The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I mean it was right behind the pair of them and they took zero notice, too busy trying to clamber over the bars to get food I couldn't get into their faces quickly enough :xd: I'll take my cue from them - if it wasn't more important than getting fed, it can't have been very important at all.
It's after midnight, which makes it #293, and I'm an idiot. Just glanced at my tabs list on the browser and immediately freaked out at myself because of a tab called "Binary Transvestite". Like seriously, Me, why do I think that's remotely acceptable and I should know better and wait, what's a binary transvestite?

Binary Translator. TRANSLATOR.

Good job, Me. Good job.

Saw the very lovely @YvonneBlue today and gave the goblins a hay cube (which I already had, they've got enough presents for Sunday as it is!) and now I keep freaking out because I'm hearing noises I shouldn't be hearing. It always takes a minute or two for my brain to process they're goblin noises, because demolishing a hay cube is noisy work.

It happens with every hay cube and carrot cottage and I still freak out every time. I never learn. Story of my life!
Yesterday day 294🌟🎉
Amazing adventures of Cam and Bann 😂
I love the thought of hay masks 🥰
I mean, if they will shove their heads right into a hay least Bann shakes it off, although with the amount of times he's ended up wearing his dinner because he's run right into the line of fire when I've tossed their veggies in I don't blame him, he's used to it. Cam will let it sit there for a lot longer, I'm assuming because shaking it off eats into valuable munching time. 🤷‍♂️
Cam’s a smart piggy ….can’t disrupt that eating time 😂
Only two more sleeps before you get to open those pressies Lorcan….
We’re wondering if we’ve guessed right ….Betsy’s parcels are very difficult to guess ….I’m with the polar bears every time 😂
That delinquent falls asleep eating, seriously. Can't be having Bann getting his share...and if he can yoink some of Bann's share even better!

Meanwhile as I was putting them to bed for the night, the hay cube had been reduced to the two solid ends, and just enough of the corner walls for it to stand up by itself. I'm impressed. And also kind of worried, they work fast.
Wow that isn’t lasting long …..I trust you have lots of presents for the boys 🎄😂
That delinquent falls asleep eating, seriously. Can't be having Bann getting his share...and if he can yoink some of Bann's share even better!

Meanwhile as I was putting them to bed for the night, the hay cube had been reduced to the two solid ends, and just enough of the corner walls for it to stand up by itself. I'm impressed. And also kind of worried, they work fast.
You will wake up today and find that they will be trying to convince you that you never gave them a hay cube. 😂

I've just given the goblins their breakfast, and I watched Camowen eating his, and I stayed in the doorway for a second because I knew what was coming, and yes. Yes he did drop his food out of the bars the minute he let go of it with his teeth. Yes he did get confused and start looking everywhere for his food. Again.

Every. Single. Time.

Edit: Oh, and I put the washing machine back. It went walkies when doing a load yesterday.
day 295 🌟
Dear Cam I love how every time he does that 🥰
Good the wm is back where it belongs !
It does like to wander occasionally but yesterday was a bit OTT, even for it. My own fault for putting a week's wash on with an oversized hoodie and a pair of jeans in too. I like living dangerously.

I still can't believe they're here almost a year. Doesn't feel like it at all! Well, except for the days when I wonder what deity I upset, to have a screaming goblin in the next room because I dared to be on the phone in my room. Then it feels like they were never anywhere else.

Forgot to mark yesterday, lol. As someone who doesn't really celebrate Christmas I got a...tad...engrossed in the day. But that's cool. A lot of yesterday and today has been spent trying to work out if Bann's ill, or if he just doesn't want to get out of bed. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. Almost convinced it's the latter.

Almost. Dang it, Bann.

Also set my smoke alarm off again. 🤷‍♂️ THERE'S A CLOSED DOOR. HOW IS IT FINDING ANYTHING THROUGH A CLOSED DOOR? I want a new door. I also want a new door with the hinges on the other side because the hinges being on that side doesn't make sense. Seriously. Even assuming the rooms had a slightly different layout (because I'm thinking the bathroom's been...shrunk? at some point) it still doesn't make sense for the hinges to be there. Whose bright idea was that?!

Bann's fine, btw. He still wants his lettuce, he can't be that unwell. Just adamant he doesn't want to get out of bed.

Edit: I take it back. Just went downstairs and came upstairs to him yelling at the cage bars. Thanks, mate.

Forgot to mark yesterday, lol. As someone who doesn't really celebrate Christmas I got a...tad...engrossed in the day. But that's cool. A lot of yesterday and today has been spent trying to work out if Bann's ill, or if he just doesn't want to get out of bed. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. Almost convinced it's the latter.

Almost. Dang it, Bann.

Also set my smoke alarm off again. 🤷‍♂️ THERE'S A CLOSED DOOR. HOW IS IT FINDING ANYTHING THROUGH A CLOSED DOOR? I want a new door. I also want a new door with the hinges on the other side because the hinges being on that side doesn't make sense. Seriously. Even assuming the rooms had a slightly different layout (because I'm thinking the bathroom's been...shrunk? at some point) it still doesn't make sense for the hinges to be there. Whose bright idea was that?!

Bann's fine, btw. He still wants his lettuce, he can't be that unwell. Just adamant he doesn't want to get out of bed.

Edit: I take it back. Just went downstairs and came upstairs to him yelling at the cage bars. Thanks, mate.
I hate it when we “think” they are ill and we start staring at them and every tiny, little, small, thing they do is suddenly out of character, a new thing, the end of the world.

I hope Bann is ok.
Honestly I think he's fine, he does have occasions where he spends a few days refusing to get out of bed (and getting very irritated when his food isn't delivered to his bed's door) but he's been out and about a couple of times without prompting from me. Can't say I blame him really, breakfast (and second breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper) in bed is the very least he deserves :nod:
Day 297 🌟
Ah I don’t blame Bann ….it’s great being waited on and staying in bed is a bonus 🥰
What was in your presents Lorcan …..? A quilting book ? Some fat quarters ?
I hope it was lovely 🥰

I have noticed a pattern to when Bann decides to cause me worry. See, he's fine again today, back to his usual self. You know what today is? NOT A HOLIDAY. If it's a time of the week (like the weekend) or the year (like a holiday) when it'd be more difficult to get him to a vet? That's when he acts up. Soon as the holiday's over, or Monday rolls round, Bann's back? Git.

Also strapped my finger up again because it was driving me mad. Now I'm having to type minus a finger, lol. Ah, Tuesday.
Day 298🎉
He’s a rascal if ever there was one …. he’s keeping you on your toes 😂
I came back up the stairs earlier to two distinct wheeks and while he wasn't begging at the bars with Cam it turns out that's because he was trying to use the fleece forest to rest his front legs on again. I can just imagine it now, at the vets, sprained leg: "he was trying to climb and lean on thin air and no, I just wish I was kidding" :))