The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Catching up!

There’s the Lyon’s Golden Syrup cake ( like the ginger one. ) I prefer the ginger one, but I bet it’s lovely!
Catching up!

There’s the Lyon’s Golden Syrup cake ( like the ginger one. ) I prefer the ginger one, but I bet it’s lovely!
That's the one I mean, haven't seen the ginger one in years though. Or maybe I hadn't seen the golden syrup one in years and could only find the ginger one until recently?

One of the two anyway, lol. :))

The goblins are currently upset with me because apparently it's news to them they can't eat green beans and lettuce 24/7. I've never fed them anything 24/7 so I don't know where they're getting their mad ideas from.
That's the one I mean, haven't seen the ginger one in years though. Or maybe I hadn't seen the golden syrup one in years and could only find the ginger one until recently?

One of the two anyway, lol. :))

The goblins are currently upset with me because apparently it's news to them they can't eat green beans and lettuce 24/7. I've never fed them anything 24/7 so I don't know where they're getting their mad ideas from.
…. With loads of butter mmmmmmm

It’s the indignant look on a piggies face that makes you doubt your decision not to feed them every time you walk past. My kitchen scales broke so I haven’t weighed my two for a while. They are however feeling rather …. Rotund, (that’ll be the peaflakes!)
This pair are out and hosting their very own, and quite literal sh@! Show! Imma have a lotta sweepin!
They’re starving Lorcan …… at least they think they are 😂

Well done for day 315 🌟
Especially with all the stress and anxiety travelling yesterday ! You should be very proud of yourself !
Cake is definitely required 😂
They've been extra "extra" since I got back. Much more running around the cage, chasing each other round the cage, bouncing in and out of hideys and generally just annoying the hell out of each other. I heard what sounded like a squeal on my way back up the stairs just now, but I got upstairs to find Cam sticking his head out of one tunnel and Bann perched on a seagrass tunnel next to him. And the tunnels too, they hadn't been using those for a while (preferring to sit on them than in them) and Cam's latest bed is a tunnel, he's there 90% of the time.

While this is the most mischief and excitement they've had in a while, they're not fighting. They remind me of Comet and Blitzen actually when that pair would go off on a mad half hour crashing about the place and annoying each other and being Loud. It's odd for the goblins but also, kind of nice. Yesterday Cam and Bann kept poking heads out of adjacent hideys and noses up and everything else - again, no malice. I can't pretend to understand guinea pig logic or language or anything else but they're mild dominance displays at best.

It's been a year, and the one time I leave them alone for more than 5 minutes look what I get :))

Yeah I ate the cake.

In todays goblin shenanigans, they're still squabbling over whether to sit (and therefore sleep) in something (Cam) or whether to sit on top of it (Bann). Plus every time they know I'm bringing food upstairs it's Cam I can hear, and Bann that comes hurtling along to get first dibs on the lettuce. I will never understand these two.

In other news I apparently owe Eon money which they neglected to tell me for months, except they probably sent letters and I missed them. They finally emailed and sent me a text message. Next time do it sooner please Eon. And of course there's snow/sleet/hail/frost/every other cold weather warning going on, according to what my PC keeps telling me. 🤷‍♂️ Sorry Eon but if the goblins are cold then they're cold. Deal with it.

Window's leaking again too. I have ~5 tea towels just permanently sat in that area of the windowsill. 🤷‍♂️

Meanwhile I can't tell if it's the coil in the pod I'm vaping on, or if it's the device itself needing charged, but I know what juice is in it and I know how heavy it is on the ice/menthol. I'm getting nothing. It's probably the coil, dud ones happen, but still. It's a pain. It won't kill me to walk the three steps to my bedside cabinet where all my coils are currently kept and find the right box, but it's three steps more than I'm willing to make.

It's not been entirely unproductive today. I did take apart and rebuild the rebuildable coil, and by rebuild I mean I chucked the old one entirely. I've a lot of them sitting around atm and while they're not all great quality wire they're still serviceable for a week or so, and even then they're incredibly cheap to replace compared to a normal stock coil being replaced every week.
Day 316🌟
Good cake was essential 😂
Typical Eon - don’t let them try to put you on a prepayment meter Lorcan - it’s very expensive and not warranted
I love how Cam and Bann keep you ‘ on your toes’ - never a dull moment in your house !
Shame that the windows are leaking ……again
Keep smiling 😂
To be fair there was supposed to be a standing order or direct debit set up, so I hadn't been paying attention to the post. I figured I was just getting your standard updates, if they'd emailed sooner I'd've paid attention lol. Not that I'm blaming them for screwing that up because it's more likely my fault.
Still not enough for me to stop smiling, not after Wednesday. :beer:
I have an even better tune that would totally be their theme, except I'll never get away with posting it on the forum :)) it's definitely not for the faint of heart, but it also involves a lot of swearing, so. No links.

Well Cam's apparently forgiven me for last night - that, or (as is more likely) he's decided food's more important than a grudge. I did make a point of seeing them both earlier, mostly "Goblins. Goblins? Guys. Goblins. I know you're there. Cam? Bann?" til eventually a tunnel near me wiggled, there's Bann. Oops no food. Okay, small treat it is. Then Cam, at the far side of the cage, had himself asleep in a tunnel with the exits blocked on both sides (he'll have done that himself. He does it all the time), shows his head, fighting his own barriers to get out...but also having to stretch and yawn in the process. Waited til he was finished. Realised it would be easier to just toss him the treat. Landed on the bed in front of him. Quick yoink, he's back in the tunnel.


Mate the bed is right there, you dolt.
He does it with everything. Packing paper, cardboard trays, the remains of hay cubes and carrot cottages. Then occasionally he gets himself stuck (in the bed, not on whatever he's used as a barricade) and has to free himself and I cackle every time. I shouldn't laugh, but it's hilarious. And his own fault.

I was meant to see my care coordinator today. She rang me half an hour after I was meant to be in. I was like, okay, what excuse do you want because I have about 15, 14 of which I had before the CMHT's phones weren't working last week (and apparently still aren't lol) so I couldn't even ring up to give excuses last week.

The phones excuse worked. Who cares about the rest of them? :)) Next week it is, then.

Also I needed cola, bought it off Amazon. Desperation and all. Bought a box of Hersheys Cookies and Cream which is the only Hershey bar ever worth eating, and a bunch of bags of honey mustard and onion pretzels. Not as good as the Snyders ones, but the Snyders weren't available. The Coke's due tomorrow. The pretzels and Hersheys were due tomorrow and they turned up today. Those pretzels are great.

My previous care coordinator said all I ate was pretzels and all I drank was Coke. She was right. I hadn't had pretzels in months, like early last year. Worth the wait.
Great day 318 🌟well done you
Always good to have a few treats ……as Cam and Bann would say 🥰

What eejit created adulthood? I had to do two loads of washing today. Left it rather late to do the first, and just went to do the second when it occurred to me, if you've got to do two loads, you separate them into two appropriate piles of washing, right? You don't do what I did, which is bung half of it in, and then you have to leave it sitting in the wash basket while the second one goes instead of being able to hang them up properly to dry all at once. 🤷‍♂️

The goblins are cranky because I "stole their beds". I took two beds and three tunnels because they needed to be washed and nice and clean. But oh no, I "stole their beds".
day 319🌟
Don’t ever grow up Lorcan ……😂
A sense a complaint going to The One and Only Thea at GPU …….stealing beds whatever next 🥰
They'll be lovely and clean for their bottoms and no more smeared poop on Cam's side (...I can't believe I just typed that out. Bloody hell, goblins). And they are clean, and they are drying over my sofa as we speak! And I'm a bed thief.

Dear Cam and Bann

I understand that your Hooman is a bed thief! Fancy leaving you with no beds in this cold weather! You also have no fluffy coats to keep you warm so you have extra need for your nice warm fleecy beds. I hope you wheeked your dispproval at him. If you didn't then you need to start this instant. Wheek so loudly that the neighbours down the road hear you. Wake your Hooman up with your riotous roaring wheeks and learn to chew on the bars of your cage (but not so hard you break your teeth!) Your Hooman will like the noise it makes and may it may mean you get more food as he will like the noise so much.

Yours not happy at your Hooman

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward

They got their beds back and promptly peed and pooped all over them. Thanks, Goblins.

Meanwhile I've apparently caught something. I had a missing couple of hours first thing this morning, then kept sneezing. And I keep sneezing. And I keep getting no warning I'm about to sneeze before I sneeze and my nose just...empties itself. Yes, it's gross. Welcome to my Wednesday.

I just cut some veg up and I swear one day my neighbours are going to ask me why I keep arguing with the vegetables. I cut too much cucumber by accident's cucumber, and they like cucumber. What could possibly go wrong?

Cam hates cucumber, that's what. I've told him he needs to give me a list of his likes and dislikes and to update it on an hourly basis, or stuff like this will continue to happen. Bann (who knows his name when he wants to) snaffled the cucumber. And the lettuce. And then Camowen whined he missed out on the food. Slowpoke.