The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

That’s good you’re good 😂 sorry they kept you ! You must be ‘knackered’ and shame about your delivery -
I rang Asda and it took 5 attempts to get through to someone who would actually do anything and then they're like "Well you should've rung us sooner it's almost an hour now..." I DID. AND I TOLD YOU I DID. AND I WILL KEEP TELLING YOU I DID. STOP MAKING ME REPEAT MYSELF HERE. :doh: geez but I have a headache and a half. And I'd like to take a nap except I'm waiting on Amazon and I've no caffeine left in the fridge and I can't afford to miss them too.
Oh it’s been a ?¥!*£#! Day ! I hope you can manage your headache and get a decent sleep - sending healing vibes to you 🥰
231! And I survived. Slept for about 13 hours though, didn't even manage to get the Snugglesafes done overnight (thankfully the heating came on for a bit). I wouldn't have minded the Asda thing so much but nobody wants to keep having to make the same phonecall twice, never mind 5 times or more. It did turn up this morning, though, and I've got hay boxes coming on Monday or Tuesday, a kilo of hay coming from Pets@Home tomorrow, the remains of last night's headache, and a diagnosis of oral thrush. That's all it was :doh: it's not too severe until I tried eating something and apparently that was what kept setting it off. Food, lol.

The doctor had written a script for an antifungal but for some reason the pharmacist sent it back for a different, "more suitable" antifungal. No idea what the difference was, but who am I to argue? This stuff tastes weird, not bad, just...weird. Plus apparently I'm supposed to swirl it around the mouth and THEN swallow it's 1ml a time. Exactly what human can swirl 1ml in their mouths?!

Right as the goblins are due a clean out, too. Needs must, though.
Day 231 yay ! I’m glad you’re ok ! You must have needed that sleep. Wow it was a day yesterday !
You’ve got this covered Lorcan so take it easy ….rest, relax and start operation self care 🥰
Cam and Bann have some exciting hay arriving 😂
232! And trust the goblins to give me a laugh on an otherwise eugh day. I got some timothy from Pets at Home. They ran to it. They sniffed it. They looked at me. They sniffed it again. Bann took a piece and ate it while just staring at me like "Are you sure this is the right stuff?!" Get back to eating it, Bann, daft eejit. :))
I don't blame him, it's not the best hay out there. Yes they'll eat timothy but I think it's a bit soft for them 🤷‍♂️ of all the ways to be fussy with hay, lol. "Noooooo not the nice stuff, WE WANT THE EYE-POKY STUFF."
Of course …..….Bann is special - we wouldn’t expect anything less from that little man 🥰
Honestly I just had Cam bouncing up to the cage bars and I was like, "Do you want food or do you want hay because I have no idea" lol. I'll be happy to get them their normal hay back. Sometimes I miss Comet, who'd just eat anything hay. Fussy about everything else, but never over his hay lol.

I overslept slightly today and woke up 10 minutes before noon. This does not bode well for me actually getting to an appointment on Monday at 10.30am. 🤷‍♂️
Sleep in the goblin room - you’ll be glad when it’s time to get up!
Yeah but I'd probably be woken up by Cam trying to gnaw parts of me off. He missed the nugget held between my thumb and first finger earlier and found my middle finger instead. 🤷‍♂️
Honestly I just had Cam bouncing up to the cage bars and I was like, "Do you want food or do you want hay because I have no idea" lol. I'll be happy to get them their normal hay back. Sometimes I miss Comet, who'd just eat anything hay. Fussy about everything else, but never over his hay lol.
I must be lucky, all my piggies have always eaten anything hay. They aren't hay tarts at all!

They're missing their hay, lol. It's cute but also those boxes can't get here quick enough lol. Oat hay is not a good long term substitute but I only have bouncing up to the bars like this when they've run out of the oat. Soon, goblins, I promise.

I gave them some lettuce earlier, brought upstairs in a plastic tub that once had baby cucumbers in it, because it's a good size. I left the room but caught the tub on the wall turning round and they don't like that noise. In that half second afterwards I turned round and they were hiding in bed, Bann nowhere to be seen and Cam staring at me from the safety of his bed like "How could you?!"
Bann apparently dropped his bit of lettuce in the rush and the next thing I see is a nose poke out of bed, grab the lettuce, and disappear again. Butterhead > scary noises lol.
Day 233. Excellent! ⭐⭐⭐ Sorry I've been a bit behind with your thread. You're doing so well and those goblins, as always, seem to be keeping you well entertained.
Blitzen used to angry-rumble when I made a noise he didn't like. This was Blitzen, which meant there were a lot of noises he disliked lol. The goblins are good about noises in general, just not plastic-tub-caught-on-doorframe noises lol.
Woohoo ! Day 234 🌟
You’re getting there Lorcan little steps 🥰
How are Bann and Cam today ?
Also, the other side of the room (I'm sitting under the stairs):


I bruised the top knuckle on my finger so badly the other night I was slightly paranoid I'd cracked a bone. I should have been using a mallet on the grids, instead one snapped right back at me when I was doing it by hand lol. I'd say lesson learned except let's be honest, I'll do it again :))
Ow ow ow !
You’re getting there Lorcan !
You have a lovely light sitting room 😀
Made me lol that the boys don’t like the window cleaner 😂
If the sunlight is in the right place it gets very bright in here, which is why it gets so warm in the summer, that's a south facing window. This time of the year, not so much.

I didn't even know I had a window cleaner, lol, first time I've had one since I moved in. Covered by the housing association though, I'm not paying them, so no complaints from me, but the goblins were not impressed with the noises.

Or with me listening to Alice Cooper loudly in the living room, to be fair.
Ah that’s good you have a ‘free ‘ window cleaner.
South facing windows are a pain in the summer but great in the Winter.
Alice Cooper was one of the first singles I ever bought ! ( in the 70s) 😬