The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Went to get a can from the kitchen. Stuck my head in their door before going down because I'd never hear the end of it if I came back up without food, plus I wanted to check their room temp to see if I could switch the heating off. Cam just glared at me from his bed. Fine. Said so out loud: "Fine, sulk away at me then." Grabbed some hay to toss in and got back to the door to see Bann, exiting his bed, yawning and stretching out his legs before he could leave. Biiiiig teethies, gorgeous piggy lips, every time he does it.

Got my can. Nearly didn't bother putting another one in the fridge. Kitchen cupboards are cold enough as it is, lol.

Came back upstairs. Sat down. Typed the first sentence. Guess who forgot about the heating? :flag:

Gotta go back. Wish me luck! #286
Little tip - if you're going to insist on having 77 tabs across three browser windows, first - don't - and second - pay attention to what's on them, lest all of a sudden one starts playing loud guitar music and you can't even work out what browser instance it's on nevermind what tab it is XD

#288, brought to you by my favourite words: "Oops."
Ah, goblins.

So the Bunny Bistro hay isn't the best looking. Not particularly green, definitely not soft. Smells just fine, but safe in the knowledge most piggies would turn their noses up at it, I tried them anyway. I wasn't sold on it til just now, but they're eating it. Like, faces right in to find the edible bits eating it. Great, they eat it! Just some minor paranoia about haypoke to worry me now.

Also discovered last night I need to relace my boots. One of them, the lace apparently got caught on something and got stripped down to the very tiny core. I knew there was a reason I bought three pairs of laces last time round. Yellow laces done, red or white this time?

And today's music because why not (...don't have your speakers turned up too loud):
I’d go with red laces 😂
Ah goods the boys are eating that hay ….don’t worry
The music I really liked …..reminds me a little of WU 😂
Always good to discover new music 👍
They're my everyday footwear, lol. Steel toes, incredibly comfortable, and I've had them a few years now (and only on the third pair of laces!). They're also some of the only shoes and boots I have that fit my insoles without getting too tight.
Those boots are perfect for you ! Insoles etc Makes such a difference to have comfortable feet 🥰
Those are great laces too !
I actually went and looked up some kind of shoelace calculator to work out which laces to buy, lol. Keep meaning to do it again actually, I could do with having longer laces in the Docs but they also need a polish so until I get myself round to doing that, I'm ignoring the laces. A shoelace calculator sounds weird, and it is, but it's very helpful.
I like that ….means you get the right ones ….nothing worse than laces that are too short 😂
I’ve been there 😂
The laces in the Docs are too short unless they're laced in a very specific way, and I don't like lacing them that way XD It looks good, but definitely style over substance. Meanwhile I bought those laces in October 2020, and the boots themselves in November 2019. It's been good going so far.
Good footwear is important, and shouldn't have to be as expensive as it is. I got lucky with this pair, apparently I paid around £50 less than RRP. Would they have been worth full price? Yes, but they wouldn't have been affordable. 🤷‍♂️
Bann is still himself, thankfully, because I still refuse to take them out in this weather. It's been blowing a gale all day and raining for most of it too.

I fell asleep, had nightmares, only woke up because my heart rate chose to spike. Probably the nightmares. I've had a couple absences recently too, they're probably linked. Nbd, nightmares can't hurt me.

I bought vape juice on Thursday. I've no memory of doing it? But it's my order. Only knew because Royal Mail sent an email to say "We have it!" and I'm like...have what. I think it's a present to myself. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

And finally, I found a new game for my phone today. Match Color Rotate, it's called, and yes, that's exactly it. Still in development but, rotate tiles so everything matches. Simple premise, and some of the puzzles are that simple, but some of them take a bit of work because the tiles aren't in the correct places and need moved first. Not the easiest to see on screen and ads are everywhere so I switched off the phone's internet but, I like it.

Day #290. And something a bit different on the music front today:

Amazing day 290 🌟
Good music choice - you have good eclectic taste Lorcan 🥰
Fed goblins and went downstairs for a drink.
Went back downstairs to get another drink. Silence.
Went back downstairs to put the grape juice back. Silence.
Went back downstairs for another drink. Silence.
Took the two steps from my bedroom to the bathroom. Unholy shrieks of the damned.

Sorry, neighbours. :flag:


Cam has the occasional day where all he wants to do is scream and shriek at me. Not been fed, hungry, too warm, too cold, not annoyed the human enough yet, that kind of thing. Which is all well and good except today he's got Bann going too, as if having one screaming delinquent in the other room wasn't bad enough :doh: I went in earlier and they're both on the Snugglesafes on the far side of the room, shrieking and staring in my direction. But you ask them what you want and...nothing. Just more shrieking.

I wouldn't blame the neighbours, who are very lovely and insist they can't hear anything, for believing someone's getting murdered on the other side of their wall. Oh, goblins. Never change.
I mean, I have to go downstairs again, and I'm sitting here weighing up just how much I "have to" go downstairs again. Last time I dumped half a 10lt box of hay into the cage, but that was the last of the hay upstairs. I'd need to get more hay. Which is downstairs.

Life's important decisions, my friends.

I need to clean the goblins out (tomorrow's gonna be fun!) and I had to do a double take when it looked like a something running under the top layer of hay. Couldn't find anything, either I've imagined it (likely) or a piece of hay shifted and I caught the movement (also likely). Still not quite sure yesterday happened. Did it happen? I have the email that says it did. But did it?

Great - day 292
Busy day tomorro 😂
Sometimes I think I see something move and it’s nothing …trick of the eyes 😂
Yes yesterday did happen ….a bet it’s a bit of dream as you’ve waited so long 🥰
A lot to look forward to in 2023 🥰