The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

He's great when he's not trying to gnaw your fingers off, lol. I had the biryani. For nuked-in-the-micro leftovers it was pretty good. Lamb was a bit fatty, but not bad meat if that makes sense.
I do like a wee lamb chop, if I can manage not to think about the wee lambs 😢
I'm not 100% sold on really even mentioning this yet because there's a chance I'll get a week in, say "nope", and go right back to rolling cigarettes.

The recent weather and having to go outside hasn't helped, but it's not actually the issue. Two things I've been (repeatedly) reminded about the gender reassignment surgery is that I need to lose weight and quit smoking. Losing weight's enough of a pain because I'm not this fat just because I eat too much, lol. But smoking isn't a case of me saying I'm just gonna stop, and doing it. Been on that road, it's never worked before.

There's apparently been a change in how some e-liquids have been manufactured, with a newer process, that apparently makes it easier to transition from smoking, because that was at least 30% of my issue last time. So I've ordered the e-cig, ordered the liquids, and then...I see how I go? I'm doing this specifically with the surgery in mind. No date yet but if I want it at some point I need to put the work in. Here goes nothing.
It's the best thing you'll ever do. I haven't looked back and with the help of an vape it's been pretty plain sailing. All I'll say is buy good quality oils. Do you have a totally wicked store near you?
Totally Wicked are expensive for what they are, and their selection is a tad...lacking. And they definitely don't have anything I haven't found elsewhere, heh. I do have an old charging brick from them from years back, but that's it. After nearly a year (!) I definitely know where to find most of what I'm looking for. :)

Ah, Cam.

I went to feed the goblins earlier. Bann was in bed, Bann didn't want to get out of bed immediately. That's fine. Cam's standing perched on top of a tunnel so I say hello, reach into the bag, pull out the food...and Cam's gone. Missing. Silence. Wait, not silence. Cam?

Cam has moved from his position closer to me, to a position further away from me. But this isn't him trying to run away from me, oh no. Somewhere in Camowen's little brain he knows, the human gives us food at the bars when we beg at the bars. So the bars must have something to do with food. So Camowen should move to the bars to get food!

I'm nowhere near the bars at this point. Thanks, Camowen, you dolt. :wub:
It's usually Bann that pulls off such a swift disappearing act, and that Cam managed to do it quietly is even more of a miracle :)) I went to give them some more a bit ago and Cam ran into the cage proper to get it as it dropped (he has gotten used to doing that now) but Bann kept begging. Bann's really weird about being given food though, he seems to think something's up if you offer it as a handful...but my hands were full so I sort of tipped the tray towards him trying not to tip it over him (again!) and he went for it! He also went for the biggest piece in the tray the greedy beggar.

Cam also yelled at me for lingering too long at the bottom of the stairs (there was a mirror and I had a lump that was bugging me on my jaw lol).

Now, if the migraine hangover would go away, that'd be near perfect lol.
Ah hope you feel better soon
Those two are keeping you busy ….as usual 🥰
Yes they’re such endearing little goblins with their own quirks and characters.
Their adventures are such fun to share 🥰
They always behave themselves when someone else is over, too. Well, mostly. @YvonneBlue came to say hello one day and they wouldn't leave their beds, except for Cam to poke his head out and grab the food I offered at lightning speeds. Just this disembodied head, lol.

Cam doesn't appreciate me feeding Bann first, even when Cam's closer to the bars and clearly doing a better job of begging, but there's a reason for this - Bann's a food thief. A very, very unsubtle food thief. He'll drop his own food to his feet and then steal Cam's because it's closer, that sort of food thief.

I know it's hard to explain this to him but I really wish I could, because the looks I get every time I do it are hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.

Also, I bought new vape coils earlier, bought extra stuff to get myself to the free delivery limit, then realised I'd forgotten something. Cue another purchase along the same lines.
Half an hour later I went to get a different coil again and realised it was the last one in the box too. I'm not doing a third purchase, lol. I do try to keep a box in lieu so I still have some, but I get paranoid about running out.

Also orange juice is giving me some serious heartburn. Ran out of Coke though and you gotta do what you gotta do.
Bann a food thief …..whatever next 😂
I often do that too…. finish my order only to realise I’d not bought the thing I needed to😬
Hope you’ve got a food delivery tomorrow

Great … 342 🎉

Had an Asda delivery last night, actually. Then had a milkshake, which apparently confused my brain into thinking I'd eaten too much (food coma without the food, lol) plus the blocked sinuses I normally get from being overfull too. Then couldn't get warmed up so I fell asleep in bed. Woke up at about 23:40, couldn't get the energy together for Snugglesafes, so just...switched the heating on, tossed in their pellet rations, apologised, and then fell asleep again til 8.30am this morning.
Then woke up and had to deal with DPD 5 minutes later. This was not expected, this was not welcomed. I did get my parcel though which is a miracle, and I've spoken to The Hay Experts and said I'll pay extra next time, lol. Because it came as two parcels for one order DPD were the only ones who'd process it, but I said I'd pay extra for two separate deliveries if needed which we've agreed is fine.
I'd said the orders are all over the place because I'm still trying to find something to settle for the goblins that they'll actually eat, and she offered the chance to send samplers through to see if we could find something. Not that it would help really because the goblins are horrrendously fussy buuuuuut I have asked what the box of Excel timothy looks like. I'm loathe to pay the £15 sight unseen if it's too soft, but if it isn't it would be worth trying them with. Hopefully she can get back to me on that one. But no meadow hay, no regular oat hay (because of the protein content, they'd happily eat it if I gave it to them) and no soft timothy hay reduces my options somewhat. Fussy little sods, lol.

Still, that DPD turned up at all is impressive. But I'm not risking a second time when I don't need to.

Edit: Blitzen was also a notorious food thief, but the difference is that when actually given food, Blitzen wouldn't steal Comet's. Bann just drops his because he's not paying attention and then Camowen's food happens to be closer. Thieving git.
Well done on day 343 🌟
You must have been very tired last night
It’s very difficult with hay and fussy boys.
I struggle a bit - sometimes all tho there is a lot on offer from different companies ….it’s not the right hay 😬
Bann is in a league of his own 🤪
I've bought more of the Pillow Wad because although it was fairly yellow, it smelled fine and they adored it. But I'd rather have something a bit greener to mix in with it if I can and...that's not a search that's going well, lol. Bann might be eating the Oxbow timothy/orchard blend but Cam won't eat it and Bann's not particularly enthusiastic. The dandelion timothy feeding hay has been hit and miss too. There'll be something out there, it's just finding it.

Blitzen never came to me for food. Comet came to me for food, and Blitzen waited for where Comet would end up, then promptly stole it and ran off, meaning Comet had to come back and get more. Every single mealtime. Comet never seemed too upset about it, though the confusion on his face was always obvious lol. Sometimes I could catch Blitzen's attention before Comet did, but it was rare.

Bann will come to me for food but as I've said, he'll then drop it because he wasn't paying attention and steal Cam's because Cam's is at nose height and not at foot height. 🤷‍♂️ Cam, as you might imagine, really doesn't appreciate having his food stolen from him when he's trying to eat it.
I moved the Snugglesafe beds around a bit last night to give them a bit of variety. Bann has spent all day in the corner where his favourite bed used to be giving me the evil eye. All day long. I've put the beds back "properly" tonight, I can take a hint lol. Also discovered my pastie in the fridge went out of date yesterday so I ate it tonight. Did the Snugglesafes, put pastie in micro, eat pastie...don't tell the goblins that's why their beds were late, but if I'd gone back upstairs I probably wouldn't have returned for my pastie and leaving it til tomorrow would really be pushing my luck.


I just went to go to the toilet and saw light on the other side of the door to the goblin room. Oops. Opened the door and apologised and was going to switch it off and just leave again...Bann was back on the corner bed with his head half raised in a "Do I need to do anything right now because I don't want to do anything right now" pose. Cam was on the bed closer to me and he'd stood up on his front legs before apparently having a "wait no wrong time of day" moment before glaring at me, confused, and lying down to go back to sleep.

Sleepy piggies :wub: but grumpy sleepy piggies :td:

Sorry guys. #345
Well done on days 344/345 🎉🌟
What are you like 😂
I love how the goblins give you those looks 🥰 they’ve got you sorted 😂
As always …..the amazing adventures of Cam, Bann and their hooman 🥰
Cam looked genuinely confused when I opened the door, his back legs still in that "we're sleeping" position with his weight on his front legs. Can't believe I forgot to switch the light off in the first place though, if I hadn't been going to the toilet (I keep the landing light off, which is how I saw the door halo. Don't need the landing light on unless I'm going downstairs after goblin bedtime) I wouldn't have known til morning. Silly Lorcán, lol.
Well done day 346🎉
Funny how Cam reacts to Bann ! We know the real mischief maker 😂
Cam's a menace, but Bann definitely has his "wait what" moments too. I'd literally just given them some lettuce and taken two steps on the stairs when I heard the rumbles and went back upstairs to find him rumbling in bed. At his bed. Like...mate, what.

But when I toss in the pellet ration at night I always need to leave one to feed to Cam personally or he just stands and begs at the bars til Bann's eaten the rest. So he really can't talk (wheek?).
Bann will start looking on the cage floor for them before they've even left my hands, and Cam just props himself up on the bars and waits. He only does it for pellets, too - he'll beg when there's lettuce on the go but if it gets tossed into the cage because my hands are otherwise full, he'll eat the lettuce. Bann tries eating it from the tub instead XD