The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I'm hopefully gonna have it finished by tonight. Then, I dunno. Start another one?
Jigsaws are so cheap in charity shops I'm sure you'll be able to pick up loads to keep going. I like how easy they are to start and stop. I'm easily distracted so anything I can't lose my place in is a win.
I used to have much more of a collection but my parents chucked them after I moved to England. These are all I have now.


When you've got the time (and the space) puzzles are great for losing a few hours.
9 days.

Slightly stressed because upstairs is so quiet, but I'm only upsetting myself. Sure they're quiet and Bann's insisting on sitting in one corner of the cage but actually that corner is the closest to the radiator. They're fine, we all have off days. I just have to remind myself this.


Really wanted a cigarette last night mind you. Not craving the nicotine but I was craving the smoke. Or, I think I was craving the lighting up part of the smoke, if that makes any sense.
It’s natural - it’s an activity you undertook multiple times daily for presumably many years - it’s part of the ritual.

Really wanted a cigarette last night mind you. Not craving the nicotine but I was craving the smoke. Or, I think I was craving the lighting up part of the smoke, if that makes any sense.

Well done mate, keep it up 👍
It’s natural - it’s an activity you undertook multiple times daily for presumably many years - it’s part of the ritual.

Twenty years - I was fourteen when I started. Or fourteen when I was regularly smoking, I think I had my first when I was thirteen. Rolled my own for the majority of that too. Even after the meds screwed with my dexterity (among other things) and I started using the machine, there was still a lot more to it than just "light up, smoke, put out in ashtray".

Good god! That’s a helluva collection you have there! :yikes: How long did the 3000 piece whopper take?

I haven't actually done it :xd: if it's in a box it hasn't been done. Once I've done one, I add a bit of glue (not as much as you're supposed to, just enough to keep it from immediately separating) and find something like a sheet of card, something that won't bend, and put it there. I'm fast running out of card sheets though, got one left right now.

Once they're on the sheet I dump the box. No point in keeping it then.
When I started to read your reply above, I thought you were about to say the 3000 piece took you 20 years! 🙈😂 I used to love a Wasgij, still took me weeks as I could only ever do half hour at a time, the patterns made my eyes go all squiffy :crazy:
When I started to read your reply above, I thought you were about to say the 3000 piece took you 20 years!
:)) I mean, I'm good, but I don't know if I'm good enough to keep a puzzle going for not just twenty years, but through 10 house moves in those twenty years lol. I wish I could've brought the ones I had finished and stored with me, most of them aren't available to buy anymore.

Really wanted a cigarette last night mind you. Not craving the nicotine but I was craving the smoke. Or, I think I was craving the lighting up part of the smoke, if that makes any sense.
Yes that makes perfect sense 😆
:)) I mean, I'm good, but I don't know if I'm good enough to keep a puzzle going for not just twenty years, but through 10 house moves in those twenty years lol. I wish I could've brought the ones I had finished and stored with me, most of them aren't available to buy anymore.
We had a half done jigsaw under the sofa for 10 years. Finished it during the first lockdown. Started another and now that's under the sofa.😂
During the 4 day week and the power cuts in the 1970s as a family we made some 3000 piece puzzles by candle light. My Dad glued them to hardboard and they were hung up the stairway for many years. These days I can only see well enough to make puzzles in daylight in front of a window! I remember one was Dutch bulb fields and another Compton Acre Gardens.

Still there, still adamant I'm doing this. However I forgot how much of vaping was...trial and error? Like finding what works. Kinda similar to smoking I guess, but now I've gotta work out e-liquid types, brands, flavours, and e-cig brands, coils, mods, tanks...
Trial and error sucks. See, I wanted two. So when one's charging one's not, and both of them use different coils, in case I can't find one type in a pinch. The replacement for the one I took the photo of is absolutely fine now that I've not got a leaking tank, but the second one is only half there. I know it probably seems like "well why do you need it so badly" and I probably don't but I have massive anxiety issues related to things running out. Like, say, batteries. I just wish the second one wasn't causing me so much of a headache. It's a fixable issue, I'm just not sure where to go with it.
Well done, you’ll soon be at two weeks :) I guess it’s trial and error with regards to which e cigs and flavours work for you. I too have huge anxiety and things running out is a huge trigger for me so having more than one e cig is perfectly understandable
Well done, you’ll soon be at two weeks :) I guess it’s trial and error with regards to which e cigs and flavours work for you. I too have huge anxiety and things running out is a huge trigger for me so having more than one e cig is perfectly understandable

I'm waiting to hear back if I can swap out the tank (the bit the liquid goes into) can be swapped for the one I want. They already gave me a list of ones I could swap it for, but the one I want wasn't on the list and if it turns out I can't, then I'll have to buy an entirely new replacement. It's a bit annoying because it's just the tank I don't like, but I really don't like the tank. Sigh.
13 days!

Also bought squash to see if I can stomach the taste of our water again, lol. Rochdale's water is vile, even the water at my parents house tastes decent in comparison. Tried squash instead of cola a few times, never worked out, but in for a penny in for a pound, right? And if it fails, there's still cans in the fridge.