The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Day 223 🌟 well done for getting so far …’s not easy 🥰
It’s amazing how things turn out - you needed a new tank and hey presto a £5 voucher appears !
My two sisters wanted to come to visit me yesterday but I was looking after two boisterous golden retrievers so I said best not to. Today my sister said she has covid ….she’s been ill for a few days and then did a test yesterday !
Thank goodness she didn’t visit ….funny how things turn out 😂
The minute my brain clicked that I could just buy another tank, my brain also went, "Really, Tony?!" Unfortunately the temperamental tank is no longer for sale so it was a different tank entirely. I think the issue's with a loose o-ring somewhere, I just can't find where and I don't have the patience to keep hunting for now lol. It's pointless trying to use it as-is, 2ml of juice per tank isn't a lot except when your tank is constantly leaking that 2ml of juice everywhere. And good lord the smell, juice smell sticks around and then I walk into my room 10 hours later and it's like, why can I smell apples and aniseed?! Oh, and it's sticky too. I go through so many baby wipes, even to the extent I have my preferred brand and type.

When my keyworker from the HA said yesterday that apparently the office had offered to get me a lateral flow test if I wanted it but I said no. Whatever I had has cleared, it's just harder to get the sleep schedule back to normal. However, saying that, it turns out he's turned up and when my curtains are closed, he doesn't knock, which explains why I don't hear him at the door :doh: I've said to him that if I'm not answering my phone or the door at 9am on a Tuesday morning then I'm probably asleep but the curtains are closed to keep the cold out as much as possible so he actually needs to knock on the damn door on a Wednesday afternoon. He'll have forgotten this by next week lol.
Somethings are not worth spending lots of time on trying to fix or replace an o ring.
I hope you can get your sleep routine sorted …’s always difficult when you’ve been ill.
With your keyworker …..if he forgets and comes along on tues at 09.00 am you won’t know cos he won’t knock 😂
Tuesday doesn't bother me so much but seriously why not knock on the Wednesday? The curtains being closed really isn't a great excuse but maybe that's just me. Although he knocks really quietly, I have to have my window open to hear it because you can't hear it inside the house.

I overslept slightly today and woke up 10 minutes before noon. This does not bode well for me actually getting to an appointment on Monday at 10.30am. 🤷‍♂️
I sleep through them, lol. I'm very, very difficult to wake up.
Well, no, but there's no rearranging it now lol. Maybe for next Monday but not this one.
I might, but she had the appointment at my house last week and I'd only been awake long enough to get dressed. And the week before I woke up at 10.20 and had to ring up and leave a garbled message with the poor sod who answered the phone, and who apparently did some translating for me so it was understandable lol. I couldn't have strung a sentence together to save my life.
Ah, Day 225. I actually woke up at 8am this morning and now I can barely keep my eyes open lol. I did think to myself I should just grab another hour's sleep...but it's never another hours sleep. So tired.

But, goblin story from last night!
When I went to go do the snugglesafes they were being exceptionally obnoxious, so I grabbed the cardboard tray, chucked in a few pea flakes and nuggets, then a bunch of hay on top before putting it back in the cage and watching from the stairs. Cam was still trying to get my attention but I watched Bann study the tray for a bit, sniffing around it before standing on the edge and thus tipping it all over himself. This was deliberate on his part but also hilarious to watch.
So I get the snugglesafes finished, grab a bean as supper each, and went back upstairs. Bann's on to me like a shot, so I give him his bean before wondering where tf Cam's gone. I put the snugglesafes in and then...there's rustling. Cam's hiding underneath the upturned tray. Between his rustling and my movement, Bann gets spooked and runs off. Cam then realises there's a half eaten bean nearby and snaffles it, dragging it under the tray with him.
Bann then comes back and gets the second bean. Cam - 1/2. Bann - 1 1/2. Good job, Bann, good job.
Well done day 225 🎉
Thats strange….. you’ll need to take it easier today.
I love that story of Cam and Bann - you could write a book about them and their adventures 🥰

Woke up at 8am. Made the mistake of falling asleep again. Woke up at 9.30am. Got up, got myself a drink, gave the goblins their hay, switched the heating on. Got back into bed because I was a bit chilly. Woke up at 11.45am.


So now I'm trying to be good, and I've put the bathmat down, and I've got some string to tie up the shower curtain again, and I've got the heating back on for the umpteenth time today, but then I ate some microwave chips and now I'm too full to do anything. Oops. Incidentally this is the cigarette I miss the most, the "after dinner" one.
Day 226 🌟🎉

You are doing so well ….hopefully when you miss that after dinner smoke it reminds you how far you’ve come !!

The early start might be your body getting ready for the appt tomorro 😂
Good luck 🥰
There's still two boxes of the chips in the freezer, I'm thinking I'll eat those tonight. Carb hangover = sleep, lol.

Finally got the shower, forgot what a pain that curtain is to hang. Remind me not to do that one again for a while lol.

Aye. I did eat all the chips last night. Zero regrets. Also managed to wake up on time too! Twice, even, since I made the mistake of thinking okay, the firs alarm woke me up, so the second one will too and then I can switch off the third one. Except by the time I heard the second one, the third one had cancelled itself because the second was still ongoing. Oh well. Then I had to find what the postcode is for the nearest road so I could order a taxi to there because it's pointless doing it to here, they just get lost.

Got back, figured I'd take a wee nap, and then I could hear strange noises coming from the goblin room. Went in, nothing amiss. Gently tossed a couple of pellets to get their attention. Found Bann pretty quick, that's his bed that moved. Cam? Cam?!
Turns out the strange noises were Cam overturning the cardboard tray and sitting under it, again. I might just leave it there at this point, they won't use it as a toilet and Cam's clearly loving it lol.
These two give me so many stories, whether it's cute adorable things or :doh: moments or 🤷‍♂️ moments.

I have to wonder sometimes if they do it just because it's me. Or do I imagine they do it? But then I remember Comet was as bad and I feel better about it lol. So if Cam wants to wear a cardboard tray as a hat, who am I to stop him? :xd:
Day 227 🌟
You’ve had an eventual day ! You had it all under control 🥰
I love that Cam was hiding ….he finds all the best places
Like YvonneBlue said …’s lovely hearing of the adventures of Bann and Cam
Every day please 😂 and of course we love hearing what you get up to too 🥰
After last night's incident with the desk drawer I'll be happy for no excitement for the rest of the week lol. Tomorrow I'm going to see about getting some of the sewing stuff out again. I'll probably need to redraw some of the patterns but if I can get the stuff together (and the coffee table moved, and the table moved, and the sofa moved, and the rug moved) it'll be a quiet afternoon. And I love quiet afternoons lol.
I've kinda got the munchies but unless I actually go to the shop tomorrow I'm kinda SOL, lol. I have food, don't get me wrong, I'm just lacking in finger food. Roll on Thursday!

Also I'm currently vaping a juice I absolutely hate. I wish I didn't feel so...wasteful...just chucking out the bottle lol.

No quiet afternoon for me because I may have woken up at, er, ten past noon. I clearly needed it but flippin heck, lol. Before heading to bed last night I'd closed my window and as I stood back down on the floor I started shivering uncontrollably, to the extent it felt like I'd hurt the muscles around my ribs once it stopped. The heating went back on for a couple of hours at that point, because if that's how I was, what were the Goblins like?!

I'll admit it, I've felt better. That episode overnight has taken it out of me somewhat, been a long time since something's hit like that. It's an accepted diagnosis on my part, no testing etc needed, but it throws everything off. Like I could've done with a nap today because I can't have slept well overnight but there's too much agitation in my limbs, still. Everything's jumpy, waiting for an attack (that isn't coming, lol).

On the bright side Bann's still trying to inhale his food instead of chewing it but I was greeted by noisy happy FOOD IT'S FOOD IT'S FOOD TIME FOOD! wheeks on my way up the stairs, it's like they know when it's lettuce on the go and they do love their lettuce (little gem today). There's nothing much wrong with their world when they're happy for their lettuce.
Amazing ….day 229 🌟
I’m sorry you have to cope with that - but it’s good it’s levelling off - here’s hoping it stays away !
Always good in piggy world when lettuce arrives 🥰
230! Got here for blood tests. Got asked to be here before noon, woke up at 11:30. Rushed out of bed, chucked a handful of hay in with the goblins, managed to leave my wallet at home (don't need it for the taxi), and get here to discover it's probably nothing and that's fine but the bloods will take a few hours to come back and they want me to wait.

Sorry, goblins. :td:

Also I'm hungry and bored and have an Asda delivery between 4 and 5.

Great ….day 230 🌟
What a day ! I hope the blood results were ok and you’re ok 🥰
I'm good. Didn't make it back in time for Asda though after the pharmacist decided I needed a different prescription and apparently that meant I had to sit and wait an extra hour. I'm not sure how many times I need to repeat "I need to be home by 4pm" that somebody gets it into their head I actually mean "I need to be home by 4pm". Good thing I wasn't hungry or anything :roll: