The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I think he's probably wondering if he could get swapped to a different route at this point, lol. Flippin' goblins, I got back upstairs and Cam was practically climbing the bars, and Bann was staring at me from a bed because beds are warm and the outside is not. Just right too!
Amazing Day 263, well done.

I answered the door to our postie today in my PJs and carrying a skinny pig (it was meds time). It wasn't our usual postie and he just handed my the parcel while giving me a strange look and walked away. I'm hoping he doesn't think i have done something cruel to Ginger to make him bald and report me to the RSPCA. 😂
As of 5 minutes ago Bann has stepped up his "leaning on odd things" game. Cam was begging at the bars under a fleecy forest. Bann was leaning on the fleecy forest...but the fleecy forest was leaning on Cam!

These two will be the death of me.
Tbh even outside of the goblins I rang my mum earlier asking for recommendations for quilting books because I'm going stir crazy doing nothing. Keeping the finger strapped isn't helping me not use it, somehow, and as ridiculous as it is I can only play so much of a videogame right now too because it's a ridiculous place to break/crack a bone, lol.

In unrelated news I bought a couple of new juices to try out - one guava, one passionfruit, and one starfruit. I have no idea what any of these fruits actually tastes like, lol.
Sadly I think that type of injury to your finger might take a while to heal. So it sounds good to get some ideas for books. Keep quilting Lorcan 😂
Guava juice and passion fruit juice are lovely - not tried starfruit . Enjoy
Having broken stuff before, if it was the actual finger, it'd probably have an easier time healing. It'd hurt more, but a) I'd probably not have foregone an x-ray and b) a finger's easier to keep immobilised than a fingertip is. As I pointed out to Mum, I touch type so I'm aggravating it anyway, but the sewing problem isn't from using the machine, it's trying to pin because your brain doesn't want to let the "wrong" hand do the job. That there's still a visible lump a month later has me rethinking the "don't want to get an xray" line, lol. Thankfully it only hurts when I'm trying to use it.

It was a freak accident, but next time, I'll try steering that freak accident towards my knuckles instead lol. :))
Guava is so yummy! Starfruit is a tart fruit; I can't think of anything it really tastes like. It's not a strong flavor, but like a tart grape? That's the closest I can come to what a starfruit tastes like.

I hope your hand starts to feel better. I've started watching Youtube videos about quilting after seeing your quilting progress. I found a rather funny lady that recommends a glass of beer or Guinness nearby to keep your shoulders relaxed. I can't remember her name, but her last name is Truelove so Something Truelove is her channel.
Guava is so yummy! Starfruit is a tart fruit; I can't think of anything it really tastes like. It's not a strong flavor, but like a tart grape? That's the closest I can come to what a starfruit tastes like.

I hope your hand starts to feel better. I've started watching Youtube videos about quilting after seeing your quilting progress. I found a rather funny lady that recommends a glass of beer or Guinness nearby to keep your shoulders relaxed. I can't remember her name, but her last name is Truelove so Something Truelove is her channel.

I'm sitting here doing the vaping equivalent of chain smoking and it's irritating me, lol. I could be pressing seams and cutting squares in half and listening to podcasts, lol.

There's something about leaving my room to quiet, gently pushing on the other door saying, "How are we, goblins?" because you've gotta announce yourself if the door's only ajar, and seeing two faces pause to look at me (or, my general direction anyway) just for a second, and then the bouncing and shrieking starting and thinking that maybe I should've got the food before opening the door :))

So. I've had several phones over the years and there are date reminders set several years ago that I keep forgetting about til they happen, and today was one of those - Gotcha Day for Comet and Blitzen. I'm keeping it, though. I like the reminder.

Also went to feed the Goblins and I thought it was quiet coming up the stairs. I walk into the room...still quiet, and no peering faces from the beds. I looked to the left of my feet and they're too busy trying to climb over the cage bars to make noise, apparently :))

1. I always forget how good I am at talking in long, run on sentences without a breath and at considerable speed. Well, til I've realised the person I'm talking to never caught a word of it anyway.
2. Was lying on the floor with a head next to the goblin cage yesterday and they came over for a couple of pea flakes. Well there was small leaf on top of the cardboard tray next to Camowen and at some stage he realised this because he stood on the tray, looked at me, then got that "I smell food" look. It had been several minutes by then. Dolt.
3. Then Bann last night. I'll toss in a couple of nuggets before I put the nice warm beds back in the cage because I don't risk them running around my feet if they're hunting for food. Last night it didn't work, not because they'd cottoned on, but because Bann went searching in the wrong half of the cage for some unknown reason :doh::stu:
4. Vape juice comes in childproof caps, which is good, but they're the really stubborn "ahaha no we won't open" type of cap. The sort I can only open if the right hand holds the bottle and my left hand does the cap. My poor finger, lol. I did finally get a photo though:
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-24 at 16.35.58.webp

And that's after a month, lol. Mum says it looks like her arthritis. At least arthritis is a better excuse than "freak accident with a piece of plastic" lol. Oh and I don't like the starfruit juice. Tasted too much like the apple daiquiri (different brands) and I don't like that either, which makes it the first Zap! juice I don't like. I thought maybe it was the alcohol (which there isn't in vapes, to be clear, it's whatever flavouring they use) but then i tried this Warm Bourbon Tobacco juice - heavier on the bourbon than I expected, it was getting drunk levels of bourbon, but it was nice.
Well done day 266 🌟🎉

Your poorly finger 😥
Love to hear of Cam and Bann …..whatever next 🥰
Do you use up the juices you don’t like or do you throw them away ?
I use them. I've only ever thrown away a couple, the type that I couldn't even finish a tank of. I have at least...6? right now I could do with tossing, 3 large bottles and 3 10ml (including the starfruit) but I wish I could get my head to agree to get rid of them. Feels far too wasteful, though. I do at least learn what to not try twice, lol. So I don't tend to buy anything strawberry or mango now.

No good deed goes unpunished. :))

Went to grab stuff from my room for the recycling, found this paper parcel (as in it wasn't bag, it was used to wrap) and I thought no, I'll give that to the goblins. I tore off the sticker, took out the recycling, then the fun began. I have 3 boxes of hay atm and a large plastic tub that I could dump one box of hay into. Sorted.
Then clean the mess that left on the living room floor. Swept into a pile, larger handfuls tossed into the box too. Sorted.
Camowen, by this stage, knows there's noise. I had to move an unopened bag and a sealed tub of pellets to get at the plastic box and he heard it. Lots of things groaned loudly up the stairs. Cam's response was to get louder 🤷‍♂️

Figured I'd put orchard hay in the bag because they haven't had it for a while. That box is in the kitchen under the timothy box. Move the timothy box. Move the orchard box. Sweep up hay detritus and stray poops. Put orchard hay in bag. Put boxes back.
Sweep up hay again because of course it's everywhere.
Lower back and left hip is complaining. Probably a joint needs to pop, can't force it. Screw it, leave the hay in a pile on the floor. Sort it tomorrow.

Almost forgot my Coke. Go back to retrieve it. Finally get upstairs. Put bag in cage.

Gobliins are in their usual begging spot and they will. not. leave. :doh:

@piggieminder I know you get this feeling right now :))
I could probably get it to happen, but it requires lying on my back on the floor (bed's too soft) and then just shifting the way I'm lying til it happens. But getting off the floor again is effort and I'm lazy, lol, plus it's not guaranteed to work. Sometimes it doesn't, feels amazing when it does though.
Great ….day 267 🌟

Gosh a joint that needs to pop sounds awful ….. I feel for you @Lorcan and @piggieminder
I hope you can cope with it.
Interesting as always to hear about Cam and Bann and I love that they have a ‘begging spot’ 🥰

They tend to like to beg anywhere along that 3-grid stretch, but the corner underneath the fleecy forest is generally where you'll find at least one of them.

As for popping joints, it sounds awful to other people when they hear it but it can be incredibly relieving (and satisfying) when it happens. A few weeks back, every morning I'd wake up and I'd cross my legs still sitting on the bed, and my entire lower back would shift, so to speak. Instant stiffness relief! A harder floor makes a good spot to lie down on because it keeps everything relatively level, which I've found makes it easier for the stray joints to right themselves.
The stubborn ones are a nuisance though. You can do yourself damage trying to force it, damned if you do and damned if you don't sometimes.
My poppy joint is my ankle at the moment. I have to move it very slowly until it feels right again. Sometimes it's my back and sometimes my knee, oh the joys of getting old. I'm really sore and creaky at the moment because I've not been out walking to loosen myself up.