The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

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Day 203🌟
I love those photos - beautiful shell reminds me of humbugs 😂
Apparently snails and slugs can travel a great distance every night.
In my other house I had leopard slugs ….beautiful

Sounds like Monday is a busy day ! Did you sort out getting the hay in one box?

They couldn't do it, it seems they use different sized boxes depending on the hay (and tbh my 2.5kg of orchard took up a quare load of space in the 5kg timothy box so I can believe it).

I love that Snail's shell was like two different shells in one, lol. It was still raining or I might've tried for more. Seeing t'other one going up the window pane last night was cool too. "Oh I'm here? Well let's go!" And this is why I take the torch. I might still scrape one with my foot, but it's much easier to rescue them afterwards.

Still not fussed on slugs being in my kitchen though lol. I'll take Bedroom Snail over Kitchen Slug any day.
I've gotta ask... what is a quare load?

Quare is Ulster Scots, used as an adjective - we pretty much use it to emphasise. Kinda like the word very, I guess?

"She can't half talk" = "She can quare talk"
"That's strange" = "That's quare odd"
"You can run pretty fast" = "You've got some quare speed".

I hadn't used it for ages until a few days ago. I blame my ma.
Quare is Ulster Scots, used as an adjective - we pretty much use it to emphasise. Kinda like the word very, I guess?

"She can't half talk" = "She can quare talk"
"That's strange" = "That's quare odd"
"You can run pretty fast" = "You've got some quare speed".

I hadn't used it for ages until a few days ago. I blame my ma.
Yer a quare geg!
Day 204!

This is a PSA. If you have meds to take at 5pm, and meds to take at 10pm, don't take your 10pm meds at 5pm. And maybe pay attention because if you take blue tablets at 10pm only, then they should not be in your hand at 5pm.
Spent most of yesterday evening meds-stoned, which hasn't happened for a while lol. The worst part was I was absolutely loving it, and I haven't slept like that for a looooooong time.

Bann's getting better! He went for my thumb instead of his nugget last night but he didn't bite. Just sort of got his teeth around my thumb without biting, paused, then went for the actual nugget instead. He's learning! He's also being a right fussy sod today. Pick up food, no don't want that bit, pick up the next bit, no, don't want that either. He reminds me more of Comet every day :))

Also I went back through my piles of sock pairs this morning and redid most of them because they weren't lying flat enough for my liking. 🤷‍♂️
Day 204! Well done! I tend to keep my (clean) socks in an untidy heap and rummage through them as and when to make a pair🤣. Which isn't really very time efficient

I have a basket of vaping stuff, mostly rebuildables - coils, cotton, wire. And then the socks get tossed into the basket on top of the vaping stuff. That's about as organised as I get lol.
What are you like Lorcan 🤭
I get it tho ….once you start you can’t stop !
Fantastic day 205 🌟
Oh it was totally worth it, even if I'll be annoyed with myself in an hour because I didn't leave myself more sour cherries (the best part of any Tangfastic mix) lol. Now, why half the tub was cherries? That one I'll blame Haribo for lol. The Goblins have been at it half the day, Bann keeps nicking Cam's food but unlike last night, Cam's finally realised he's doing it, so then they're rumbling at each other as they scarf it down.

Ah, boars.
Don’t you just love them ! I’m always smiling and laughing when I read of Bann and Cam’s adventures 🥰
At least you got lots of your favourite ones … the sour cherries 🍒😂
I don't mind the rest but those sour cherries are mine, lol.

Honestly if you'd seen the look of concentration on Bann's face last night just before he swiped Cam's supper, I've never seen him look so focused. He got excited earlier, ran out of bed, ran over the top of the bed, sat down on it...and then shrieked at me. Absolute melter.
206! Also lmao at my 20 minutes.

Realised I'd left it late to be feeding the goblins. Also forgot to put washing on. Rushed downstairs with the washing, get it to the machine. Added too much fabric softener to the drawer because it shares a space with the laundry cleanser. My fault. THEN managed to get the detergent all over the worktop. 🤷‍♂️

Get the machine on, open the fridge for goblin food...spilt half the contents of the fridge on the floor. Sorry, goblins. Just about to clear that up, wait, is that my door? Yes it is, DHL over an hour early. Yay. Get the kitchen cleaned up with goblin food in hand and walk past the hay box. Wait. Does that box say it's oat hay?

The box does say it's oat hay. Open the box. Yeah that definitely looks like oat hay. Call Happy Hay, they ask if I'll send a photo over text with the order number. But it's easier to email. Go to email, remember that specific email provider has a miniscule attachment allowance. Have to upload to imgur. Then one of them uploads upside down. Sigh.

It's definitely not orchard hay though.

I need a shot of whiskey.
Yup, oat hay. Another box of orchard hay is on the way and the goblins suddenly have treat hay again 🤷‍♂️ :))
Well done … 206 🌟🎉

Omg what a start to the day ! Thank goodness you noticed the oat hay !
DHL early by an hour ?!¥!
You need a rest /whiskey 😂
If it was DPD I'd be lucky if it turned up at all never mind early :)) The timeframe was between 13:42 and 14:42 and it was barely 12 when I got the knock. I was so confused, thought it was the washing machine making random noises as it likes to do. There's a box of orchard on its way to me, it's not brilliant because I'm at the last of the orchard/timothy I had but a couple of days of oat hay is better than nothing.

I'm apparently waiting on a new tank arriving to replace the one I broke. Well, not broke, but the silicone plug got torn and rendered itself useless. Pity, really. It's there for a reason but it's 100% easier to fill without it lol. Never mind.

Also managed to stab myself with a piece of oat hay already lol. That stuff fights back.

Ah, whiskey.

The orchard hay is due today, as is Asda. I can order from Asda at 1am in the morning for same day delivery as long as there's slots available in the afternoon onwards. Tesco will say there's slots available and then refuse to let you use them and sorry, Tesco, but I have 4 cans of Coke left and an addiction to feed.
Desperate times and desperate measures, lol. I don't normally leave myself so short on the caffeine so I have no idea quite how I ended up in this predicament. Then I couldn't find food I wanted so I loaded up with goblin food. The fridge is still half full of goblin food. Gonna be a fun game of Tetris In The Fridge later. AND I forgot to add Ginsters cornish pasties to the Asda order (had them in the Tesco one lol).