The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Oh I refuse to pick them up, not if I can get them on to a bit of paper or card. The big ones are the worst, like how did you get this far into the house without me noticing? At least last night's wasn't a big one, and I felt bad for it honestly. Probably got very confused, sliding along happily and then getting poked around with junk mail, lol.

If it's been raining I usually check the outside walls - when I'm doing the Snugglesafes I wander outside to vape to give me something to do, they take a while, and it wouldn't be the first time I'd squished a slug leaning against a wall (in Manchester, a loooong time ago, still gross) but I suspect the smaller ones at least get picked up on a boot. I had one, a really really wee one, that found itself on my hoodie sleeve once. And when I say wee, this thing wouldn't have been bigger than your fingertip.

Somebody at Royal Mail delivered a parcel of mine 3 streets over AND just on their doorstep. No knock, no nothing. It got to me in part because I went to see if it had been left on the main road side of the street, found my neighbour, asked him if he had it. He comes back to check the house, says no, meanwhile a friend of theirs came over to ask about plans for something and overheard I was looking for the parcel.
They came back 5 minutes later, my parcel was on their doorstep. Conversation to be had with Royal Mail later this week lol, but at least it turned up.

Meanwhile Cam heard me "sorting things out" (moving them from one box to the other and then back because it's Sunday and I want to be lying on my bed) and Summoned me. He just heard me moving stuff and yelled because, well, that's his job as the noisy delinquent. If it's just him he can be ignored to an extent, except now he sets Bann off occasionally, and there's no ignoring them both.

I swear, Cam knows.
How do those flippin slugs get in doors, if you ever find out let me know. I hate picking the big ones up all that slime on your fingers, just won't wash off!
I s'pose because they don't have skeletons they can squeeze themselves through very narrow gaps. In a previous house which had wooden patio doors that were starting to rot, my hub once went to the kitchen during the night, and saw a wine gum on the table. Luckily before he ate it, touch revealed it was actually a large slug :vom: :vom:
I s'pose because they don't have skeletons they can squeeze themselves through very narrow gaps. In a previous house which had wooden patio doors that were starting to rot, my hub once went to the kitchen during the night, and saw a wine gum on the table. Luckily before he ate it, touch revealed it was actually a large slug :vom: :vom:

where's a boke reaction when you need one?! :vom:
I s'pose because they don't have skeletons they can squeeze themselves through very narrow gaps. In a previous house which had wooden patio doors that were starting to rot, my hub once went to the kitchen during the night, and saw a wine gum on the table. Luckily before he ate it, touch revealed it was actually a large slug :vom: :vom:
Unfortunately the previous owners of this house did a lot of bad DIY. We keep finding holes in walls around pipework etc. that are gradually being filled as they are found. There are also small gaps under the back door that they may limbo dance under! We have had snails climb the outside walls, I've caught them coming in the open window.
We have had snails climb the outside walls, I've caught them coming in the open window.

I woke up to a snail on the wrong side of my bedroom window once. Gotta give it credit though, that's some climb to have reached my windows in the first place. I apologised to it and left it on my doorstep.

Very much in the "quitting smoking" vein, I need a bath. Well a shower would be better but a bath is less effort. But I also have 9 lithium batteries charging, a single and 4 pairs of 2. Don't leave lithium batteries unattended. Well then. Do I unplug them now, have a bath, plug them in again? Or do I wait til they've finished which, admittedly, is gonna take a while, THEN have a bath, THEN have a late night because I can afford to sleep in tomorrow? Also I still need to find where the hell I shoved my keys last time I was out. When was the last time I was out?!

Almost out of Coke, too. The horror.

On a more positive note...I rang TSB. It seems to have gone well, no random fraud flags on my account again. I typed that out, then thought "wait I should check". Rang up. Well it recognises my phone number as being related to the account, but you know what I also found out now that all my details are updated? I apparently have a savings account. It'll be empty, but weird to know it exists and I apparently forgot about it. Til I rang today my address was listed as my previous address...but my phone numbers were from the address prior to my previous address. They were horrific to have to ring up for years, but at least it's now sorted.

Cam's feeling sorry for himself because his front leg slipped on the bars while he was trying to beg. I'll be keeping an eye but he's using the leg fine. Bloody eejit.
Bann's spent all day refusing to get out of bed, then it got dark outside and apparently that's party time. 🤷‍♂️
Bann's spent all day refusing to get out of bed, then it got dark outside and apparently that's party time. 🤷‍♂️
Lexi and Thea have a party in the hutch most nights. When I go in the garage in the morning there is hay EVERYWHERE including the floor of the garage which I sweep up each night. The hideys are all over the place and the forage bowl is usually upside down.
I mean I go into their room in the morning and they're on their beds as close to the radiator the cage bars will allow. I screwed up the heating timers last night and the thermometer registered a low of 13.5 😱 Bann was rightly miffed. Cam just wanted food. Cam always just wants food.

Now the nerves are kicking in. I've mostly got the goblins left to sort with food/water/heat but I don't want to do that too early. I need to get my stuff (vape juice, batteries) into a small bag, find my gloves, get a coat ready. Too early for it all yet though. Ran out of proper Coke. Do have Coke Zero (I managed to type that as Zoke originally lol) but it's making me feel queasy so that's out.

Instead I'm just hitting the vapes like I need them to live.
Well done on day 312. You will be OK tomorrow. I would be nervous too and pacing around. The goblins will also be just fine, although will probably have a few things to say when you get home. Sending best wishes for tomorrow.
Day....#314, right? Yesterday was a long day. Still smoke free, unless you count walking past what felt like every smoker in London, but smoke free. @rp1993 you were right, CityMapper is a godsend. I still got lost on the final leg of the journey trying to get back to the coach station proper but CityMapper still meant I got on 5 buses that I needed to be on, and finding that one stop for bus #3 like a mile away (and up hill. Bleugh.)

It's good news, too. There's no date set because he's looking for a couple of specific things first, mainly a dermatologist to clear him operating on the chest (because of the patch of psoriasis that's right there at surgery site) but...that's it. He's doing it. It's happening, lol.

Edit: and thank you to @YvonneBlue, who was kind enough to give me a lift to Manchester and back, and look in on the goblins if there had been a return transport issue. The goblins would say that you as well except they're too busy screaming for more lettuce. Business as usual then.
All the lettuce! It's romaine too, which they don't get an awful lot of, so they're making the most of it :xd: I got back in last night and was watching them for longer than usual because their eyes were having difficulty with the sudden light, lol, they had that "half closed half blinking" stare going on. Then lettuce. Their eyes recovered for lettuce (imagine that).
Honestly I'm shattered today. Slept for 12 hours, kept waking up occasionally and thinking "nah **** that" and rolling back over to sleep, lol. I finally thought it was going to be the afternoon so I should get up...and it was about 10:30am, lol. The journey down was fine. The journey back up involved a full coach, not being able to move from my seat for 6 hours, the heating on, no air movement, I hadn't eaten more than some boiled sweets for 14 hours, and I was getting...cranky, lol. We'd been due to stop at services for a bit but because we were running late, we apparently were only stopping to swap drivers. And for some people to get a smoke break. I don't begrudge them their smoke break, I do begrudge the drivers for that mess. 6 hours is a long time, like I literally ran off the bus at Manchester and just...stopped, because I could finally breathe some nice, cool air.

If they have to swap to change drivers, we should get some fresh air with it lol.

Totally worth it, though. I don't have to go back down again any time soon, once the chest psoriasis is looking less as it does (and that doesn't necessarily need dermatology, if I can send back photos of it myself and it looks better, that's what they want), and they've asked that I don't vape nicotine for a few weeks before it too. Which is doable. Once I've had the surgery I've to leave the nicotine for a few more weeks, then I can go back to it if I want. It screws with healing - doesn't matter the injury or issue - which is why they'll want me off it.

And because you'll all probably appreciate this - we were discussing what sort of incisions he'd go for and scars afterwards and what gets left behind, and he'd said that he'd try to make the scars as even across the chest as possible but it wasn't always going to happen, and my breasts don't sit evenly as it is. So as he's saying this I'm like mate, I've not been symmetrical for years, I'm more than used to it by now :)) They wrap the chest tightly afterwards, probably much like you would with a binder, and I did have to ask if that was going to cause a problem with the old rib injury. "You broke your ribs?" "Yes." "how?" "I...stubbed my toe." There is still a bony lump there but he thinks it's low enough they might not have to put the binder near it. Works for me. They'll mark that out before surgery, though.

Oh and I've lost weight. Nearly a stone, I think, I'm at just under 14st 4lb. Big win for me there.

It's a day that ends in a 5 so it's a day to eat more cake, right? Yeah I thought so too. I'm so, so tired today though. I'd nap except I won't nap, I'll sleep til 9pm and then wake up and have to deal with goblin rage. nap.

Music today. I don't think I've shared this one before?

Glad to hear your appointment went well.
I like the idea that a day ending in 5 requires cake, enjoy your cake.
What type have you decided to eat?