The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

"Cam, no."
"Cam, stop it."
"What are you yelling about?"
"You don't have anything to yell about."
"Cam, shut up."
"Cam, no."
"I can hear you, Cam."
"I know, Cam. Please shut up."
"Could you be quiet for five minutes?"
"Cam, for crying out loud."
"No don't literally cry out loud."
"Cam, screaming. Stop the screaming."
"...ffs, Cam."

I was on the toilet, just in case we're thinking I could've done anything about this, lol. #326

Nature's Own do my favourite wood shavings. Don't ask me what's so good about them because I've no idea what it is, but they're great. Go a long way, well packed, etc etc etc.
And they ship via DPD. No more nature's own wood shavings for the goblins. So fine. I'll get some Megazorb from The Hay Experts, and I'll get some more of that Pillowad timothy while I'm at it.
But they're out of the 2kg pack size.

On the bright side, I do now have bedding and hay on order. Asda's got an order ready for tonight because, well, why not. And for some reason this juice I'm vaping reminds me of the taste of something else...I have no idea what the something else is, but my brain says it's probably alcohol related.
It's funny how the different delivery firms are better in some areas than other's. DPD are the best here, they did mess up once before Christmas but they were very busy then. Evri are terrible here, I'm waiting for something despatched over 2 weeks ago for the second time. Thinking of no longer dealing with companies that use Evri. Shame we can't have a choice of delivery firm when we order.
It'll sound paranoid of me, but I think the issue here isn't DPD themselves, it's that the depot doesn't like me. And they probably have every reason not to like me because I've not been the politest when there's been a massive screw up and they apparently think I'll just let it slide. Not like I didn't give them every opportunity to fix it, but they didn't want to take those opportunities. Why should I let that go every time they're meant to deliver?

That said every bridge has been burned, there. No point in trying to go back. But everywhere has the contract with them and The Hay Experts will at least let me choose my courier ("anyone but DPD please" lol). Cheap? Not really. Worth it to make sure the goblins have their hay? Absolutely. My vape stuff comes via Royal Mail and even allowing for strikes the Royal Mail stuff turned up sooner. The place I buy fabric from sends via a courier I don't remember the name of (that isn't DPD). My local Evri guy manages to be really good, and even Amazon gets my stuff to my doorstep.

So why DPD always seem incapable of it I've never worked out.
Day 328 🌟
My DPD delivery is always good - Royal Mail great and Amazon great - Yodel varies - Evri rubbish !
I spose it comes down to the actual driver.
As long as you get their hay etc and you get your food you’re winning 😂
As long as you get their hay etc and you get your food you’re winning 😂

And I'll pay the extra if it guarantees I'll actually get it over the doorstep, lol. My stuff has multiple options for delivery, it's just DPD seems to have the monopoly over goblin stuff. DPD whines about being busy over Christmas and everything else but if they're locking companies into sole-use contracts like that, then maybe they should hire more staff, or stop overstretching themselves. I have little sympathy.

I am going to need to find an alternative pellet for them, though. I bought their current ones, Cunipic Alpha Pro, from P@H but you'll never guess what courier they use. Sigh.
See I've wondered about those, but the goblins are weirdos and the pellets are meadow hay based. They're really weird about meadow hay. I'll have to look into it at some point though because the Cunipic won't last forever.
Say what I will about Comet, but he and Blitzen were much less hassle to feed than the goblins. Sure, it was mostly because Blitzen would eat practically anything and Comet didn't want to be left out, but still, lol.

The Hay Experts keep sending my stuff via Parcelforce. The Parcelforce guy is very nice, offered to help me get the box through the door because it's kinda heavy, but it's easier to do it with one person, there's no real room to manoeuvre round at the front door. But still, I appreciate the offer.

So Royal Mail's been, Parcelforce has been, and I want a nap but I'm waiting on Amazon. Sigh. I also sort of tidied my room except I didn't, I just shoved stuff round the place, but it means I can pretend I've had a productive day. I'll be doing the goblin's cage over the weekend, I'd do it today but I just...lack the energy. Sorry, goblins. I know, I'm working on it.
Day 329 woohoo 🌟
Take it easy today and then you’ll be refreshed for tomorro cage clean etc 🥰
Sounds a busy day in Cam and Bann’s house 😂
I got an absolute stinker of a look from Camowen earlier because the room was only about 17°. I mean, I sort of get it, it's dropping a bit far for my liking too...but they made no effort to let me know something was up. It's like according to the goblins I'm actually a god, who can produce food out of thin air and can magically know everything they need at once. :doh:
I mean it's not like Cam won't yell if he's hungry. Or if he hears me putting vape juice bottles into the drawer and realises it means I'm around so he can yell at me then too. But then it gets cold and...nothing. Or I get yelled at for opening the door. 🤷‍♂️

Sitting here, minding my own business, saying lots of rude words about a game that's turned crash happy and...wait, did I just hear a horse? Nah, can't be. This is not horse country*.
Then again. Louder. That's a very loud whinny.

Two huge horses, in yellow reflective coats, ridden by people also in yellow reflective coats, just casually walking in the middle of a very, very residential cul-de-sac.

Update: horses were back. Looks like police (wasn't sure first time round). Still, odd place for the police. I wonder if there's a derby on today, although I don't live that close to the football grounds?

Edit: yes there's a game, but it's not a derby. Wonder what the peelers are doing on horseback in this direction then.
Update: horses were back. Looks like police (wasn't sure first time round). Still, odd place for the police. I wonder if there's a derby on today, although I don't live that close to the football grounds?

Edit: yes there's a game, but it's not a derby. Wonder what the peelers are doing on horseback in this direction then.

Sorry to hear your game keeps crashing, that's annoying.
The police sometimes ride around here. We are miles from the City Centre, I think they bring the horses out for some exercise and a change of scene. The horses in the field at the end of our road get very excited and call out to each other and the police horses who call back. It makes me think they are discussing why they are so far from their stables and usual stomping ground!
What I've said to it in the last 5 minutes alone would make even a sailor think twice. Especially now that apparently GOGs servers are down so I can't even run a repair, which I'm even more annoyed about than the crashing. There's no good reason for their servers to be so badly hammered at the end of January. Christmas, sales times, sure. Not the end of January.

1. In all the washing machine palaver going on today, I still accidentally dyed some of the goblins bedding pink. White stuff that would have stayed white if it were fleece...but alas, it were cotton. Oops.

2. Nearly locked myself out of the house last night. Was doing Snugglesafe stuff and taking cans out to the recycling and leaving the snib up as I did so...and then the second trip out, I heard the door hit the frame (as it does when you don't close it) and then the unmistakable noise of the snib dropping. Thankfully not dropping inside the lock, but it was close.
And then nearly did the same thing tonight too because I didn't check the latch properly. Again. Winning at life, that's me.

3. Bought some O'Keefe Working Hands because my hands are drying out at the mere caress from water. Washing hands is...painful. But then can I have this stuff on my hands handling the goblin stuff? I mean I could wash it off but...kinda defeats the purpose right there. I'll persevere though. Something's gotta work.

4. I left my meds in the lounge, and I'm too lazy to walk down the stairs again for them. Grumble.

5. It's a quare wind out there tonight.

6. I have managed to turn the heating on tonight at least, lol.
Well done for yesterday 331
What a day …. you were chancing your luck with the door 😂
Pink is the new colour for piggies 🤪
Have you got some cotton gloves ? I find wearing those at night really help any cream to sink in !
Overnight they don't need the help, and during the day...unless it's fingerless gloves I'm not fond of wearing gloves for periods of time. Even fingerless ones are pushing it sometimes. Bit of a quirk in the brain chemistry that has me trying to rip them off in almost a panic. But I think I prefer Cetraben, tbh. Might need to see about finding some from somewhere.

The goblins aren't happy with me because the fire alarm went off today again. Twice. I can't blame the goblins, I'm cranky it went off again too. Buuut I did a very unscientific experiment and opened their door. Alarm didn't go off again afterwards. My hall gets no natural light and even my room, with the way the door is, won't give much in the way of natural light if the door's open either. Their room is the only one I've got. Sigh.

I'm wondering about rearranging the rooms again. Leave my bed in here, bring the goblins in (...I know) and move my PC and tv into their room? It's a lot of work, though, but I might have to. I can't be having this on a regular basis again.

Also. Clean their beds, put them through the wash, and I swear there's a mountain of poop on one of those Snugglesafe beds again. HOW. And maybe more importantly, why :doh:
Day 332 🌟
That fire alarm is a pain.
Sounds a good plan …the rearrangement but it also sounds a lot of work ! Are you sure ?
Poops just get everywhere 🤭