The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Apparently I'm to expect them every 8 weeks, which is cool. I heard them at the windows, and the ladders (curtains were closed downstairs) and when I popped my head through the door: "Hi, you with (Housing Association)?" "Uh, aye." "Hi, we're your window cleaners. They'll pay us though."

I have a goblin story from cage clean, though! Bann's fault. It's always Bann's fault. He went into Cam's bed (start at one end of the cage, finish at another, because they stay in the cage while I do it) and Cam's doing all that submissive squealing we hate to hear. Eventually Bann leaves and I need to move them both behind me. Cam ends up scooped up in my hands because I panicked and knocked his bed over. Sorry, Cam. But eventually they're both on the right side of the cage, Bann having taken himself there, and I suddenly realised they're standing in the same place, noses at a 35° angle to each other and I'm thinking aw, crap, don't fight now. No. There was a hay cookie. They were both sharing a hay cookie practically nose to nose because I hadn't got new hay into the cage yet.
I wish I understood guinea pig logic.
Oh how lovely that’d be to see ! Sharing a hay cookie 🥰
Do they ever have a tussle/ rumble or fight ?
It always feels lovely …..and I'm sure Cam and Bann agree…. after a cage clean out 😂
I mean, they squabble a lot. I've watched Cam spray pee on Bann (and Bann does have a habit of trying to avoid Cam's backside, lol), there's a lot of the submissive squealing, quite a bit more of the "could you sod off and give my head peace" noises, but I've never seen them fight.

They're no Comet and Blitzen - those two had a hell of a bond, and Bann and Cam can't match that at all, so I do tend to keep a closer eye on the bigger squabbles, but they're clearly happy to live with each other, even when they annoy the absolute ^%*( out of each other lol.
How are you today Lorcan ? Hopefully slept ok and less pain today ?
I expect Cam and Bann are keeping you busy 🥰
Sort of - I feel less stiff but I'm sporting a hell of a bruise from getting bloods done last week. I'd forgotten about the bloods so when I saw it earlier I almost had a heart attack before my brain went "no, wait, we know about that one" lol.

On three separate occasions so far today I've watched Cam realise if he wants to eat, he's going to need to get out of bed. And to get out of bed, he needs to yawn as widely as possible AND stretch out his front legs before leaving the comfy bed. Three times. Hell, yawning three times. I'm screwed if these two ever choose to start yawning angrily because I'm not convinced I'd know the difference any more, lol.

Also one of them lost his dinner because he ran full pelt into the other, panicked, dropped the food and ran off. Then his food got nicked.
Then one of them ran into a different bed but dropped his food on the way and the other one saw it and went "yoink" while the pig who dropped the food got very confused as to where his meal went.

I'm not saying who's who, because they're both as bad as each other by now :)) #235!
Great ….day 235 🌟
I’m glad you’re a bit better - and that you know why that bruise is there
Ah the ever ongoing adventures of Cam and Bann - I know what they feel like not wanting to get out of bed ….it’s colder these days 😂
It is a hell of a bruise lol. Was on video call with my mum for a bit and sort of introduced them. They were not impressed, lol.
"I've got food."
A head pokes out. Then a second head pokes out, further away. Go to toss in lettuce to the closest pig. Second pig realises this and, I swear, covered about 3ft in one leap to try and get their share first, except...

Then, just as Bann lands and tries to go for the lettuce, Cam full-on body checks him out of the way because Cam knew I threw it for him and it's Bann's own fault for being further away. Bann, for his part, looks very confused as to where he is, why he's there, and what just happened. 🤷‍♂️

He did, but he found his own piece instead. Cam was not letting him away with that :)) not that I was of any help, too busy dying of laughter after he got body checked to be of any use.
Lol it’s great imaging that scene 😂
I’m constantly amazed how these little creatures enrich our lives by just being 🥰

I came upstairs to give the goblins some grub (mangetout, to be specific). Once upstairs I realised the bathroom was making noise so I switched off the light and then thought to myself I need to grab something for going to the hospital for my booster later.

That was 10 minutes ago. Now I'm sitting here typing and listening to Dorothy through my earbuds, my phone's actually downstairs (yay Bluetooth) and can I remember what I came in here for?

Can I ****, lol.
Well done ….day 237
Great you’re having your booster……every little helps ! 😂
Well done ….day 237
Great you’re having your booster……every little helps ! 😂

Yup, over and done with! Had to sit in the waiting area for 15 minutes afterwards and the nurse was confused about what I was doing on the shielding list, but I dunno what I'm doing on the shielding list either 🤷‍♂️ but I have a text that told me to come in and she says she doesn't argue with the texts lol.

Also I got there early, didn't have to queue, and when I said I'd wear a mask but my skin will complain about the irritation because of the psoriasis, they said that was okay, I didn't need it. So...nice and simple today, lol.
For all my complaints about DPD, this just turned up.


That plug works but I'd prefer rewiring it. That's not gonna happen, but it's been years since I've seen a plug like it. Like in the 90s type of long time.

But it does work because the light in the Jones worked. Now to remember how to thread it, lol.

Also Bann keeps falling asleep with his bum poking out of the door in his bed. #238!
Amazing … 238
I hate those ‘sticky out ‘ plugs as they just get in the way !
I’m glad DPD delivered it ok to you !
Bann is trying out ‘feet first Friday’ the alternative version 🥰
Cam's still wearing the cardboard tray as a hat. I thought Bann was throwing the box around just now but no, turns out Cam can't drive when he can't see where he's going. Who knew? :))
Ah, a rant because I wanted to rant and figured I'd shove it in here lol. My needle kept jamming and the only thing I could think was it needs swapping, because the bobbin thread wasn't jamming with it.

I just had to take a pair of pliers to what is allegedly a thumbscrew. Pliers. And there's not enough room to be using those, lol. Zero room to manoeuvre.


Maybe that's enough for the day. Lol.
Don’t you just hate that ? I think the needle gets blunt. Did you manage ok ? It’s always a bit inaccessible -
What were you using your machine for ?
Yeah it was probably time for a change anyway. I was putting a row of 3 squares (3 1/2 inch) together. Be a 3x3 when it's done, hopefully 3" by 3" too but I'll see. But the top thread had been mucking about all day, at first I thought the bobbin was empty (why it acts like that with an empty bobbin, who knows) but the bobbin's fine. And I got annoyed at rethreading it every 30 seconds so I figured I'd change it. Now I'm wondering ho I screwed it that tightly in the first place, lol. But it's working now, the row of 3 is done, and the rest for tomorrow.

Seriously. Pliers. Jewellery pliers but...pliers, lol.
Still silently cursing it lol, It did it again about an hour ago, although I may finally have found the culprit. It's me, it's my own fault lol.
I think it's from using the thread cutter. Lifting it towards the cutter, the thread sometimes escapes the foot so, I think, the jamming is from trying to do another row afterwards and the thread jams because it's in the wrong place.
That’s interesting ….I think that happens to me but I didn’t know it 😂
I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't seen the thread ping back to the wrong place after it was cut. I've put it back each time now and, 🤞, it hasn't jammed since. Which is good because the last time it jammed it got stuck behind the bobbin lol.