all the odd socks that had gone into the mysterious belly of the beast came out in the same wash either. It will forever be a mystery!
My Lovely Late Mum was convinced that the washing machine ate socks that went in as pairs and came out as singles then spat the odd one out that it had eaten when you were least expecting it when you put in more washes! Not all the odd socks that had gone into the mysterious belly of the beast came out in the same wash either. It will forever be a mystery!
Mmm, good to know I'm not alone with the sock retaining machine!

Got a Tesco order in for between 8 and 9 tonight. I'm just about to open my penultimate can of Coke. I haven't got the order receipt yet. And I'm on my penultimate can of Coke. Halp. Worst part is I can't remember my card's PIN so I can't even wander up the street for it. But than I think he only takes cash so I'd have to go to a cashpoint anyway.
Point being, help. Lol.

On the bright side the goblins still have some sweet gem and parsley in the fridge. And some beans too but they've eaten so many beans, so I'm trying to avoid the beans.

Also also, it might only be #355 but I actually bought myself a chocolate cake. I can buy another one in 10 days right? :))
Great …day 355 🎉
Defo cake 😂
We’ll all join you with cake on day 365 🥰
Glad you’re looking after the goblins first 😂 funny how we all do that !