The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I mean Comet and Blitzen spent a good deal of time with either their cage in the bedroom, or I was sleeping on the sofa in my living room. Noise wise I've slept through worse, maybe they'll turn into decent alarm clocks if they realise I'm asleep in the same room? The bigger problem is the furniture. There's not a lot of room to manoeuvre furniture with only two upstairs rooms, and I'd probably need another sheet of tarp because the cage size wouldn't be the same. They'd keep the cage size or bigger, though, I wouldn't need to go smaller with it. Just differently proportioned dimensions.

This room gets warmer too and not just because of the computer in it. Plus come Summer it'd be easier to keep one room cool than both of them. It's mostly furniture.

Poop, well. They get their poop everywhere anyway. 🤷‍♂️

Great number. Also, I think my washing machine's behaving itself again. Stuck my weekly wash in this morning (should've done it yesterday, got a tad sidetracked) and I heard it spinning. From the other side of the house and on a different floor but I heard it. It's noisy. Hard to miss. So if it hasn't spun then it's possessed, lol.

The weather's cold. I want to vape. I don't want to switch the heating on. I don't want to leave the window open. But I want to vape. Sigh. I will vape, I will put up with the smoke alarm. I might go open the goblin room door actually. It'd probably help.

Purdey's is great, btw. Refocus ftw.

I bought pretzels again too. I should eat pretzels. But the mustard powder gets everywhere and it's near impossible to remove. Buuuut, pretzels.

I might complain about the amount of noise Camowen likes to make, but there's still very little out there that's better than walking out of my room and hearing the excited chatter because Breakfast is on the way. I mean, it'd be nice if they could appreciate I need to go downstairs for it first, but those are minor quibbles.

Now, if the wind would just sod off so I could open the windows and vape, I'd appreciate it. I rebuilt one of my coils this morning, best rebuild I've done in a while, and I can't vape it because it produces too much vapour and I don't want to be beating the crap out of the smoke alarm all day lol. Also it's too warm with the window closed. It's too cold with it open. I'm very hard to please apparently.

Tesco order arrived last night and I think the goblins took advantage of my trusting nature. That's the only way I can explain 3 packs of 2 gem lettuces, plus salad bags, plus two large packs of green beans and, somehow, a punnet of tomatoes. I don't eat tomatoes. I rarely use tomatoes. I even more rarely buy tomatoes.
But no. An entire punnet of baby plum tomatoes. 🤷‍♂️

The gem was even funnier because I still had two of those in the fridge from the Asda order last week. If they start deciding lettuce is to be treated as coriander is, I'm screwed lol.

Meanwhile Bann took some lettuce, promptly spat it back out onto the wrong side of the bars, and when I picked it up again he wanted it back. So I gave him it back. And he didn't spit it out again.

Also accidentally pinged Cam with some lettuce yesterday and reflexively said "Sorry Bann" before I realised, wrong pig. Sorry Cam.
Well done day 335 🌟
Are you sure that Cam and Bann aren’t adding to your order ? They’re so smart I wouldn’t put it past them🥰
You can make a soup out of lettuce ….not that I have tried it 😂
There was a pack of sliced greens in there too, which I did send back because of short dates (short dates on one thing is fine, but there were a couple in the order) and didn't bother mentioning I couldn't remember adding the greens to the order in the first place lol.

Asda might be easier to get a delivery from but the drivers from Tesco are always much nicer. Either that or the guy last night was hitting on me and I didn't notice. Wouldn't be the first time, lol.

The Goblins are unimpressed with me.
I'm unimpressed with the Goblins.

See, I was waiting on a parcel, figured it'd get here between 10.30 and 11.15 and then I could grab some breakfast for them when I went downstairs. I also started a game of Civ, minus the headphones, so I could hear the door.
The postie didn't knock on the door. The postie put the parcel through the letterbox.
I couldn't see a clock because my PC was in game.

I realised what time it was at almost noon. NOON. Ran out the door to "I know I know shut up I know guys shush I know shut up I KNOW" the entire way down the stairs, into the kitchen, and back up because they were both hangry and wanted to make sure I didn't forget.

Why am I unimpressed with the Goblins? Because there wasn't a peep out of them til I opened the door. I'd gone out to the toilet earlier with no trouble but oh no, breakfast is late, but we'd rather scream at Dad for being late than let him know he's running late within a decent timeframe.

Plus I've just had Deezer telling me I need to update my card details because they couldn't take further payment. I checked. My debit card (and the number on it) changed in October. Somehow Deezer's still been using card details that were invalid for 2 months. I'm very confused, but it has the right info now. Two months, though.

Well done on day 336
The continuing adventures of Cam and Bann and their hooman……😂
Sounds like you need a good gaming session to relax !
Civ is dangerous. The tagline is "just one more turn" because "just one more turn" actually becomes "oh wait when did the sun come ba...OH NO IT'S 7AM".

(definitely never happened before. Definitely).

The Hay Experts had none of the Pillow Wad bio timothy in stock when I last ordered, so I got a 1kg of an Oxbow blend, and 2 1kg packs of a dandelion and nettle feeding hay (which also happens to be timothy). Couldn't buy more, low stock, but figured what the heck, it was only for a bit.

It is total anarchy in this house because the goblins have a new favourite hay. I mixed it in with the last of the Pillow Wad and it's been some time since I've seen them go nuts for hay like this. It gets eaten before the Pillow Wad does. Loooooong before the Pillow Wad does. And I can't feed them enough of it. I'm slightly terrified of running out, lol.
Also when I gave them their last share of it Cam went to eat it, Bann kept begging at the bars. So I grabbed the nearest seed head still in the tub, which was a big 'un, and offered it to him. He took a moment to realise what it was and...chomp. Thankfully it was big and thus my fingers were safe from goblin teeth.

They've also spent most of today body checking each other out of the way or climbing over each other to get at the bars. Like I said. Anarchy.
Another day 337 🌟
Wow it’s nearly hay wars 😂
I love the amazing adventures of Cam and Bann
Glad your finger didn’t get bitten …’ve had enough of problem fingers just lately 🥰
When I offered Bann the seed head I got this look like "what do you think I am that's no....oooh, *yoink* thanks" these two go through a lot of hay. I keep it in a large tub in the living room and transfer it to a smaller tub to take upstairs every night, it was looking a bit empty downstairs so I emptied a bag of Oxbow Timothy and Orchard blend. I think it's going to be too soft for them but I also looked at it twice because it looked too green, lol. Here's hoping they'll eat it though. They do like orchard, but it looks like a softer timothy cut that they don't like much at all.
Ah hopefully they’ll like it.
Piggies are so funny with their likes and dislikes 😂

Riddle for you all.

Why is it, when you want to take photos, a certain chocolate skinny is nowhere to be found, but the minute you want to give him food without cameras around, he's running straight into the path of said food and getting pinged on the bum, the back, or the face (like today) with whatever food is on the go?

Every day he manages this somehow. At least he's stopped looking at me like I tried to murder him whenever it happens now, although I don't know if that's because he's accepted it's going to happen anyway, or if he thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't learn and he'll just have to put up with it, lol.

So I checked the calendar and I know what day is going to be #365. I'm going to prepare a victory speech whether any of you want it or not :)) Now that my finger's better (although it's still not right, for some reason) I'm enjoying the braiding again. I'm also specifically looking forward to finishing the ones I've already cut so I can cut more threads to allow for the fishtails either end. That's gonna take a few attempts to get right, far too easy to cut too much thread or too little (been there before!).

Also apparently some of Agatha Christie's early books are free to read on WikiSource because they're in the public domain, published before 1928. Just in case any of you were interested.
Well done on day 339. There really must be cake to celebrate on day 365.
I want to say I'm going to buy myself some of my favourite vape juice as a present except I actually did that just last week XD Feels like I'm no closer to finishing the nicotine-containing bottles though. I haven't bought any since London but it's like they multiply in the drawers or something.
Yes well done on day 339🌟
Maybe we could have some cake and share in your success 😂 on day 365
( any excuse for me to have cake !)
I’m glad your finder is recovering enough to do the braiding - hopefully the quilting will be next.

Cake, as always. Well, I don't have any, but I'm thinking of it. Grocery shop this week might have cake in it. Again. I'll wait and see.

Camowen is adorable. I tossed them each a pea flake because they were warm and the room was not and I was just trying to make sure I could see faces. Bann got his fine. Cam walked out of bed right past his to come to me. Well okay lad but, and then I think. I use my hand to point out where he needs to go. Cam likes to eat fingers so there's every chance I'm about to get my finger bitten off buuuuuuut, for once, he actually followed my hand with his nose. And he found it!
And he also got out of bed to do it all which is a plus.

I had takeaway last night and ordered two biryanis, ate one yesterday, the second is in the fridge. I should eat it, but I'm not hungry. Hmm.
Amazing day 340🎉
How cute is Cam….
I love biryanis …..and cake 😂
He's great when he's not trying to gnaw your fingers off, lol. I had the biryani. For nuked-in-the-micro leftovers it was pretty good. Lamb was a bit fatty, but not bad meat if that makes sense.