The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


Bann's cranky at me because I brought basil upstairs. Running off and trying to clean the smell off his paws type cranky. I had to get him a bean (well, I didn't have to, but I needed an appropriate alternative) to placate him and I still got the stink eye for bringing the stinky stuff upstairs.
Cam didn't bat an eyelid and scarfed the basil up swiftly.

I walked to the shop today. I'm not antisocial and the shop's literally 30s walk down the road but...shops, and people, and every time I walk into a shop I forget what I came for. But I went to the shop!

Almost a year. Almost. I no longer feel weird about calling myself an ex-smoker either. Never thought I'd see that day come tbh.
Day 347 🎉🌟
You are doing so well ! It’s great you’re a ex smoker !
Did you feel ok after going to the shop ? It’s a big thing when you have anxiety
I love how Bann hates basil but Cam happy to eat it 😂
I do. I'm a tad...tired? though. Tired's maybe not the right word, physically I'm fine. Mentally it needs a bit more work, lol. Someone went with me though, which helped. And the guy behind the till was very nice and I got a free plastic bag to bring the crisps home with. Because yes, I wanted crisps. So I got crisps and Haribo cola bottles.

Bann's reaction to the basil was something to see, lol. Only time I've ever seen him scoot backwards with that much force was when he accidentally ate asparagus, because he dropped his bean next to the asparagus and picked the wrong thing up. And I sat on the floor in kinks watching him trying to clean out his mouth because I'm such a caring, devoted owner :))
Day 347🌟🌟🌟
Well done on getting to the shop, I hope it gets easier for you.
Glad you are now identifying as an ex-smoker, that's a great mindset to be in. Strange thing happened last night, I woke up from a dream in which I was smoking! (In real life I quit in 2001.) I know in dreamland I had been able to justify it but tbh on waking up it felt pretty disgusting and definitely not something I want to take up again.
Poor Bann and his surprise vegatable experiences🌱🤑
I've had some very weird dreams over the years, but I don't remember ever having ones where I smoked even. 21 years is a long time but you'd think I'd remember at least one? Thankfully. I do enough very odd things in dreams.
I've been vegetarian even longer but very occasionally dream i am eating a beef burger, which is more disgusting than the smoking dream, even in the dream I'm not enjoying it!
That’s great to hear that your trip to the shop went ok - always good to go with someone too.
Dreams are weird ……
I've always wondered about going vegetarian, but my intestines don't handle the fibre well at all. People look at me funny when I say that, but it's definitely not fun to have, lol.
My mum struggles a lot with fibre too, can't eat whole grains, has to skin everything and so on. Its because she had to have a section of her intestine removed many years ago, I think due to an abscess, when I was twelve. But even if she could she wouldn't want to go veggie!
I have IBS, but I tell people IBS and they keep asking "well, wouldn't fibre help?" because apparently IBS only exists as constipation. :roll: I wish that was my problem, lol.

Or they could be my mother, who also insists that IBS is constipation and therefore when my intestines are cramping themselves to death and making me very ill along with it, "It's just IBS though." Usually tacked alongside "well you're supposed to be lactose intolerant, that's what you keep saying, why eat/drink the dairy?" Except if she used her brain to remember things at some point she'd remember I was tested for it, in the psych ward at 17, because she kept insisting I was making the dairy issues up. But the test agreed with me and not her, so she forgets.
The last time it came up I pointed out to her every single one of my meds uses lactose. So if I couldn't have dairy at all, I'd be in big trouble. But since I don't have big trouble, she can just shut up tyvm.

And now I've taken to rolling my eyes and ignoring it. She doesn't appreciate that, but it isn't my fault lol.
Story of my life. She likes to use it as an excuse to say I'm a wimp for pain. I just remind her that she made me walk for an hour on a broken foot because she was convinced my fall (that she saw) couldn't have been that bad. Or that it took me 24 hours to go to get my ribs looked at after I broke them because I didn't realise that's what I'd actually done, lol. It doesn't stop her getting all huffy, but it does mean everybody else gets to know she's talking (word).

You know neither of them have spoken to me since my mum got back out of A&E? She went in for chest pains, the meds they gave her when she left were proton pump inhibitors, because they couldn't find anything else wrong and she's not the first person to have had chest pains that turned out to be heartburn. It's not rare at all. But my dad said she was back, said what meds they gave her, and I was like "oh good, it's nothing serious then", meant in a "I'm glad it's not worse than that" way. Because y'know, heart problems aren't great.
Dad assumed I was being rude about it, and I pointed out to him I take PPIs too. I know exactly what they're for. Not a peep from either since that day. I'm really not sorry, honestly.
Story of my life. She likes to use it as an excuse to say I'm a wimp for pain. I just remind her that she made me walk for an hour on a broken foot because she was convinced my fall (that she saw) couldn't have been that bad. Or that it took me 24 hours to go to get my ribs looked at after I broke them because I didn't realise that's what I'd actually done, lol. It doesn't stop her getting all huffy, but it does mean everybody else gets to know she's talking (word).

You know neither of them have spoken to me since my mum got back out of A&E? She went in for chest pains, the meds they gave her when she left were proton pump inhibitors, because they couldn't find anything else wrong and she's not the first person to have had chest pains that turned out to be heartburn. It's not rare at all. But my dad said she was back, said what meds they gave her, and I was like "oh good, it's nothing serious then", meant in a "I'm glad it's not worse than that" way. Because y'know, heart problems aren't great.
Dad assumed I was being rude about it, and I pointed out to him I take PPIs too. I know exactly what they're for. Not a peep from either since that day. I'm really not sorry, honestly.
Awwww 😢
Honestly, it's fine. I don't want that to sound dismissive either - but I left home at 17, over half a lifetime ago. I was deservedly the black sheep for many years but I'm not going to keep apologising for it for the rest of my life. We've all got better things to be doing. They know where I am, they know how to contact me. If they make the effort, I'll reply. But I'm not going to make the first move this time, because it's always me and I'm done with it.

There's a reason I put the Irish Sea between us, lol.
Some Parents do mess up their children’s lives……..and we can’t choose our Parents.
Being human means we can choose who is important in our life.
You’re being you Lorcan and that’s the most important thing , never change that …..we love following your journey and the amazing adventures of Cam and Bann 🥰
I'm unrecognisable as the guy who moved to England nearly a decade ago, haha. And I'm good with that, honestly. I packed my entire life into two suitacases, and I was a physical mess. Chronically underweight (not by choice), couldn't gain weight (and not for lack of trying) and there were times I wouldn't get to eat for a few days either. Just flat broke and nowhere to go.

It's weird to look back on it now. Feels like a lifetime ago. But I'd do it all over again if I needed to, it was the right decision to make.

Meanwhile Cam is very upset that I've done the Snugglesafes and given them their pellet rations and switched the light off almost an hour early! But I want an earlier night too, so he'll just have to deal with it XD
I'm unrecognisable as the guy who moved to England nearly a decade ago, haha. And I'm good with that, honestly. I packed my entire life into two suitacases, and I was a physical mess. Chronically underweight (not by choice), couldn't gain weight (and not for lack of trying) and there were times I wouldn't get to eat for a few days either. Just flat broke and nowhere to go.

It's weird to look back on it now. Feels like a lifetime ago. But I'd do it all over again if I needed to, it was the right decision to make.

Meanwhile Cam is very upset that I've done the Snugglesafes and given them their pellet rations and switched the light off almost an hour early! But I want an earlier night too, so he'll just have to deal with it XD
Flip Lorcan I’d love to hear your story! 🥰
Honestly, it's very boring. Lots of arguments, lots of very big arguments, one count of getting someone fired, plenty of swearing, a few counts of getting lost, a bit of having to learn to translate Northern Irish into English on the fly, waking up to find cats asleep on me, and adorable guinea pigs. It's not a bad life really.
Honestly, it's very boring. Lots of arguments, lots of very big arguments, one count of getting someone fired, plenty of swearing, a few counts of getting lost, a bit of having to learn to translate Northern Irish into English on the fly, waking up to find cats asleep on me, and adorable guinea pigs. It's not a bad life really.
Lol! I’ll still read your autobiography!

I ran over my own mother and broke both her legs! Beat THAT! 😳🤣
Now that sounds like a story, lol.

I still think my worst one is managing to leave a plastic bag I was carrying, on a train in London. Not the Underground, but trying to work out what I needed from the Underground had me distracted. In that plastic bag were my smokes, my passport, and my wallet. You can all guess how much trouble I caused myself not paying attention. That was a fun couple of weeks.

Keep your belongings with you at all times!

Speaking of weird dreams and IBS, guess who had nightmares about overflowing toilets last night? :doh:

The goblins need a cage clean, but the bin's full. It gets emptied tomorrow, and if I thought I could fit anything else into it I would. Sigh. Got some of the excess hay out of the cage though (which they really weren't happy about), but roll on tomorrow.

My washing day is today. One machine and no dryer means I sort my t-shirts into piles of 7 or 8 (I get 6 piles total, 5 of which go in a drawer and the last one is generally the week's clothes I've just worn if that makes sense). But I actually got the washing into the machine on the right day! This doesn't happen often. I can get lazy, or forgetful, or both, and end up being a day or two behind lol. But I actually did it today. I even got the basket downstairs early because my parcel's tracking said it was still in Manchester and then I got a hammer on the door and...there it was. However, I thought it was closer to 11am, since I don't feed the goblins other than hay before then so I rushed the basket down and then...10:40am. Oops. Got back upstairs without setting the goblins off though, so apparently miracles do happen.

However I forgot to take my empty cans downstairs to the recycling and now they're piling up in my room because if I leave, goblins will know.
Haha! I have toilet dreams too when I am needing a wee in the night! I will be searching and searching and they will be in odd places like the middle of a crowded room or the lid will be stuck down or something else that means you can't use them. Yours sound a little more grim tho.
Hope the goblins don't keep you trapped in your room all day!
Nah they're good every so often. Usually I'll chuck in a handful of hay when I do it, but I aim to do it all in one trip so I can get peace and quiet for another hour til they start getting shouty again lol.

I've had some other weird toilet dreams too. But the overflowing toilet bowl is absolutely the stuff of nightmares, especially since I spend most of my time trying to make sure I don't do it in real life.

Meanwhile, I think the washing machine might be finished. I hope so, I need another can of Coke but I'm not going into the kitchen while it's going. No thank you.
Well done on day 348🎉
(I was out of action yesterday )
I love how the Goblins have ears everywhere 🥰
When they want to, anyway. If they're asleep and I'm just saying hello you bet I'm getting zero reaction from either of them. Like yesterday. Somepig (probably Cam, it's more his style) has basically made a hay pile outside one of the beds so only the upper half of the doorway is visible. They can both get in and out of it so I've left it there because I see no reason to move it, but yesterday I went in and Bann was asleep with his head on the pile as a pillow. He had that whole thousand yard stare going on, was definitely asleep, and was not reacting at all to my presence in the doorway. Went downstairs and came back upstairs with food and he was already at the bars 🤷‍♂️ It was adorable though.

Oh no. Hope you're doing better today?

(and #349)
Amazing day 349 🌟
Thank you I am !
I can imagine Bann fast asleep … you say adorable 🥰