The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


I still wasn't feeling great yesterday so I had an early night (like fell asleep before midnight "early night"), did the goblin stuff earlier than usual too. Woke up at 8.30am, and I feel so much better. Went and retrieved my bins that I hadn't grabbed again yesterday and got the brown bins for both of my immediate neighbours too because the extra couple of trips wouldn't kill me, then got briefly chatting with neighbour-but-one having a good laugh about the sheer weight in one of the brown bins (wet leaves weigh a tonne, lol).

Doing this got my shoes and jeans wet. I hate wet jeans, when I'm wearing shoes or just socks it gets my legs wet too. Eugh. No thanks. So I went to put on a pair of boots. Grabbed the big steel toe ones then put them doing to find a pair of canvas Docs. Now, since I got these I've had to wear them with the thinnest socks imaginable because I've got wide feet. I dunno how much weight I've lost because I don't own a pair of bathroom scales but I'm not wearing thinnest socks imaginable, and I am wearing those boots.

In goblin news they don't think they got enough hay this morning. They got plenty. I will not be guilt tripped!
Woohoo day 259 🌟
Glad you feel better after an ‘early night’ makes a difference.
How are your hands today ?
You did your ‘random act of kindness’ today with the bins - it’s sounds like you have good neighbours…not always in your face neighbours but normal ones 😂
How is that piggies do that …the guilt trip thingy ? I always feel when Geoff and Bobby get their bedtime coriander that they’re feeling it’s not nearly enough ! They think they know best don’t they 😂
Yeah, I'd put the bin out for the empty house on Wednesday because I knew the leaves were in it, I'd said to him he could use my bin because the house's one was full. Worked out for me too because it hid the can and plastic bag I'd accidentally chucked in there and couldn't fish back out again. I've never had a bin needing pushed ahead of me rather than pulled behind until that one lol.

My finger's still giving trouble. Even if it's not my dominant hand it's amazing just how much gets done with it and it's driving me nuts. I feel like I'm permanently on the verge of an anxiety attack because I don't have anything to do and gaming isn't helping, but also I broke my fingertip doing stuff. I know I didn't get it x-rayed but there's no way I didn't do it some damage, not if I can still see a lump on my finger lol.

As for guilt tripping, it's like when the Twelfth Doctor used to go on at Clara about the eyes. Guinea pigs are the real world equivalent of that phenomena.
I’m sorry that finger is still trouble …..could you binge watch some Dr Who to take your mind off it ?
I’m binge watching The Mandolorian ……awesome it is 😂
This is the way
I'm switching between Microsoft Solitaire, wearing my right leg out because it demands the right to dance along to music whether the rest of me wants it or not, Fallout 3, Faerie Solitaire Harvest (which is not the Microsoft version lol) and wondering if I wrote out what flavours all my juice bottles are would give my brain something to do. Not that there's a good reason to do this btw, I already know it, but you know, find the brain a list and run with it.

And maybe find a less energetic playlist to follow for a bit.

Fed the goblins (mixed salad bag too, one of their favourites), had to go downstairs again 20 minutes later. Coming back up I paused briefly at the top of the stairs, the door to their room was closed over to keep the heat in and I thought I could hear them chatting to each other. Well it turns out Cam heard me stop at the top of the stairs and I wasn't getting away with that, lol.

Still waiting on the Royal Mail parcel too. 🤷‍♂️ I want a distraction but my options are limited if I want to hear the door. Not that they'll arrive today if they haven't already but at least then I can say it definitely wasn't my fault. Sheesh, RM.

I also want a nap. Naps are good.

(at least the goblins are happy, lol)
Well done on another day Lorcan ……day 260 🌟
Cam has sensitive hearing …..I love how he knew you’d paused on the stairs 🥰
You’ll be in trouble if you develop a craving for lettuce 😂
Somebody somewhere's looking out for me today. I was playing Solitaire (again, challenge stuff is fun ok, lol) with my headphones in, took them out because I wasn't set on listening to anything else for a bit. No sooner were my earphones back on the desk but there's a knock at the door with my missing parcel!

And there was definite normal chatting noises until I stopped @Roselina, he was waiting for it!
#261 and two goblin stories today.

First, after my parcel arrived yesterday, there was packing paper in it. I tore the strip in two, put one in the cage, and sort of draped the other so it made a covered walkway from one log tunnel into another (90° turn). Immediate mayhem and lots of "oh new things? NEW THINGS NEW THINGS" talk because what is this madness. In the time it took me to go downstairs and put a can in the recycling and come back upstairs, the floor piece needed to come out because Cam peed all over it (as he does) and they were still trying to suss out the piece on top of the log tunnels, lol.

Secondly, Snugglesafes. Went to grab them out of the cage but had to walk into the cage to do it, they both momentarily bolted but then were back immediately, Cam in particular looking very concerned that I was removing beds. When I went to put them back in Cam was too busy trying to jump into the bed before I could put it down and then spent the next 5 minutes happily jumping between them and playing with Bann. Just what you need when you want to go to bed at 11pm, lol.
Well done day 261 🌟

I can imagine the mayhem …….😂
Sounds like two very happy excited little piggies 🥰
Did you get some sleep in the end 🤣
Yes, thankfully, lol. And I think the neighbours were out for the evening too so they didn't hear the shenanigans on the other side of a bedroom wall. You'd have thought they'd never seen packing paper beforehand, and Cam trying to climb on the beds when they're still off the floor and while I'm standing in the cage to do so...that was new, heh. But then who can resist a nice warm bed?
Indeed Cam likes his creature comforts 🥰
Funny how excited they got over the packing paper 😂
Not 5 minutes ago I realised the temp had dropped significantly. Turned the heating on, brought coriander upstairs as tribute then opened the bag and Cam and I agreed nope, the bag's off.

But they could smell the coriander and now they're trying to find the coriander. 🤷‍♂️
Oh no 😬
I’ve found just lately that the packet coriander especially from Portugal and Italy is awful - Spanish is generally better
I’ve started buying coriander in a pot - from Tesco it is grown in the UK and lasts longer and is good quality - if you keep the pot once you harvested it , often new shoots will grow ready to be eaten in a week or two
Cam and Bann will be on at you 😂
Haha tbf the date on these was gone, I'd read it wrong. There's lettuce, parsley, kale and some beans in the fridge and I've a Tesco order due between 7 and 8. I gave them a couple of sugar snaps instead. Bann got his. Cam ignored the beans closer to him and made a beeline for Bann's instead. Bann was unimpressed.

Tip: if you can't find one guinea pig, and the other is sitting suspiciously close to an overturned cardboard tray, don't offer the one you can find a bean. They will lean onto the cardboard tray to reach their bean, they will startle the missing guinea pig sitting under the overturned cardboard tray, and oops, hi anarchy.
Well done on reaching day 262 and an even bigger well done for coping and not needing to smoke back on the 12th ⭐

I was knackered after yesterday lol, so no update, but yesterday was my first real test of vaping rather than smoking when nervous and around a lot of people and it worked!

Then I got bored an hour ago.

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Well done on day 262
Lesson learned 😂

The worst part is I could see it coming from a mile off and I still didn't think to try it a different way, lol. And Bann, knowing where Cam was, was weirdly very surprised when his booster platform moved despite repeatedly trying to use a fleecy forest as a footrest despite knowing it never works.

I wish I could apologise to my postie sometimes. He knocked on the door, I moved, Cam started shrieking, and as I'm at the door I'm trying to say "I know you're not due fed yet shush" but it came out something more like "D'ye 'ink ah'm some kin'a eejit who fer gess ye're no' due fed fer ano'er wee while ye'?"

Ah, #263, off to a great start :))