The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Day #274

Oh, Bann.

I had a few green beans. Cam took one. Bann sniffed around the remaining ones before test nibbling a couple and then I dropped one because it was an awkward angle to stand at and he was taking too long. I distributed the other three across the cage. Cam keeps eating his. Bann drops his, runs round the cage, smelling and ignoring two beans before getting to the one furthest from him and eating that one.

Just been catching up. Well done, you’re doing amazing 🤩.
Loving the Cam & Bann stories, sounds like you’re all having a great time.
Well done for day 274 🌟
I love those stories too - as Frank Carson used to say ‘ it’s the way I tell ‘them’ referring to his jokes but I think it’s ‘the way you tell ‘them’ the stories that is 😂
The continuing adventures of Cam and Bann and their hooman ………🥰
Hello Lorcan how are you and Cam and Bann ? Hopefully you’ve had a lazy Sunday !
Keep those snugglesafes coming it’s very brrrrrr out there 🥶
I took a nap which I didn't mean to do and woke up an hour ago to find it was 16° in the goblin room 😱

They've been miffed at me all day. One of the houses behind mine has been getting work done to it and it was particularly loud today. The goblins weren't impressed. Neither was I, but the house apparently hasn't had work done on it in years and it's got a new owner, or occupier (whichever) so I get the need.
Gosh those new people are keen ….on a Sunday …..not very neighbourly tho.
A bit of lettuce, coriander will make them happy 🥰
Hope your nap refreshed you !
It's been on and off for weeks now, I think they're doing it if and when they get time off, rather than any specific schedule. The noise, well, that's a terrace for you.
Hope you feel better soon! Get plenty of rest! My dad used to say, “Rest and sleep encourages growth!” Didn’t work for me - I’m only 4ft 10, but then I was never a great sleeper 😢
"Hay time!"
Blank stares
"Hay time?"
"It's hay."
"Not hay."
"it's hay. It's timothy hay."
"it is!"
"Is not."
"Is too."

Five seconds later, after I've figured sod it and gone to leave:
"You know how we said mangetout and sugarsnaps were awful and not food?"
"We want sugarsnaps."

Bann's sulking with me because I picked him up earlier and made "the Human's trying to break my little bones" noises while being held. Why was I holding him? Because the eejit had hay sitting on his eyelids, dangerously close to the Danger Zone. 😱

Hay's gone, he's sulking, and Cam's giving off that he's "hungry" because he only got fed half an hour ago. :roll:

Trying to get the Snugglesafes out of the cage last night was fun. I went to step in, and Bann ran right where my foot was gonna be. I didn't correct my balance well enough when I did put my foot down and my leg caught on one of the grids (or connectors, I dunno) and dragged half the cage wall down.
Panic ensues. Bann runs and hides in a bed. Cam hides underneath a fleecy forest. I'm apologising to Bann for scaring him after he caused the accident. Oh, Bann.

Putting the Snugglesafes back? I put them in, I'm about to step out, and I suddenly think to myself no, find Cam first. I can see Bann. Where's Cam? Cam's right behind me. Good thing I didn't move. Cam then runs to my feet. Runs over my feet. Runs around my leg. Runs around and over my feet. Bann's getting cranky because he wants his pellets, dang it, and they don't happen til I'm out of the cage.
Cam apparently doesn't want pellets. He'd rather be making a nuisance of himself. :))

Meanwhile post turned up with one parcel and not two. That sucks. The other one will probably turn up later but now I also have a parcel for someone else on the street and is it weird to feel paranoid because you have their parcel? They won't mind, I'm just...weird like that, lol.
Well done day 278 🌟
I love how Cam keeps up his ‘nuisance’ persona not easy for you tho 😂
Bann just thinking of food food food 🥰
Parcels …..a problem for most of us in one way or another !
Your neighbours will be grateful you accepted their parcel for them …safer that way too
Cam's in a league of his own on that, seriously. And to think I used to believe Comet was an absolute menace, he had nothing on Cam lol.

I'm just trying to keep an ear out for that neighbour, or for my door because I've no idea if the postie's left anything to say she left it with me.

I reset the highest and lowest temps in the goblin room last night before turning the heating dial so it'd be on twice overnight and falling asleep. Woke up this morning, the high was allegedly 42.5C, which I'm sorry but no chance. Even if the heating had been on all night, no chance.
The low was what it was when I woke up. 14.1. Fourteen point one.

The heating's not been off all day and there's a bunch of songbirds apparently having an absolute meltdown nearby.

Also my neighbour has what looks like a lot of smashed glass in their garden. It was bottle/can recycling bins getting emptied today so I'm assuming they've taken stuff out to the now empty bin and managed to drop it instead.
Well done on day 279
It’s hard to balance heating and the thermostat.
My heating came on overnight - piggies nice and cosy

Go to check on the goblins.
Decide to lie down on the floor for a bit.
Make sure they realise there's pea flakes on the go so they'll come over.
Cam spends about 3 minutes poking his head out of bed, back in, out, back in, out the other door, shoulders out, back in.
Finally walks the wall of the cage I need 3ft long arms to reach.
Bann meanwhile has yawned and stretched himself out of bed and manages to reach me before Cam does.
Cam is unimpressed.
Cam runs away.
Bann eats pea flakes.
Cam runs back.
Try to feed them one each.
Bann runs away.
Cam eats pea flakes.
Bann runs back.
Cam keeps going to the wrong space in the bars somehow. One just above or just below but not the right one.
Bann eats pea flakes.
Cam's suffering with "my mouth's too full and I need to chew it all at once"
Finally go to give him his last one.
He drops the flake.
Bann finds it first.


They've got two beds, the cuddle cups, and two fleece tunnels drying out on my bed right now because there's nowhere else to dry them and I need those cuddle cups ready for tonight, the rest isn't so urgent. Sigh. Also I'm drying my own clothes in my room because they'd freeze overnight downstairs and all I can smell is Persil. I know it's unscented but I washed some of their stuff with mine and I genuinely prefer the smell of my usual lavender and sandalwood stuff, lol. But needs must.
Awesome day 280🌟
I love how Cam and Bann get in the right place at the wrong time 😂
Pea flakes yum yum
Any other time he'd go to the right of the log tunnel and end up at that same wall that's to my left...this time he went left, lol. Meanwhile Bann keeps getting what looks like a soft lump on his belly but it's never there when I've got hold of him, I think it's just the way his skin fold is on that side. And it's not like it's constantly visible either, so again...belly roll. Still makes me pause every time mind you.

I've realised I should probably look for a new hay delivery before Christmas happens and I run out of the hay they do like :bal:
Ah lovely Bann …. I’ve got one of those Bann ….it’s called cuddly 😂

Good idea about the hay …I ordered some today just to make sure 😂
I mean there's probably enough, but "probably" isn't something I want on New Years Eve with only oat hay left, lol.
No and if we continue with this weather being prepared is less worrisome.
We always put our piggies first don’t we 🥰

Bann and his lump. I'm having to just let it go for the time being and hope for the best and I'm useless at that so 🤷‍♂️ but he's happy right now and that's what matters.

Meanwhile, Royal Mail's dealt with a complaint and admitted it was their fault lol. I'm good with that.

Finger's still being difficult, of course.

Cam's been shrieking at me from the other room most of today :flag:but I have finally got the house warm enough to turn off the heating! At 5pm! RIP bank balance.

I forgot to grab a pack of baby wipes on my way back up the stairs too and it feels like a lot of effort to go back down and get them, but they're kind of useful. I should move. I've been saying that for 15 minutes.

I bought 5kg of timothy from Bunny Bistro along with some willow bark, because it was on sale so I figured why not. 🤞they'll actually eat the hay.

Is it bedtime yet?
Any other time he'd go to the right of the log tunnel and end up at that same wall that's to my left...this time he went left, lol. Meanwhile Bann keeps getting what looks like a soft lump on his belly but it's never there when I've got hold of him, I think it's just the way his skin fold is on that side. And it's not like it's constantly visible either, so again...belly roll. Still makes me pause every time mind you.

I've realised I should probably look for a new hay delivery before Christmas happens and I run out of the hay they do like :bal:
Don't worry if you have problems with hay delivery we can always pop over with some. We always have loads as we keep a bale in the shed xx
I have a box of the hay from Wiebke and somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 a box of orchard hay left. Plus a box of oat hay, lol. With a bit of luck the stuff from Bunny Bistro will turn up on time, even if it's just to bulk out the stuff I know they'll eat anyway.

The goblins were last seen having two very different reactions to being given hay. Cam was adamant, the human went downstairs (I went for baby wipes, Cam), the human must have food! Bann, on the other hand, was dragging a pile of hay to the door of the bed so he could eat it in there, lol.
Well done another day ….281🌟
Sounds like a busy day in Cam and Bann’s house 🥰
I don’t think you’ll run out of hay … might of food but those boys won’t 😂
I should probably stop using it as "please shut up" bribery food...but it works, lol. I think I've confused them by switching off the light in their room earlier. I've confused myself because I only ever do that if I'm going to bed, so I don't remember doing it. Maybe that's why Cam was keeping quiet for once?!
I mean I've gone to bed early before but even 6.30-7pm, which is when I assume I did it, is an early one for me lol. And I wouldn't even have noticed because I've been keeping their door closed for the heat, but I'd switched off the hall light to go into the bathroom and realised instead of lightbulb glow from 3 rooms, it was only two.

They did seem surprised when I switched the light back on though. "...why're you here it's not light yet"