The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I was a clumsy child, a clumsy teen, and a clumsy adult, and I'd fall over anything possible. Down the stairs, down the steps, walking in the street, you name it. A physio friend of my mum helped me sort it out a few times (she actually got most of my back to shift at once...well, like dominos anyway, one right after the other), which felt incredible but weirded me out to the point my mum handed my 16 year old self a shot of whiskey without saying a word, lol.

These days most of my joints go at one point or another, hands elbows knees, hips, pelvis, neck, spine. Basically anywhere except my left foot.
It's hard to overstate just how satisfying it is, though, physically and mentally.

Apologies for the lack of an update yesterday, I hadn't been feeling well for a few days and was particularly bad yesterday. So I was awake but most things took effort my brain was unwilling to make, lol. Today doesn't have quite the same lethargic feel to it which can only be a good thing.

In other news, the goblins are fine. Fine, and loud. Oh so very loud. They're almost rivalling the noise of the magpie and crows from yesterday, I think they were taking notes :)) :flag:
Sorry you have been feeling under the weather. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I've been sniffly for a few days anyway, woke up briefly around 9am yesterday, fed the goblins, and the next thing I knew it was midday and the goblin masters were very unhappy, :)) . Still sniffly, but less tired today, and although my GP is being difficult I'm letting someone else sort that out. I have neither the energy nor the inclination to be dealing with him anyway, the pompous git.

(I have called him much worse in the time since 5pm Friday)
I’m sorry you’ve been poorly Lorcan but pleased to hear you are feeling better 🥰
I’m also glad you have people to help you !
At least you have an in house alarm clock …..or two 😂
I mean on the bright side I've stopped yawning every thirty seconds. I rarely yawn, I don't mean in an "oooh look what I can do" way, I just...rarely yawn. I did a lot of yawning last night.

and my elbow keeps popping. Awful noise, great feeling, lol.
I love it when the goblins yawn, usually while they're also trying to walk and stretch each limb at the same time :wub:

I'm thinking of starting a drinking game. Every time I say "Oh, Bann" out loud every day, I have a shot. I mean who needs a working liver, anyway?

Also trying to keep the goblin room warm is a nightmare. I have to have the heating on before it drops below ~17.5° or it gets a hundred times harder to warm up the house. And if I close my room window, the haze gets too much. And I get too warm. I have no idea how that last one works but there you go.

I was putting the beds in with the Snugglesafes last night, walked into the cage to do it, and then couldn't leave because I'd put a few beds in at once and curious goblins were running all around my feet. In a bed, out a bed, over my right foot, now my left foot, oh well 🤷‍♂️

Bann's learned if he stands on top of an upturned cardboard tray it gives him more height for getting his head over the bars :bal:

And finally, Bann didn't want to get out of bed for food earlier so I tossed his share over. He proceeded to run right past it to meet me at the bars, instead. Oh, Bann.
Amazing…. day 270 🎉

I know what you mean about keeping the temp stable ….it’s hard
I love that you were stranded in Bann and Cam’s home ! They’ll be learning all sorts from the GPU and Thea the one and only -
Bann clearly wants 2 portions of food …..haven’t you learnt that Lorcan 😂
I wouldn't mind so much except he did pause, briefly, because he could smell the coriander. But he looked for it for all of about a second before deciding it was too much work and came to beg instead, lol.

It is a very odd feeling, having small critters running over your feet. I was in socks but not shoes so I could feel it, which means there were a few silent "don't gnaw on the feet don't gnaw on the feet Cam just don't" running through my head. It's a nice feeling, though. I didn't want to leave, almost. But unlike the goblins, it's not acceptable for me to poop and pee all over the house 🤷‍♂️

I lost Cam earlier. I genuinely thought it was in the very real sense, too. I could see Bann, but there was no movement in any of the other beds and, perhaps most importantly, he wasn't making noise.

Then I heard something. I wasn't sure what, but I looked to the left of my feet at the cage and...there's a cardboard tray moving. All by itself. :roll: Thanks for that near heart attack there, mate.

Also finger was doing well then I was using a torch to see how much liquid was left in a tank. Clicked the tank off with that fingertip. Immediate regret, lol.
Day 271 🌟

That’s Cam keeping your attention ! Hope your heart rate has recovered 😂
Sorry to hear your finger is still a problem hopefully it’ll be better soon !

Oh, goblins. First lot of hay in this morning, Bann pops off the bed he's sleeping on...Cam runs behind him. Bann's running in circles around the hay pile, Cam's nose right at his bum. Cam's rumbling, Bann's doing the occasional little hop jump until apparently he's tired of it and does a 180° leap to meet Cam nose to nose.

Cam noped out of that one pretty quickly.

Also I had to see my GP about doing the new prescription from Leeds because apparently all the paperwork in the world isn't good enough for him. Someone got me an appointment with a different GP today. "So, why are you here?" "I dunno. I just got told to talk to a doc about a prescription change you have all the paperwork for and for some reason, you need to speak to me too?" Yeah he didn't get it either. Prescription done, now to find someone who'll do the actual injection :roll: on the bright side, I've got the steroids and shampoo for my head and skin again. And the hormone prescription. It's been a good day.

And I'm hungry and Asda will be here later so...even better.
Well done day 272

I’m glad your trip to the GP was productive !
Lovely that you bought some treats ! Kinder ….😂

I can just imagine Cam and Bann coming together nose to nose 😬😂…..
They keep you and us entertained Lorcan 🥰
Cam was being deliberately antagonising, lol, to see him scuttle off afterwards "nope no sirree I'm just going to go over here and you'll forgive me right plzkthnx." Still eating together the last I saw them although when I lost Cam (again) and was like, "Where is he Bann?" Bann seemed to do the guinea pig equivalent of 🤷‍♂️

Still I needed their Snugglesafes, so I needed to walk through the cage and I didn't want to be standing on him. So I got down on my knees, still can't find any movement...and then I hear gnawing noises by my left ear. I never learn.
Great entertainers those two 🥰
I think you could be a climbing frame Lorcan 😂
"Yes Cam, I can hear you."
"Yes Cam, I can see you."
"No Cam, stop annoying him."
"No Cam, that's your own fault."
"Yes Cam, I am still sitting here."
"No Cam, it's because I'm tying my shoelaces."
"No Cam, I haven't forgotten you."
"No Cam, I'm not ignoring you."
"No Cam, I'm not a magician."
"Yes Cam, you are a bloody delinquent."

Sorry, neighbours 🤷‍♂️

(This breaking news story brought to you by the Human, the Delinquent, and the One Who Doesn't Understand What The Fuss Is About, Day #273)
I loved reading that 😂
Wonderful day 273 🌟

I should've done the shoes while I was still in my room but I didn't want to walk through their cage wearing them in case I track in any nasties. If I'd just used a pair of shoes downstairs I'd've forgotten to take them off before coming upstairs (which frequently happens) and carrying a pair of steel toe boots, two Snugglesafes (plus beds), two empty cans of Coke, and a vape's a lot to carry down the stairs, lol.
Especially if your balance is a bit off 😬
You’ll need to have a rucksack with you 😂
lol I use the light from their room to get down the stairs too, I don't need the landing light on as long as I leave their door open (or mine, or the bathroom, but theirs is more convenient) but Cam is Cam, and he knew I was sitting there. And eventually he'll set Bann off too so it's 11pm and the delinquent's shrieking the house down. Thanks, goblins, lol.