The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Well done day 218 🌟

I love how Cam and Bann are such fun !
It must be lovely living with those two 🥰
Cam's the first pig I've known where it's unsafe to make eye contact because he knows, somehow, and then he gets excited and I'm like I fed you ten minutes ago, stop it lol.

Two hangry goblins. The last of a back of mixed lettuce. I lost my grip on the bag and it fell into the cage right next to Bann. Been a long time since I've done something so dangerous as trying to grab the bag back out without losing a hand at the same time 😱 :))
Rather more pleased than I was for them to have a bag of lettuce lol.
Another day - 219 🌟
Ooo that’s a dangerous game …retrieving food ….especially lettuce !
Glad your hand survived Lorcan 😂
At least you have two very happy piggies 🥰
I come back to this now because Bann did try chomping my finger off just now, lol. He didn't break the skin but just kind of...stood there, teeth around my fingertip, like, "Is this food? Smells like food. But...not food."
They seem to have realised if they grip the food with their mouths (rather than biting through it, if that makes sense), they can take their food and run off and not leave it with me, and they don't bite so hard because of it. I think that's what saved my fingertip tbh, lol, he was trying to grab and not eat.
Heheh. A visitor saw me feeding a couple of pellets to the goblins earlier, they'll take them directly from me if I hold one between finger and thumb. "Do you think they'll take one from me?" Well it turns out no, they won't :)) Cam reluctantly took one and then immediately came over to me for another one. 1 for me, 0 for my visitor lol.

Also Bann tried to eat my finger again last night. Supper was a green bean each. Cam took his fine. I held it horizontally, holding one end and offering Bann the other. He sniffed the entire length of that bean til he reached my finger. Guess where he went to chomp? Not even the fingertips, that was my actual finger he went for instead 😱

In unrelated news I have a zit in a really awkward place, just at the entrance to a nostril. Getting my septum pierced was less irritating (and painful!) than this lol.

Day 220!
Day 220 🌟
You’re doing so well Lorcan ….it’s such a hard thing to maintain ! We’re all proud of you 🥰
They know you and you’re their favourite 🥰
Bann ….maybe it cos he loves you 😂
Oooo those zits in the nose/ on the nose arghhhhhhh 😬
I genuinely thought they would, I've known them take their veg ration from other people, though it's normally lettuce or a wee bit of kale. I'm guessing it's because the pellets are tiny in comparison, but who knows. As for Bann, I think he just appreciates the chance to wind me up lol. Five seconds after he finally got the bean he managed to drop it through the cage bars. 🤷‍♂️
I find so many beans on the wrong side of the cage bars and I don't know why they insist on eating the beans right at the walls, does it not occur to them after the millionth time this might be a terrible idea? I mean clearly not but you'd think at some point they'd start putting 2+2 together lol.

I feel like I should be doing something productive right now, but I redid my juice cupboard. Sort of. All the heavy duty juice (the stuff that makes the clouds) was already in one drawer of my bedside cabinet, and the other stuff (that's not for chucking clouds) was separated into two baskets by the amount of PG they have. And I keep a record of what watt levels a juice tastes best at in what tank (I know, I know) and it's separated by the % of PG too. Except no more! I had to manually merge the two spreadsheets, but I did it and I cleared out the other drawer in my bedside cabinet and now my bedside cabinet has nothing but juice (and a couple of Pokemon plushies to stop the bottles falling over when I open and close the drawers) and really, that feels like enough effort on a Monday.
He he that’s amazing that they let the beans fall thru !
Sounds a productive afternoon to me …. sorting thru the juices.
I had a busy am and quiet afternoon watching a film 😂
It's because they eat them so close to the walls, and if they're not paying attention where they're dropping them (while trying to chew on their current mouthful) the gap is right there. If they're lucky, they'll notice and grab it back. If not, they'll nudge it too far, or they'll notice and nudge it too far when trying to grab it back. It's mostly beans or tomato it happens with, pieces of food with weight rather than size like lettuce, kale, salad leaves etc.

Kinda maybe slightly sorta overslept this morning. Still, goblins got fed (I had half a pack of coriander at the top of the stairs which saved my ears lol), got downstairs, no post, and no card through the door. Great! DPD haven't been yet. Sure they might've got lost (again) but small victories, right?
Get back upstairs and check my phone. I dunno what it is about DPD. Give them a small parcel and they get lost and turn up several days late with it. Give them a large box, like my deliver from Natures Own, and they'll deliver it by 8.30am and if I don't answer my door (because um, 8.30am) they'll suddenly be able to find a neighbour to give it to as well. Always stay weird, DPD.

And then, after the neighbour gives me said box, my neighbour-but-one turns up on my doorstep with a black bin bag full of jigsaw puzzles for me and asking if I'm okay because, y'know, nobody had seen me for a while.

I say it a lot but it's true, I have great neighbours.
Another day ….day 221 🌟

DPD are reliably unreliable 😬
What great neighbours you have Lorcan ! The jigsaw puzzles will keep you out of mischief 😂
Not long after I'd moved in I'd been doing one in the living room, and I had the curtains open so she'd seen me as she walked past. Turns out she buys herself a few any time she's near a charity shop, but she only does them the once. Some have missing pieces but she's marked those (and on the box image as to where it's missing from) but the majority of them are complete. So once she's done she brings them to me lol.
Hello Lorcan how has today been for you and the little ones ?
Hopefully your parcel finally arrived ?
I'm waiting on one from Royal Mail. If they turn up and I don't answer the door I won't see it til Saturday. If it's their fault, it'll be Friday. Which means I get to twiddle my thumbs for another couple of hours because while they're definitely not gonna turn up now, it's not worth the risk. Good thing I didn't need it urgently, who cares if it turns up a couple days late?
And its day 222 🌟

That it is!

The goblins are stuffing their faces with the remains of what was in a salad bag (I almost wrote remains of a salad bag but that's something else entirely lol) and I ate a lemon cake. In that I sliced it in half horizontally, threw the bottom half in the food bin, and ate the lemony sugary goodness that was the top half. 🤷‍♂️ :))
Late to Day #223, lol. I had a very decisive argument with a vape tank last night. And I sat for most of yesterday evening trying to work out what to do, because I have a system and now I'm missing a vape and the system's off. What to do? Do I let the tank ponder for a bit and then give it its millionth chance to start behaving?

Course not. Shoved the whole thing on a bookcase and ignored it.

Then today, I get an email, "Look if you want to come back to us we're giving you a £5 voucher." And I'm thinking well okay but what do I even want? I don't need anything. Then I remembered the tank. See it came to me as part of a kit and I'd forgotten I don't need the tank. I can use any tank. OH HELLO. And I'm now the proud owner-to-be of a replacement tank and the dodgy tank's been put back in its box. Maybe it can use the time to re-evaluate its behaviour.