The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


Almost a year!

When I open the door to the goblin room I see the main 5x3 section of the cage first. The 2x2 section is behind the door so I can't see into it til it's open. Most of the time this is fine, they're in the 5x3 section and I can say hello without opening the door wide. But sometimes, they're both in the 2x2 section and it's like they're waiting for me, because as soon as I (unintentionally) make eye contact the riot starts :doh: Couldn't get butterhead for them again either. Also couldn't get little gem, all Tesco could send was one pack of sweet gem. The fridge feels lettuce-naked.

Also. I have a small personal project where I keep a list, what juices I've tried in what vape and with what coil and at what watts level. I've got it in Google Sheets for now which isn't the best place for it, but it's still not huge, so it works as it is for now. But I was looking to see if I could get a visualisation of the data because as is, it's just a bunch of XX.Yw entries in multiple cells and that's fine, but it's hard to track. Someone suggested I use Ctrl+F but I had to point out there's no way to do that for a specific column, do that and it'll give you the data for the whole sheet. And then! Someone on Reddit was like, "click here, and here, and then you've got a bar chart rep of the data." They were right! And for some reason it makes me happy, lol. Which is probably why I started keep a record of it in the first place.

Almost a year!

When I open the door to the goblin room I see the main 5x3 section of the cage first. The 2x2 section is behind the door so I can't see into it til it's open. Most of the time this is fine, they're in the 5x3 section and I can say hello without opening the door wide. But sometimes, they're both in the 2x2 section and it's like they're waiting for me, because as soon as I (unintentionally) make eye contact the riot starts :doh: Couldn't get butterhead for them again either. Also couldn't get little gem, all Tesco could send was one pack of sweet gem. The fridge feels lettuce-naked.

Also. I have a small personal project where I keep a list, what juices I've tried in what vape and with what coil and at what watts level. I've got it in Google Sheets for now which isn't the best place for it, but it's still not huge, so it works as it is for now. But I was looking to see if I could get a visualisation of the data because as is, it's just a bunch of XX.Yw entries in multiple cells and that's fine, but it's hard to track. Someone suggested I use Ctrl+F but I had to point out there's no way to do that for a specific column, do that and it'll give you the data for the whole sheet. And then! Someone on Reddit was like, "click here, and here, and then you've got a bar chart rep of the data." They were right! And for some reason it makes me happy, lol. Which is probably why I started keep a record of it in the first place.
So I read all this and I haven’t a baldy notion what you’re on about! The lettuce bit - I got that and the door opening 🤣
Haha. The cage is in an L type shape. The large bit is 5x3 and it's where they spend most of their time, but there's a 2x2 cube at one end to make the L. If they're in that space I can't see them til the door's wide open, when I've already accidentally made eye contact, and then they start shrieking because HUMAN HEY HUMAN HANGRY HUMAN HELP HUMAN HANGRY.
Alright. Had to eat, lol. But this is the spreadsheet/database stuff. It's a bit all over the place because it's been through a few iterations, stuff added, tidied up, more stuff added, you get the idea.

There's a lot of little things that can change how a vape tastes - what coil, what tank, what chip's in the mod, airflow, on. Every stock vape coil also has a recommended watt range (say, 13-15w), and I decided early on I wanted a record of my preferred watts for each juice and tank. It snowballed into the monstrosity it is today, lol.
But it's still just a big table of numbers. But then someone told me to highlight a column, click on Data, then click on View Column Stats. That gives me a bar chart to the right of the screen that tells me the same info but in visual form which means I can see what my main preferences have been, how often I select one number over the other, that kind of thing.

I didn't mean to turn vaping into a hobby, lol. But lists were something I always did as an anxiety thing, it kept my mind occupied doing something non-anxiety related and this is just an extension of that.
I never realised vaping had so many variables! but I understand bar charts lol and the need to distract the mind from anxiety. Also I think that list contains some great names for piggies 🤣
I never realised vaping had so many variables!

If you'd told me a year ago vaping had so many variables I dunno that I'd've believed you. It's kind of...scary, almost, just how much of a difference some of it makes. Plus the bar charts get me so excited lol, I thought I'd need to transpose the data somewhere else for it and suddenly, bar charts! Yes, yes I am easily pleased.

And yes. There's some very interesting juice names out there, lol. There's a few of them are videogame references, there's pop culture references, geographical themes, tv and film references, and the kitchen sink too, because why not. Also some of them taste absolutely awful, lol.
Alright. Had to eat, lol. But this is the spreadsheet/database stuff. It's a bit all over the place because it's been through a few iterations, stuff added, tidied up, more stuff added, you get the idea.

There's a lot of little things that can change how a vape tastes - what coil, what tank, what chip's in the mod, airflow, on. Every stock vape coil also has a recommended watt range (say, 13-15w), and I decided early on I wanted a record of my preferred watts for each juice and tank. It snowballed into the monstrosity it is today, lol.
But it's still just a big table of numbers. But then someone told me to highlight a column, click on Data, then click on View Column Stats. That gives me a bar chart to the right of the screen that tells me the same info but in visual form which means I can see what my main preferences have been, how often I select one number over the other, that kind of thing.

I didn't mean to turn vaping into a hobby, lol. But lists were something I always did as an anxiety thing, it kept my mind occupied doing something non-anxiety related and this is just an extension of that.
Alright. Had to eat, lol. But this is the spreadsheet/database stuff. It's a bit all over the place because it's been through a few iterations, stuff added, tidied up, more stuff added, you get the idea.

There's a lot of little things that can change how a vape tastes - what coil, what tank, what chip's in the mod, airflow, on. Every stock vape coil also has a recommended watt range (say, 13-15w), and I decided early on I wanted a record of my preferred watts for each juice and tank. It snowballed into the monstrosity it is today, lol.
But it's still just a big table of numbers. But then someone told me to highlight a column, click on Data, then click on View Column Stats. That gives me a bar chart to the right of the screen that tells me the same info but in visual form which means I can see what my main preferences have been, how often I select one number over the other, that kind of thing.

I didn't mean to turn vaping into a hobby, lol. But lists were something I always did as an anxiety thing, it kept my mind occupied doing something non-anxiety related and this is just an extension of that.
This makes my brain hurt. 🧠🧠😖
To be fair to anyone but me it probably just looks like a screen of numbers that make no sense.
Haha. The cage is in an L type shape. The large bit is 5x3 and it's where they spend most of their time, but there's a 2x2 cube at one end to make the L. If they're in that space I can't see them til the door's wide open, when I've already accidentally made eye contact, and then they start shrieking because HUMAN HEY HUMAN HANGRY HUMAN HELP HUMAN HANGRY.
I got that too it’s the computery stuff! 🤣
Imma make up my own vape ‘flavour…

Have you a coffee and brownie combo? If there’s not there should be! Oooh oooh! Lemon and white chocolate, like the Costa tartlets!
I've had a coffee + doughnut flavour (Morning Glory, it was delicious). Chocolate can get sickly sweet very easily though. All dessert stuff can, I don't know how that's all some people vape. It's nice, but I couldn't vape it and nothing else, I prefer fruits and drinks (lemonades, colas). Strawberry is vile, though, and some mango and blackcurrant stuff is the same.
Sorry - I know it’s 4.55 and you’ll be asleep, but I’m sharing a room with the dog, who SNORES! And somewhere in the distance, down the hall (of this self catering endurance test, with mum and sister - is a SNORING MOTHER!

Oh get me back to my piggies!
Nah I got woken up by my fire alarm screaming for no good reason. Again.
Nah I got woken up by my fire alarm screaming for no good reason. Again.
Well I hope u get over again. I’m gonna try and block out the snoring. Lucy got all clogged up in her sleep and started ‘inverse sneezing’ so I had to leap out of bed and block off her nose.
I tried, then realised I needed a drink, so I'll finish this can of Coke and then try again. I checked over the whole house, nothing even resembling smoke. I don't know why it insists on trying to scare the hell out of me in the wee hours, lol.

I did not get enough sleep last night, lol. Finally got back over at 7am, woke up again at 9am. Still don't know what caused it to go off? It was warm (well, very warm) upstairs because the heating hadn't long clicked off, which is also why it took so long to get back over to sleep, I had to open up my window to let some air in for a bit. But it wasn't that warm, certainly not warm enough to have tripped the alarm. So yeah, that has me baffled.

In my defence, I didn't immediately treat it as a false alarm. In fact I was slightly scared to get out of bed in case, for once, it was a real fire. But no. No smoke in the kitchen, lounge, stairway, hall, bathroom, my room, or the goblin room. They weren't impressed with me for that either. "Go away it's 4am and also how dare you set that alarm off". On the bright side I at least know for definite the alarm will wake me up :))

I swear Cam sounded like he was trying to imitate the fire alarm earlier. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I've never heard him make the shrieking wail noise that he used to summon me earlier, before.
Then he got miffed because they only got hay. I wasn't going to make an extra trip downstairs. They did eat at the hay though.

Speaking of Cam, the little Dalek nearly caused a riot twice yesterday. First time he ran under Bann's legs when I gave Bann his food, so Bann dropped down on top of him, Cam screamed at him, Bann screamed back, Bann dropped his food, Bann found other food Cam had abandoned in a bed earlier, so he ate Cam's food, Cam ate Bann's food, and they stood giving each other the evil eye the entire time.

Cam really didn't appreciate this, so when they got fed again later Cam got his first, and then kept walking back into my hand so I had to move further away from him, repeatedly, to give Bann his food. This was deliberate. I promise you, he's not going to have unintentionally repeatedly backed himself into my hand, lol.

I don't get paid enough for this :flag:
Thankfully the damned thing stayed quiet overnight tonight. I just don't get why it's always that alarm. Last time it seemed to be the particulate sensor freaking out but for this one to go off when I'd been asleep for 4 hours (and clearly not vaping in my sleep)...I don't get it. Although in a small way I'm grateful because if it was the downstairs one I'd have to go down the stairs half out of it. That's never a good plan.

I really feel for Bann, sometimes. Imaging living with a noisy housemate who blames you for his own mistakes every time?
Are male piggies louder than the ladies do you recon? Or have you noticed a difference with skinny pigs and hairy pigs?
I've never had sows, but these two are horrendous noise makers in comparison to any other guinea pig I've had. Yes, even Bann. And that's saying a lot, because Jake and Comet could be incredibly vocal, Blitzen could rumble so loudly I could hear him even with earphones in, and Comet and Blitzen liked to party. A lot.
Are male piggies louder than the ladies do you recon? Or have you noticed a difference with skinny pigs and hairy pigs?
Of all my piggies the loudest and also smallest is a sow. She has congenital neurological issues tho and can become over animated and excited, at other times she seems to have an off switch like she's in a very deep sleep and oblivious to whats going on around her.
Of all my piggies the loudest and also smallest is a sow. She has congenital neurological issues tho and can become over animated and excited, at other times she seems to have an off switch like she's in a very deep sleep and oblivious to whats going on around her.
Well now we need a picture of this little madam!