The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


This weather is a pain and the house refuses to get warm, lol. I mean on the bright side my fridge is at Setting 1, the warmest it goes, and the stuff in it is still exceptionally cold. It's been years since I've had a good fridge. Keeping my window open is weird though. There's no water getting in but it's cold then it's not then I need gloves then I don't then a hoodie then I don't.

Also the goblins are back to shriek-begging at the bars again. Normal business resumed.
Great … 211
I love that normal business has resumed 🥰
It’s a topsy turvey world you three live in ……and it’s lovely 😂
I swear they do it on purpose, lol. At least now I know they have a day or two like this every so often, it doesn't worry me in the way it used to. But I need to do something about the windows, this can't keep going as is. And then something about the front door too. But y'know, tomorrow, when I feel less lazy, lol.
They're the source of the draughts. The thermostat downstairs screws with the heating anyway but part of the reason it's so difficult to get downstairs to temp is the draughts from the windows and the door (and the letterbox). They don't seal properly so you get a constant source of nice cold air. Fun!
Oh no that’s a pain ! I have a sneaky idea that cos of the cost of energy that we’ll have a very cold winter ❄️ 🥶
I hope I’m wrong !
If it was just me I'd leave it, but I can't do that for those two. Hell I have the heating on overnight or the temp can drop to 15C. I'm not risking that. Maybe if they were furry but they're bald, so no chance lol. On the bright side having the heating on means I don't have to worry about hot water for the bath, can't have the heating on without the hot water on too.
I’m the same - I don’t like it to go below 15C overnight for my piggies and they have fur -
Honestly I was freaking myself out in the early hours because I could hear these minor pops and creaks, and usually when this happens it's because a cranefly or a moth is repeatedly headbutting the light, but that wasn't the case last night and it was between downpours so it wasn't the rain.

The heating was on. :coat:

Just fed the goblins. Some lettuce and a green bean each. Cam ate his bean right next to the cage walls which means he smacked that bean off the cage walls at every bite. Kinda hilarious, honestly, lol.
Brilliant - day 212 🌟
Cam is a real character isn’t he ? Has to eat that green bean no matter what 🥰
Well it's definitely preferable to dropping it out of his mouth onto the wrong side of the cage wall, because he hasn't done that a million times either lol. Nor has Bann.



You are doing so well at quitting smoking

Thank you!

I've still got older bottles of 6mg, 5mg and 3mg juice that taste fine to vape but I'm also switching between zero nicotine bottles too. No point chucking out the old ones while they're still good. I have noticed though I'm going through more juice when it's zero nic, but that's expected. Getting there, slowly but surely.
I have noticed that if I'm in or on my bed for most of the day they stay relatively quiet. Maybe because I'm not swearing at the computer so much? I did unintentionally leave them in the dark after sundown because I forgot to switch their light on. Was a bit odd to go to the toilet and boom, darkness. They have been extra shrieky when food's been involved though lol.

Meanwhile I've been on my bed all day cutting thread to take my mind off the very much unappreciated caffeine withdrawals. My entire head hurts. And I'm tired, so early to bed for me, just about to take the Snugglesafes downstairs actually.
I have cherry vanilla Coke arriving tomorrow. Halle-flippin-lujah lol.
I'm having a 🤷‍♂️ day.

So I had two things going on. I'd run out of caffeine quicker than expected, and I have a recurring cola delivery that wasn't due for a few days and last month the delivery was cancelled, so I bought the Coke. I also bought thread I didn't need, but the Coke was the important part.

DPD delivered the Coke without much fuss (weird enough as it is) but after I get the box open...where's the thread?

It's still coming. But it's coming with that bottled cola delivery I wasn't even expecting til like, Thursday. Instead the driver's just down the road and I get double my cola rations.

At least I've got the cola. Day #214!