The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Great …day 249 🌟
What a lovely light room ! Perfect for sewing 😊
You’ll get it done… rush
Shame Bann and Cam cant help 😂
Well done on day 250 🌟🌟🌟
Funny there’s a lot of those in my garden ! It’s lovely watching how they spiral down to the ground 🥰

Still sewing. Still not a clue what I'm doing, lol. My straight lines are getting straighter, which is something.



Had a disagreement with my needle this morning and now it's in the bin, haha. The back of this looks an absolute mess. At least nobody sees the back when it's done.
Well done on day 252 🌟
That sewing is looking great ! I love the colour combinations and I think you’re doing just fine !
Thanks 😍 I've just started putting the coloured triangles together for square 4. Also I have too many needles and the weirdest phobia about opening the good needles (there's no such thing I should point out) - to the extent I went to check the drawer in the Jones because I also have good needles in there but they' the Jones, so I don't mind using those lol. As long as I leave enough spares in there I'll pilfer the rest lol.

I was knackered after yesterday lol, so no update, but yesterday was my first real test of vaping rather than smoking when nervous and around a lot of people and it worked!

Then I got bored an hour ago.


Woohoo day 254 🌟
Glad it was a good day yesterday ! (With the vaping etc)
Everyone had a great time I hear 😂
Sounds like a chill out day is needed today …….if Cam and Bann will allow it ❤️😂
They're still being suspiciously quiet and I think I'm in the bad books for being out yesterday...except I came back with two boxes of yummy (to the goblins, because they're weird) hay and some forage that I'm gonna give them in a bit.
Ah you couldn’t resist Lorcan - we do that don’t we? Those boys are very lucky 🥰
They had a little of it, kept looking at me suspiciously the entire time too lol. They're not fans of oat cookies apparently, apparently the weird tastes aren't limited to hay choices, bonkers little goblins.
Day #255!

Somebody has swept up the leaves in my garden. I think they've shoved them all onto the lawn area but that's fine - but I'd love to know who did it so I can actually thank them lol. Somebody was sweeping up the leaves in the next garden over but the bin's full so I said he could use mine. The brown bins get emptied weekly anyway, it's not like the others where you've got to wait 3 weeks.

The goblins are still suspicious of forage. Cam was much more excited to see some today but Bann just keeps staring at it and me like I'm an idiot and what is this stuff anyway? Poison? Gotta be poison. Cam's eating it, definitely poison, lol. They're both still loving the hay Wiebke's Tribe refused to even look at, though. Grotty stalky hay is best hay in this house.
I feel terrible for laughing so hard I was wheezing but I've just watched Cam eating, manage to move in such a way he threw what he was eating out of bed, and then go on a mad dash around half the cage trying to find his food before staring at me like, "It was stolen, do you have more for me?"
Great …day 255 🥰 you’re doing so well Lorcan !
Lovely to have helpful neighbours …..😊
Well Cam is a lucky fella to get to eat all the forage - I wonder if Bann might ‘wake up’ to the taste of it soon ! Then it’ll be ‘who gets there first ‘
Dear Cam he’s a lovely piggy
At least Bann's not managed to throw away his food today. Cam's a numpty but they both do it, I'll find half eaten beans or herbs and the occasional bit of lettuce or kale outside the cage because they've been eating by the cage walls and let the food fall through, then blame the other one for stealing it. 🤷‍♂️

I'm waiting on a parcel. Except I might actually be waiting on two? I dunno, Royal Mail's tracking page is down and has been since yesterday. The definite one isn't Royal Mail.

Also managed to set the smoke alarm off again :roll: forgot to get some recycling out of my room, went to grab it, smoke alarm goes off because I forgot to close the door and in trying to side step out of the door so I could close it behind me because my arms were full I nearly fell over my jeans. All I could hear in my head "well your jeans are too long that's your problem" and brain voices, I'm short. I can't fix that. My legs are too short for Short Leg jeans. DEAL WITH IT.
And maybe close the door next time, Self.

Also just went downstairs because I thought I heard the door. I thought wrong. I came back up the stairs to Goblin Music. The neighbours in the house at my back wall got to hear my groans of "ffs lads you got fed half an hour ago. More hay. That's all you're getting." They've had so much "more hay" today that I've already emptied the 10l tub I normally fit a day's worth of hay into lol.
I was sitting with my back to the door when the alarm went off too and my first thought was "why can I hear that so well" and then "wait why's it even going off", lol. It doesn't help that the goblins take it as a personal affront if I just put their food in the cage without physically hand feeding them their first mouthful. I could put a pile of kale a foot high in there and they'd still demand I feed them before they move. 🤷‍♂️

Still nothing on the maybe parcel but I'm tired so I'm gonna take the risk it'll turn up tomorrow.
Well done day 256 🌟
I love how Bann and Cam have trained their human …..hand feeding first how lovely ❤️
I’d hoped your smoke alarm dramatics had ended 😬
Well done day 256 🌟
I love how Bann and Cam have trained their human …..hand feeding first how lovely ❤️
I’d hoped your smoke alarm dramatics had ended 😬

To be fair, the last ones kept going off even if doors were kept closed (like when it went off because I closed the blinds in the goblin room), I'd been vaping thicker juice/higher watts/more clouds...and I left the door open, lol. The only other time they've gone off is when I was chainvaping under the one downstairs. So far they've been pretty good.

The hand feeding's even better than that. Sometimes I'll go to hand feed them and they'll wait til I've got the veg to the bars for them, and then they ignore it, stop begging, and go to eat the food in the cage. :doh:
He's an absolute menace, lol.

Earlier he saw me coming, bounced over to one of the cup beds (so no roof) perched himself so he was staring over the bed at the bed Bann was in, and then started yelling. At me. And he seemed very perturbed that I wasn't dealing with whatever it was he wanted dealt with. I chucked hay into the cage. Apparently that was an appropriate reaction, lol.

As things to complain about go they're kind of on the lower rungs of the importance ladder, but my right hand refuses to warm up and the busted finger on my left hand is being incredibly irritating when I'm trying to sew. No more sewing for me for a while. So one hand's in a glove and the other has two fingers strapped together lol. 🤷‍♂️

Royal Mail appear to have mislaid a parcel of mine too and I'm in two minds, do I wait and hear if I get a knock on the door, or do I say sod it and play games with my earphones on and if it does turn up I can rearrange delivery instead. I'm thinking Option #2.

Also it appears Cam has learned to sing. Help.
He was wheeking at me earlier, except it wasn't a wheek and it wasn't chirping, lol. He's currently barricading the bigger door of one of the beds with the half-demolished remains of a hay cube because he's Cam, and he does that. It's like he forgets that a) Bann can still eat it from the other side and b) that bed has two exits.
To add to this, he now can't get it out of the doorway. I've watched him try, then give up and use the side exit lol. I'm leaving it where it is, though. It's his own fault.
Well done on day 258 …another day Lorcan 🌟
I’m sorry your hands are causing you trouble ….best way to work with how they are I’d go option 2 too 😂
How amazing is Cam 🥰 what is Bann up to ?
I think the pair of them keep dropping food out of the bars at the side of the cage below the window, either that or they're facing the heat source. Because they do keep sitting there, Bann actually fell asleep doing it earlier. I thought something might be wrong (it's hard to tell if they do the "hunched up" pain response but he looked more relaxed than that) but I lay down on the floor and knocked the pea flake box. Total anarchy right there.

Bann's not black, he's a very dark brown. You can't see it really unless you catch him in the right light. But I've realised recently his mouth (and lips) are even lighter brown again...still just dark unless you catch him at the right angle, like when you're lying down on the floor and he's smelled the lettuce.