The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

They weren't great about the fireworks earlier this year, unsettled rather than afraid if that makes sense, but the look from Camowen was genuinely hilarious. They do have other beds, they could've been undercover if they wanted, but the cuddle cups were warm, who am I to argue. I just made the mistake of seeing if it was cool enough in their room to switch the heating on (18°, so yes) because my feet were/are freezing. He was waiting for me.
A Happy New Year to you and the goblins.

Glad the fireworks didn't upset them, our piggies are the same, completely unfazed. xx
Blitzen was hilarious about it. Fireworks? No problem. Jangled keys? MAKE THE HELL NOISE STOP. Rock music? Great! Pop music? See Jangled Keys. He was great, lol.

Cam has spent a good chunk of the day yelling at me as I walk down the stairs and Bann's decided he's not getting out of bed today unless lettuce is involved. Eh, who am I to argue. And now I've bought 10kg of expensive hay again in the hope that they'll eat it because I have less timothy left than I thought I did. The Bunny Bistro stuff is okay but not really long-stranded enough for my liking, here's hoping the Pillow Wad stuff works out. And if not, back to Bunny Bistro lol.

Asda sells these instant mash pots. First time I bought one I only bought one, I mean it's instant mash, of course it's awful. Oh, no. No these are amazing. Just eaten one, still amazing, but I've had carb overload and now I'm sleepy. Worth it though. Speaking of Asda I'm meant to have a delivery tonight but they rang to say there's no drivers, which is fair. Annoying but fair. She asked if I could pick it up but I pointed out I don't drive, so she said she'd rearrange delivery for tomorrow. But of course that's not updating online, so I'm kinda hoping it turns up at all, lol.

Camowen, meanwhile, is apparently convinced the more he sniffs my hand, the more likely it is my hand will produce food. Bless him, lol, but that's not how it works mate.
Day 304 🌟 you’re doing great !
Fingers crossed for delivery tomorro. I’m sure it’ll arrive !
I love how Cam is ever hopeful 😂
He did try chomping on my finger a while later because it smelled like cucumber. This sounds all well and good til you realise he had the cucumber and had nibbled on about 4 pieces so far, because he kept assuming something else was on the go too. It was just cucumber. He didn't want cucumber. But he'd eat my finger, because it smelled like cucumber.

I do wonder what goes through his head sometimes.

Asda order arrived. I actually got myself out of bed early because I was suspicious it wasn't gonna turn up after 11 but before it. And by "early" I mean I woke up at 6.30am to use the toilet and forced myself to stay awake despite my own best wishes. It turned up before 10am. I knew it. Although the guy handed me the first tray and I just tipped it into the middle of the floor lol.

Then my keyworker was like "wait is this all for them?!" Yes, yes it is. A week's worth of food plus extras in case of early spoilage. Can't be too careful, right?
Great ….day 305 🌟
Great that Asda sorted your order - have to keep those piggies in food …..never mind their hooman 😂
I just love Bann ….don’t ever change Bann you make us chuckle 😂❤️
It was very hard not to laugh, especially since he clearly didn't mean to do it. Begging for treat, get treat, drop it as you drop back on four legs and oh, look at that, it's on the wrong side of the bars. He reminds me so much of me :))
Is today 306? Hope it is going well and the goblins are keeping you entertained. I did post a thread to them but you may not have seen it yet
It is #306! They're currently miffed at me because I had visitors and didn't switch the heating on and the temperatures were FAR TOO LOW. The room was 17°, but whatever lol. They'd have let me known sooner, probably, but their light was off and it got dark :bal:
tbh I don't blame them, my right hand has been threatening to go completely white (and therefore numb) all evening :xd: Left hand's fine, I dunno what the right's problem is. Well, Raynauds, but why specifically.

So everything I said the other night about Bann being a twit, I take back, because Cam pulled the exact same trick today. Food in mouth, food gets caught on cage bars as he drops back to four legs, food falls out of cage, Cam hunts the floor all around him for food he can't find but he knows he had. What am I going to do with this pair, lol.
Lexi appears to be a twit like as Cam and Bann. Last night when I was hand feeding them their veg, I obviously hadn't cut through the cucumber properly and Lexi went to take it from me, it clearly gave a bit to the pressure of her having it in her teeth cos she ran of with what she thought was a tasty bit of cucumber, she ran a few paces, stopped, opened her mouth, looked around her, looked confused, and came back for more.
I'm glad it's not just the goblins (and Comet, he was as bad with Blitzen stealing his food), I always get this really miffed look when I retrieve their food for them like I stole it out of their mouths and dumped it on the wrong side of the bars. I mean if you will beg at the bars, lads...
Putting this here because, why not. Cam. For all the daft things Bann does, he's at least Not Cam. My window's leaking again slightly, so I went in to check on their window. Both were beside each other when I walked in. Checked window, all's good, look down...realise I can see Bann. "Where did you g...oh ffs Cam" as he's now running around excitedly behind and over my legs and feet.

I know he doesn't do it on purpose, lol. But if Chaos had a form, it's a skinny pig in my spare bedroom.
Ah, #308.

I quite bluntly got told off this morning. Woke up about 8.30am, went to feed the goblins some hay, switched the light on in the bathroom to use the toilet, and I suddenly hear very unhappy shrieks coming from the goblin room. It doesn't sound like Cam, so oh no, what's wrong with Bann? You know, maybe the lump's causing him an issue, is he having difficulty toileting maybe?

The room was too cold. He wanted the heating on. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for that panic attack, mate.
Absolutely! To be fair the thermostat said 17°, but it felt colder to me too so I can't blame him. When I'd gone back in to see what was wrong he was genuinely sitting on the bed close to the radiator just...telling me off. And he shut up as soon as he heard the system kick in, lol.
Day 308 🌟 amazing !
Those boys have trained their hooman well 🥰❤️
Hopefully they won’t tell the other piggy members how to as we’ll all be in trouble…..altho thinking about it we’re all unconsciously trained ….🤭
How did that happen 😂

Bann chomped on my finger instead of lettuce again. Except he pulled back like he would if he had food in his mouth, paused a second, looked confused, and then had to be told "lettuce here. Eat the lettuce." I love him, but.

And then Cam.

Cam fell asleep earlier on the floor of the cage, next to the wall with the radiator nearby. I'd call his name and he'd blink wearily at me before going back to sleep. Hah. Gotcha mate, I know what'll wake you up - this carrot cottage I'm about to unwrap.

He's awake. And fine. They're both just trying to give me a heart attack. Tell me your goblins do this too because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Last night was cold, so I went to turn the heating on around 00:45 and as I was walking through the living room I spied a leaf. Now, leaves aren't unusual in the living room, but I remember thinking this one looked odd before I had the "Ah, that's not a leaf, it's a bloody slug" thought. Sigh. So I'm hunting for something to get this slug onto, some junk mail was on my sofa. That'll do.
Then the slug refuses to shift onto the paper. It fell over about three times, kept curling up the wrong way, you name it. I mean it was only a wee slug, I hate the massive ones but they can be picked up easier. This one just wasn't quite big enough to do it easily, so I got it half onto the paper, facing in the right direction, and thought okay and left it for a sec. It got the hint and crawled further onto the paper.
It's at this point I realise it's raining and I have no shoes. Sigh. Right, get slug onto paper, take it outside, try to leave it somewhere sensible. Slug's not having it. Have to walk over the ground. Slug still refuses to move. So I do the only thing I can with wet socks...and throw the paper in the recycling bin. Sorry, slug.

Get back into house. Grumble a lot. Switch heating on. Suddenly remember all but one pair of shoes is actually downstairs. Think it's too early in the morning for these shenanigans.

#309, off to a great start :xd:
How do those flippin slugs get in doors, if you ever find out let me know. I hate picking the big ones up all that slime on your fingers, just won't wash off!