Still there, still adamant I'm doing this. However I forgot how much of vaping was...trial and error? Like finding what works. Kinda similar to smoking I guess, but now I've gotta work out e-liquid types, brands, flavours, and e-cig brands, coils, mods, tanks...
Trial and error sucks. See, I wanted two. So when one's charging one's not, and both of them use different coils, in case I can't find one type in a pinch. The replacement for the one I took the photo of is absolutely fine now that I've not got a leaking tank, but the second one is only half there. I know it probably seems like "well why do you need it so badly" and I probably don't but I have massive anxiety issues related to things running out. Like, say, batteries. I just wish the second one wasn't causing me so much of a headache. It's a fixable issue, I'm just not sure where to go with it.