The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

it’s all I drink

Let's be honest, the local water is awful and I don't know how anyone drinks it. I'll take my oversweetened caffeine over that any day.

Caffeine is kicking in! Amazon have been waylaid, however, so I still can't do anything like play games and it's really beginning to annoy me. I don't get the opportunity to do it tomorrow, I didn't have it yesterday, and I don't know why I should have to sit and twiddle my thumbs all day waiting for a box they had quite literally on the other side of the road 15 minutes ago before suddenly needing to go back to base. Jerks.
Congratulations on day 214. I'm back in the UK now so hopefully will be able to catch-up with you and the goblins soon. :)
Let's be honest, the local water is awful and I don't know how anyone drinks it. I'll take my oversweetened caffeine over that any day.

Caffeine is kicking in! Amazon have been waylaid, however, so I still can't do anything like play games and it's really beginning to annoy me. I don't get the opportunity to do it tomorrow, I didn't have it yesterday, and I don't know why I should have to sit and twiddle my thumbs all day waiting for a box they had quite literally on the other side of the road 15 minutes ago before suddenly needing to go back to base. Jerks.
The water is awful. Sorry about Amazon but glad you’ve got your caffeine fix
Well done for day 214 ! 🌟
What a day ….it’s exhausting - hope it all got sorted out
I mean the toilet's still got issues but since I'm not metered, it's not urgent. It's not my fault it technically doesn't stop flushing. And I've had my caffeine, I've got my vapes, the goblins are being the goblins ("Guys I'm going downstairs I don't have food oh for the love of stop begging at the bars ugh FINE"), new braid started, chips eaten, head less hurty. Plus thanks to Reddit I might have finally found an appropriate replacement for one of my tanks drip tips, so I'll be grabbing a couple of those tomorrow. It's a bit of an odd one and much wider than usual ones that size (and the place I originally bought it from no longer sells it).

I think I twisted my knee in my sleep. No sitting cross legged for me today!

Also Bann's learned that if he collapses down his bed and then stands on it, he's got himself enough height that he can get his front paws on top of the fleecy forest, and can avoid falling over (rather than when he tries to use the forest as a wall). 😱
Well done - day 215 🌟🎉

Oh no sorry about your knee !
Trust Bann he’s one smart piggy 🤭 what’s next …..!

I think I twisted my knee in my sleep. No sitting cross legged for me today!

Also Bann's learned that if he collapses down his bed and then stands on it, he's got himself enough height that he can get his front paws on top of the fleecy forest, and can avoid falling over (rather than when he tries to use the forest as a wall). 😱

Well done @Lorcan.

Just how can you hurt yourself while sleeping?

Well done Bann. How long has that taken you. Lol.
I've kneed myself in the jaw sleeping before, lol. Turn over wrong, hit it off the wall - the only time I've received an injury in my sleep that did wake me up was when I got stung by a wasp - which was right on the kneecap tbf, lol. I can sleep through quite a bit, a minor knock rarely registers.
The jaw incident was a rather severe hypnic jerk, they're not normally so severe lol. And I've had some painkillers and my knee's settling, so there's that at least. And I remembered the fine beans doing the Asda shop 5 minutes after I rolled out of bed, phew.
I hate it when you order fine beans and they are just the same size as normal beans 😡.
Those boys will ‘goblin’ them up for sure 😂
Sorry I couldn’t resist …..I love how Bann and Cam are the goblins 🥰❤️
They have a knack of just making them disappear. Like a weird goblin version of the Weeping Angels, blink and the food is gone.

In other news, the toilet that's been misbehaving since Sunday and that somebody has bought the spare parts for, has been working perfectly normally all day. I don't get it. lol.

I've had to turn the heating on, up, AND close my window. This was much easier last year when I'd be sharing heat with what, 5 houses around me? Now it's one. Maybe two, but three houses are definitely unoccupied.

Also it occurred to me I might not have twisted my knee in my sleep. That's still an option but I also could've whacked it off something a couple of days ago and not even registered I'd done it lol. Spatial awareness is not my strong point.

And finally, I just pinged Bann on the head with a piece of lettuce again. Good thing he doesn't hold a grudge. :))
Well done …day 216
Bann will be happy getting his lettuce !
How is your knee ? Getting better I hope
Does make a difference empty houses hopefully they’ve left the heating on low in case we get freezing weather ! Burst pipes are no fun 😬
I dunno about two of them, the occupants died and I have no idea how they've been left, the third has someone in and out regularly to check on post and everything else so there'll be something off and on in there. The fourth house might still have an occupant, I've no idea lol.

And the knees good! A tad tight around the joint (sitting on a computer chair right now with one leg on the floor, and the other with the foot on my thigh and the top outer calf/shin resting on the desk, as an armrest for my right arm while I type. i'll let you guess which knee is the iffy one lol). I'm now here with a hoodie on and really really warm and I had to open the window again, tis a bit blowy out there lol.

Waiting on Royal Mail is like watching paint dry. I have a parcel arriving that's Signed For but dimwit me didn't think to get tracking on it, so the only tracking info I've got is a number that says "we'll update the info only when we've tried to deliver". So I have no idea what day they're going to try and deliver and I am so, so bored with doing nothing just so I can hear the door. And RM keep insisting they can do the deliveries well into the evening so that's all day every day til the stupid thing turns up.
Day 217 🌟 you’re doing great Lorcan !

RM ! And they have strike days so it’s all chaos ! Hopefully if it didn’t arrive tonight then it will tomorrow !
I received a parcel with RM last Sunday 😬 so keep watching that door 🤭
How are you today ? You’ve had a tough week 🥰
Gave up, got a bottle of cola, grabbed the food bribery for the demon goblins (yes, yes it was a bean each, which they promptly smacked each other on the head with lol), sat down at the desk with my feet up, put my earphones in, and now I'm listening to my "Top September" playlist (currently playing Mustang Sally, lol).

The goblins, I swear. What is it with them and weekends? How do they even know the difference? Nobody wants to get out of bed. Again. They do this on purpose. I know they do this on purpose. On the bright side I've ordered some of the wood shavings from Nature's Own because they're my favourite (I know, I know, who has favourite wood shavings lol).

now if those two would just get out of bed.
Tell me about it! Except I'm sitting here with the window open because it was cold in their room so the heating was on, but I can't have the window open with the heating on because it dries out my throat and sinuses. Plus the vapour fog doesn't help, lol.

I just went to use the toilet though and I caught them out, lol. I'd taken a cardboard tray (from the cola in the glass bottles) and chucked some hay into it and chucked some lettuce on top of that, and apparently that did the trick.