The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


I have noticed a pattern to when Bann decides to cause me worry. See, he's fine again today, back to his usual self. You know what today is? NOT A HOLIDAY. If it's a time of the week (like the weekend) or the year (like a holiday) when it'd be more difficult to get him to a vet? That's when he acts up. Soon as the holiday's over, or Monday rolls round, Bann's back? Git.

Also strapped my finger up again because it was driving me mad. Now I'm having to type minus a finger, lol. Ah, Tuesday.
To be fair, children like to do the same thing. Glad that Bann is doing better, even if he is a bit diabolical.
Do you smoke whilst hungover? I dont and used this method to go t total.

After a heally heavy hangover i wont smoke for a day at least. I then just keep putting off buying some. We always runnout on a heavy drinking sesh. After day 3 the cravings subside loads and its much easier. If you can get to day 3 it would really do u the world of good at stopping
298 days to be precise! You should be very proud of yourself @Lorcan! I remember a few years ago when I challenged myself not to drink for 6 weeks and you joined my on the challenge. I succeeded you lasted around 3 days! You have done really well!

Didn't I buy a vape and try it then too? I know I'd tried vaping a couple of times before February and I could never get it to work for me. I still dunno why I decided to try it for the umpteenth time but I'm incredibly glad I did, otherwise I'd still be outside, freezing half to death on the doorstep for my nicotine fix.

Not that it's much warmer in my bedroom right now, to be fair. But at least I'm dry.
Didn't I buy a vape and try it then too? I know I'd tried vaping a couple of times before February and I could never get it to work for me. I still dunno why I decided to try it for the umpteenth time but I'm incredibly glad I did, otherwise I'd still be outside, freezing half to death on the doorstep for my nicotine fix.

Not that it's much warmer in my bedroom right now, to be fair. But at least I'm dry.
I think you did try a vape then. Maybe you weren't in the correct mindset then. You have to know you want to give up and be determined to do so.
I think you did try a vape then. Maybe you weren't in the correct mindset then. You have to know you want to give up and be determined to do so.

Maybe. I realised when I tried it this time round that I'd been going at it from the wrong angle. Anywhere I looked online said "recent smoker? Vape like X", that didn't work. I needed to go with Y. A very small change all things considered but a massive one as far as quitting actually goes. If I'd known it before, I might have swapped sooner. I like to think I would.
You should feel very proud of yourself Lorcan……just as we are …..and we are supporting you along this path 🥰
Now my biggest problem is working out where I can hide the juice bottles that's still relatively easy to access because, erm, I've run out of room in the drawers :bal:.
I did actually go through them, tossed a couple I wouldn't be sorry to never vape again, and then sorted them so the ones that wouldn't fit in a drawer are kept beside the desk. So I can keep swapping through them til they're done. It's just taking longer than I expected to be finishing them :xd:
Speaking of #299, I think Bann realises he's been caught out after last night's carrot cottage incident because he's been a right pain in the bum and matching Cam for persistence and intensity at the cage bars today. Instead of "Hey Cam, where's Bann?" it's been "Hey Bann, where's Cam?" and it's hilarious.

Sat watching this right now. It won't be to everyone's tastes but from a technical angle the video's deceptively well done.
Day 299 🌟
I like ve how those two are totally unpredictable 😂
Music and vid are v good ! I’m always drawn to that type of beat

And what a day. I ate 5 custard doughnuts because I'm an adult and I can make those decisions.
Missed two phonecalls from Highgate because my phone's misbehaving.
Almost went to CMHT without the injection, which would be unhelpful.
Caused a minor stir getting the injection because the max they'll put in one injection site is 3ml. Mine was 4ml.
Also went and booked myself in and then said "I'm going outside." "Why?" "Because I can." 🤷‍♂️
Due to appointments and everything else the goblins didn't get food for an extra 2 hours today. I've apologised. It won't happen again.
Also got a phonecall from North Manchester General today. "Hi, are you on our waiting list?" I don't know. They don't know. But then Highgate rang me after, so London it'll probably be. North Manchester said they could give the appointment to someone else if I needed to cancel, after I told them about last weeks phonecall with London.

Honestly I'm okay with switching to London now anyway, Manchester's booked up massively and they've had a consultant retire too, I've no problem with someone else having that slot since it seems like London are prepared to go ahead anyway.

To think, this time last year I was:
1. Freaking out because of the holiday period
2. Goblin free.
3. No end in sight as far as waiting lists go.
4. A general neurotic mess.
5. Still smoking like a chimney and saying I didn't need to quit because the surgery referrals would take years.

And here I am. I'm taking a metaphorical bow, lol.
I must admit, I’ve stalked this thread for quite a while now :bal: and I’m inspired by Lorcan’s stamina. So I can now honestly say I am also a quitter! :yahoo: I’ve kicked the filthy hobbit which has hounded me for most of my life about 45 days ago :D
Day 300 🌟
You have a lot to look forward to ……and it’s good to look back as see just how far you’ve come !
As Claire W says you ‘ should be pretty damn proud of yourself’ 🥰
bout ye? :))

I've just realised I've been missing out on a rewards scheme for a vaping site I use because I kept forgetting to switch off Adblock lol. Now it turns out I've a £30 off voucher waiting for me.

Hello, birthday present to sel
Happy days!
Sorry I missed day 300, we have family staying so I can't get online much. Congratulations, you should be so very proud of yourself. xx

I know, no update for a few days. I've been a tad distracted, lol. 303 is a nice number for a New Year, though.

Also when I went in to check on the goblins last night the look of utter disdain I got, for wanting to make sure they weren't bothered by the fireworks. Like "uh what, go away, ugh its night time why are you even here", lol. I'm glad the fireworks didn't set them off too badly though. Comet and Blitzen were the same, who cares if there's fireworks LET'S PARTY. Not a bad way to be.
Smoke alarm did go off twice after midnight though. Slightly my fault because it was a very foggy vape, but also the door's closed, how dare the vapour be getting through the door? Left the bathroom door open after the second time, which apparently helped. Then sat and ate an entire box of parmesan and garlic twists, with no drink because the fridge is downstairs, and no vape, because I hate my smoke alarm. And I called it so many names, so so many. "Would you (bleep)ing shut the (bleep) up for (bleep)'s sake how many (bleep)ing (bleep) times". Sorry, neighbours, lol.
Day 303 🌟
I’m glad Cam and Bann didn’t worry about the fireworks …..they’re used to the smoke alarm aren’t they ?
Always good to hear about the adventures of Cam and Bann and their hooman 😂