The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


On my way to grab another can of Coke I popped my head into the goblin room. They know they don't get fed this early so I wasn't too worried about Cam being Cam. I opened the door, Bann was by the water bottles and paused what he was doing for half a second before going back to demolishing a hay cube.

Cam was on top of one of the Snugglesafe beds and when I walked in had this large piece of hay in his mouth, the sort that was dragging other bits of hay with it. And he paused like that for a second before dropping it and just...shrieking at me, lol. No running to the cage bars, no attempt to get any foo for me, just standing on that bed shrieking his head off. Yes, Cam, I love you too.

Also when I was trying to grab the Snugglesafes last night I'd bent over to grab the second one with both hands and caught Cam dangerously close to the back of my heel. And I don't want to stand up properly in case a) I lose my balance and b) I startle him. So there I am, bent double, watching Cam be an absolute nuisance running between my legs (basically right at my face) towards the Snugglesafes, lean on them, run round my right leg and foot a few times. Do you think he understands just how much my ribs despise me standing that way? :))
I know I should be flattered he's comfortable with doing it, and I am, but sometimes I wish he'd take a cue from Bann and stay still for a few minutes, lol.
My brain is having an internal meltdown. Consciously, it doesn't want a cigarette. Unconscious brain disagrees.

Got out of a nice relaxing bath at 8. Went downstairs to grab a can of Pepsi. Didn't have the lights on because I don't normally but I realised I could smell something I shouldn't be able to and flicked on the kitchen light. Yup. Bathwater all over the kitchen. Seems to be three points of flooding - two in the kitchen, one outside.

I halfheartedly mopped it up, swore a lot, dumped my gross wet jeans in the middle of the living room floor and on autopilot managed to give the goblins a bag of parsley. Yegads.
Oh no that’s awful.
Do you know why that happened ?
Hope you stayed relaxed tho 😬
No idea. I'm guessing there's a blockage somewhere again? But it doesn't make sense, when this happened in January the outer pipe went first, then under the kitchen sink, then where the washing machine overflow is. This time it seems to have done the opposite, the worst hit seems to be the washing machine overflow.

Apologies for the state of my kitchen lol but here:

Oh gosh
Hopefully the HA will send someone out asap to sort it.
Just be careful in case of slippery floor etc !
Floor's fine, it's not like most lino, it's got a bit of grip to it. And thankfully the box of hay wasn't hit with it, I just can't seem to get it all properly mopped, so I've done what any sensible human would and said screw it I'll fix it tomorrow lol. No GP visit for me tomorrow I think. I need maintenance more than I need that injection right now.
You can only do so much.
Good the hay was ok as you’d have Cam and Bann to answer to 😂
Hopefully you can rearrange the GP asap.
Oh god and I can just hear it, too - thankfully I moved one of the boxes Wiebke gave me into a plastic storage box so that was always safe, and of course the oat hay at the top of the stairs. And now the orchard hay, sitting on my sofa 🤣
If it was up to them they'd get it all at once, proceed to toilet all over one half, insist half of what remained was evil and Not To Be Trusted, and then immediately insist they had no hay left and needed more. While sitting on the remaining 1/4. Someone's gotta keep those eejits in check :))
Oh no, what a nightmare. Hope the HA get the drainage problem sorted quickly.
Take care of yourself. xx

(don't ask about the drains)
(or about the 15 tanks worth of vape juice I went through today)

One of the goblins hiccoughed as I was reaching the top of the stairs to give them back their nice warm Snugglesafes. I don't know which of them was trying to eat too fast but I do know they won't learn from the experience at all.

Also bed time is pellet time. There's something about seeing them chatting to each other while hunting all around for the pellets I haven't even tossed onto the cage floor yet that always brings a smile to my face. Ah, goblins. :wub:
Not on purpose! I walk into the cage to put the Snugglesafes back and they won't let me leave before they start looking...which is awkward, because I don't know where they're going to move, so I don't know where it's safe to step, so then they wait even longer 🤣 Two seconds to let me step out, that's all I'd need lol.

So, I was right. I hate being right, lol. It's an external blockage in the foul water pipe (again) and this time we're ignoring the landlord/letting agents and the HA is getting someone out themselves next time. It's not me flushing wet wipes, at least, but yay. I want my toilet back.
Kind of a pain that running the bathwater didn't trigger it and I had to flush the toilet instead, but it was obvious as soon as I did. And thankfully external only so I didn't have to mop pee off the kitchen floor :xd:
I'll just be glad when I can run the taps and flush the toilet again. Water bottles need filling!

I just went to put the Snugglesafes back into the cage, and I trod on a plastic tray I've obviously forgotten about and left lying around at my own backside. Well I got general chatter til that plastic noise was made...and then decided I'd be better giving them their pellets before heading through the cage.

Also, I know it's -7° out there and I've only just turned the heating off after it being on all day and it's still barely 17° in their room...but that sky is clear, and if you look from the right angle, it's gorgeous. Cold, but gorgeous. A lovely way to end #285. And I bought myself a golden syrup cake with tomorrow's Asda order for the occasion and I'll eat it all at once. Zero regrets.
Well done for day 285 🌟
With you noticing Bann’s lump and all the house issues just lately and the hassle of shopping ….you should be proud of yourself 🥰
You deserve the cake and really enjoy it 😂
I wish it was warming up even slightly, but it's still too cold. It barely gets above freezing even during the daytime. On a better note though, my windows got their mastic! My bedroom, and a few panes on the kitchen and living room window.
I know they're not big, but dang it they're good. And now I'm hungry for syrup cake at half 12 in the morning :xd:

But you'll never convince me they're not a single sized portion in a pack. Never.