The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Day 320 🎉🌟
I love Cam and Bann’s little quirks 🥰
They’ll be happy now they’ve got their clean beds/tunnels as they like them 😂
Get better soon Lorcan ….I hope it’s a quick thing ! You’re clearing those nasal passages for sure !
I didn't know it was possible to sneeze out so much gunk, lol. And of course I never get the chance to reach for a tissue...I got lucky at one point, because I usually have a sheet of kitchen roll out to catch excess juice when I'm refilling a tank, and I got it in time. Once. Gross. Hilarious, but gross lol.

Bann gave me the stink eye all evening because not only did I remove the beds but I also put them back again. I can't win. He decided he needed to move away to eat the oat hay (and to give me the stink eye) and he ended up next to Cam and I just remember Cam looking at him like "wtf are you even doing". He walk full circle around the hay pile to grumble about me, except I was the other end of the cage in the first place.


I gave someone a really backhanded apology earlier, by apologising and calling them an ignorant moron in the same sentence. Not quite phrased that way so apparently they missed it. But they were an ignorant moron, so no more apologies from me. Not my fault they proved about 6 times in the same argument that reading comprehension was beyond them.

Arguing on the internet doesn't work, but I feel better for that one. Even better that they missed it entirely. Shucks.

Cam has spent all day yelling. Bann's been on his Snugglesafe all day til he warmed up enough to move to a fleecy tunnel he's refused to leave except for food since and even with food, he'd prefer it if it was tossed to the entrance of said tunnel because, well, effort. Went to cut a pepper for them earlier too, I hate the bigger peppers but Asda subbed them and...the first two were fine yesterday. Today the last one had started to wrinkle. No more peppers. Sigh. Camowen's back to eating the cucumber so there's that, at least.
Day 321 🌟
Another day well done you 🥰
Some people eh !
Isn’t it funny how we give the best veg to the piggies ! I end up putting the wrinkly peppers in soup/ stew and they have the fresh ones !
Thought of you today Lorcan ….. I was waiting for Halfords to change a headlight bulb and so I popped into the little shop nearby and what greeted me ….a syrup cake …it leapt off the shelf and fell into the basket ….I couldn’t put it back could I 😂
yelling and screeching is the only way piggies exercise.

I wish that was the only way Cam exercises. Cam also likes to wear cardboard trays as hats, use fabric tunnels as springboards or perching posts depending on the time and day, with the pile of hay in the cage as bit as it currently is he's also using the bendy log tunnels as bouncing posts because he can reach them with worrying ease.

And I love the little delinquent for it. Yells and all.

Almost forgot to aim for the Asda shop today. I've got bills coming out next week and I need the shopping paid for and delivered before those happen, lol. Plus I've only got 6 cans of Coke for tomorrow. I've been drinking a lot more recently and I'm not actually certain why. Either that, or I was seriously underestimating how much I was drinking before - it's become noticeable because rather than taking a can out every time I've finished one I've been stacking them in the kitchen til I'm doing the Snugglesafes at night and taking them all out at once. Except it's not at once, it's at least twice because I can only carry 5 cans without dropping them when they're empty.

Also how did I manage to turn vaping into a hobby? It hadn't been my plan. I've been denying it for a while It's a hobby. Not one I mind, but a hobby none the less.

Also I had to stand on my windowsill earlier because the stick that pulls them open or closed came off its hook again. Stand up on the bed and walk onto the windowsill to fix and why the heck do I have windowsills I can stand up straight on?!
They started early today too. I rarely feed more than hay before 11am, but I made the mistake of opening their door to say hello at about 10am and when they heard movement in my room as bit later, well then. I'd already been in once and the next step is always lettuce. So it's lettuce o'clock. And that's my fault for screwing with the timings, lol.
Just been catching up on your thread. Glad to hear your trip to London was productive & successful. Great result.,
Just been catching up on your thread. Glad to hear your trip to London was productive & successful. Great result.,

I just wish I'd realised how much nicotine-containing juice I'd unintentionally stocked up on. Some of the bottles are from early last year, because I swapped through flavours so much they'd just been stacking up in a drawer or cupboard. Kept out of the way of heat and sunlight they can last for a while (there's people that store them in a fridge).

As for the goblins, I can still smell the basil in their room and it was definitely eaten last night lol. Walking up the stairs smells like walking into an Italian takeaway.
I just wish I'd realised how much nicotine-containing juice I'd unintentionally stocked up on. Some of the bottles are from early last year, because I swapped through flavours so much they'd just been stacking up in a drawer or cupboard. Kept out of the way of heat and sunlight they can last for a while (there's people that store them in a fridge).

As for the goblins, I can still smell the basil in their room and it was definitely eaten last night lol. Walking up the stairs smells like walking into an Italian takeaway.
It’s incredible how nicotine really does affect healing. It really is the best thing to stop all nicotine as they have suggested and you will reap the rewards with a shorter recovery and healing process. Well done for taking it on board. You can do this.

I can imagine how fragrant your house is, with the basil. The poops will also have a different aroma!
Apparently I should be good for testing negative for cotinine after 10 days, but I want to aim for 3 weeks if I can, just to be sure. I don't believe they're planning on testing for it, but since they're only saying no nicotine rather than no vaping, that's doable. Much more doable than it would be if I still smoked.

I didn't even give them a lot of basil! I wasn't even convinced they'd eat it and Bann probably still believes it's evil poison, lol, but Cam's definitely hoovered some if not all of it up. Clearly it's longer than I thought since I went near fresh basil because I definitely don't remember that smell being quite so potent.
Congratulations on day 325. Sorry i haven't been around much the last couple of weeks, we have had piggy problems. Vets visits, meds and more vet visits. The joys of having elderly piggies. I guess it must be almost a year since we brought the boys up from Devon as our annual visit will be this coming weekend (a week later than usual). I'm hoping there won't be any piggies to transport this year but you just never know. 😀
we have had piggy problems. Vets visits, meds and more vet visits. The joys of having elderly piggies.

Oh no, Dora by any chance? I'm so sorry, it always seems to happen at once doesn't it?

As for the goblins, you brought them here 25/01/22. I may or may not have actually bookmarked the thread so I at least can reference it for the date, aha. Part of me's like "I can't believe it's been a year" and the other half, well, "How has it only been a year?!" I'm sure I've gone greyer. Cam was screaming his head off again last night and I went in to two faces clearly trying to convince me they weren't up to anything but there's no way Bann's in that bed next to Cam unless he's been winding Cam up.

However, don't think Cam's innocent in all this. He's just as bad about winding Bann up, Bann just doesn't make deranged noises when it happens. is it only a year?! :))
Oh no, Dora by any chance? I'm so sorry, it always seems to happen at once doesn't it?

As for the goblins, you brought them here 25/01/22. I may or may not have actually bookmarked the thread so I at least can reference it for the date, aha. Part of me's like "I can't believe it's been a year" and the other half, well, "How has it only been a year?!" I'm sure I've gone greyer. Cam was screaming his head off again last night and I went in to two faces clearly trying to convince me they weren't up to anything but there's no way Bann's in that bed next to Cam unless he's been winding Cam up.

However, don't think Cam's innocent in all this. He's just as bad about winding Bann up, Bann just doesn't make deranged noises when it happens. is it only a year?! :))
Dora and Mavis. Dora still has a problem with her eye, now on her 4th lot of treatment and Mavis has managed to contract ringworm. So lots of cleaning, baths, rubber gloves and meds (that she hates). The vet says that lots of piggies carry ringworm spores without symptoms but as they get older and their immune systems become weak it sometimes gets a hold. Thankfully, we caught it early and it is already starting to clear up and it looks like none of the other piggies have caught it (fingers firmly crossed). It has been a nightmare to be honest.

How did a year just pass by like that. It is lovely that the boys found such a good home and i enjoy following their antics on the forum and also getting to see them (and you) in person from time to time. 😀
Dora and Mavis. Dora still has a problem with her eye, now on her 4th lot of treatment and Mavis has managed to contract ringworm. So lots of cleaning, baths, rubber gloves and meds (that she hates). The vet says that lots of piggies carry ringworm spores without symptoms but as they get older and their immune systems become weak it sometimes gets a hold. Thankfully, we caught it early and it is already starting to clear up and it looks like none of the other piggies have caught it (fingers firmly crossed). It has been a nightmare to be honest.

How did a year just pass by like that. It is lovely that the boys found such a good home and i enjoy following their antics on the forum and also getting to see them (and you) in person from time to time. 😀
Oh blimey! Ringworm is exhausting from our human involvement point of view - so I can imagine how busy you’ve been. Hope that Dora’s eye is soon on the mend.
Dora and Mavis. Dora still has a problem with her eye, now on her 4th lot of treatment and Mavis has managed to contract ringworm. So lots of cleaning, baths, rubber gloves and meds (that she hates). The vet says that lots of piggies carry ringworm spores without symptoms but as they get older and their immune systems become weak it sometimes gets a hold. Thankfully, we caught it early and it is already starting to clear up and it looks like none of the other piggies have caught it (fingers firmly crossed). It has been a nightmare to be honest.

How did a year just pass by like that. It is lovely that the boys found such a good home and i enjoy following their antics on the forum and also getting to see them (and you) in person from time to time. 😀

They run a mile if a camera comes out now (not just mine, either lol), like they've decided to go on strike. Not enough lettuce, no more photos.

Ringworm is my ultimate worst nightmare, poor Mavis, and poor Dora. Her eye's been iffy for what feels like weeks? I know what you said the vet was saying before, is she still looking at enucleation? Haypoke is my second worst nightmare with the goblins and their demands for spiky food that fights back.

It feels like yesterday they turned up and weren't impressed with me til the food came out, lol. That was the same day I'd had no running water for a week and they (finally) unblocked that external pipe. And I'd spent most of the afternoon chainsmoking outdoors from nerves, lol. And then tonight Bann got offered a leaf, sniffed at it, turned up his nose at it, went to gnaw on my finger instead, and once I threw the leaf into the cage behind him, scarfed the leaf up immediately. :doh:
They run a mile if a camera comes out now (not just mine, either lol), like they've decided to go on strike. Not enough lettuce, no more photos.

Ringworm is my ultimate worst nightmare, poor Mavis, and poor Dora. Her eye's been iffy for what feels like weeks? I know what you said the vet was saying before, is she still looking at enucleation? Haypoke is my second worst nightmare with the goblins and their demands for spiky food that fights back.

It feels like yesterday they turned up and weren't impressed with me til the food came out, lol. That was the same day I'd had no running water for a week and they (finally) unblocked that external pipe. And I'd spent most of the afternoon chainsmoking outdoors from nerves, lol. And then tonight Bann got offered a leaf, sniffed at it, turned up his nose at it, went to gnaw on my finger instead, and once I threw the leaf into the cage behind him, scarfed the leaf up immediately. :doh:
The hole in Dora's cornea has healed but she now has conjunctivitis. She has had eye drops 3 times a day for a week but hasn't cleared up. So back to the vet we go.🙁