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I mean Comet and Blitzen spent a good deal of time with either their cage in the bedroom, or I was sleeping on the sofa in my living room. Noise wise I've slept through worse, maybe they'll turn into decent alarm clocks if they realise I'm asleep in the same room? The bigger problem is the furniture. There's not a lot of room to manoeuvre furniture with only two upstairs rooms, and I'd probably need another sheet of tarp because the cage size wouldn't be the same. They'd keep the cage size or bigger, though, I wouldn't need to go smaller with it. Just differently proportioned dimensions.
This room gets warmer too and not just because of the computer in it. Plus come Summer it'd be easier to keep one room cool than both of them. It's mostly furniture.
Poop, well. They get their poop everywhere anyway.
This room gets warmer too and not just because of the computer in it. Plus come Summer it'd be easier to keep one room cool than both of them. It's mostly furniture.
Poop, well. They get their poop everywhere anyway.