The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Mine have gone from lying in the open to sleeping in their fleece beds. It must be getting colder, although I've not started wearing jumpers yet. Don't know what they are going to do when real winter comes!
Same! I've had the heating on for a bit but I've had to switch it off or I'll start sweating to death. It's not overly cold, it's not dropped below 19c in their room since I've been awake, but skinnies will be skinnies. I've chucked in extra hay - their cage needs a clean and it'll be a waste of hay but I can't do nothing, y'know?

I'll not hear back til Tuesday at the earliest but I've sent a message to Happy Hay, asking if it's possible to buy two 2.5kg lots of hay and have them put into the same 5kg box. I don't have room for multiple boxes really and they definitely prefer the timothy, but they'll eat the orchard hay and it's much softer. I'm far more comfortable giving them orchard hay for warmth purposes than timothy.
Great it’s day 198 🌟
I’m sure Happy Hay will do that - when I order 5kg of Timothy hay ( soft cut) from them, it arrives in one box and it’s easier than having lots of boxes.
It is getting cooler now Autumn is here.
Yeah I figure they will, it's just not an option on their site so I'd rather ask and not make the assumption just in case, else I end up with more boxes than I can safely stack on top of each other lol.
What about Hay Box?

Possibly, if Happy Hay aren't able to do it. But I'm loathe to change hays because I know the goblins will eat the Happy Hay stuff, they like their timothy to be as stalky and dangerous to eyes as possible. The orchard's the first "soft" hay they've seemed to like, rather than eating it because there's nothing else lol.
Possibly, if Happy Hay aren't able to do it. But I'm loathe to change hays because I know the goblins will eat the Happy Hay stuff, they like their timothy to be as stalky and dangerous to eyes as possible. The orchard's the first "soft" hay they've seemed to like, rather than eating it because there's nothing else lol.
Fussy wee rascals! Well the soft cut Timothy hay I get from them has soft bits and stalky bits. I know there’s a stalkier Timothy Hay they do and an I’m between/mixed one. You probably know that already - don’t know why I’m telling how to suck eggs! 🤣🤣. Anyway - while I’m on the ‘Wonders of Hay Box’ rant - my two love their herbal mix and the coriander stalks 😁
Haha, I don't mind. I got lucky with Happy Hay actually, the goblins arrived with a box of gorgeous timothy hay but the brand in question was very expensive and I couldn't justify buying a box myself. I think Happy Hay were slightly cheaper when I looked originally and then they love the timothy when they got I stuck with it, else I could end up buying boxes from everywhere and them not liking a single one lol.

And I never thought they'd willingly eat anything but timothy, but when I got the samplers they also adored the oat hay and the orchard hay. And having had 3 samplers from them so far, on all 3 occasions they've turned up their noses at the meadow hay and the crau hay (which is fancy organic meadow hay from France, lol).
Haha, I don't mind. I got lucky with Happy Hay actually, the goblins arrived with a box of gorgeous timothy hay but the brand in question was very expensive and I couldn't justify buying a box myself. I think Happy Hay were slightly cheaper when I looked originally and then they love the timothy when they got I stuck with it, else I could end up buying boxes from everywhere and them not liking a single one lol.

And I never thought they'd willingly eat anything but timothy, but when I got the samplers they also adored the oat hay and the orchard hay. And having had 3 samplers from them so far, on all 3 occasions they've turned up their noses at the meadow hay and the crau hay (which is fancy organic meadow hay from France, lol).
We’re all hay connoisseurs! (And yes I had to google the spelling! 🤣). I took the ladies to the vet the other week for pedicures and the first thing she said when she opened the carrier was, “oh that hay is gorgeous!” (She has a horse). I felt so proud 🤣🤣
I just find it hilarious that the goblins hate both the easiest accessible hay (meadow) and the very expensive stuff (the crau). But hay's that important that I figure if they'll eat it, I'll let them have it. And I'll be grateful that, being skinnies, they don't "nest" in the hay so much when that hay's liable to cause an injury to me, never mind them lol.

Although I have had to pause a few times today before stepping into the cage in case Cam's had a funny half hour and fallen asleep in the hay pile again. He's a little too good at hiding.
I just find it hilarious that the goblins hate both the easiest accessible hay (meadow) and the very expensive stuff (the crau). But hay's that important that I figure if they'll eat it, I'll let them have it. And I'll be grateful that, being skinnies, they don't "nest" in the hay so much when that hay's liable to cause an injury to me, never mind them lol.

Although I have had to pause a few times today before stepping into the cage in case Cam's had a funny half hour and fallen asleep in the hay pile again. He's a little too good at hiding.
“Funny half hour”. Lol - my dad used to say that to me when I got the giggles as a child! Is that an Ulsterism, or is it a nation wide thing? 🤣
Sorry, I suspect funny half hour is a national expression! We used it all the time in Dorset, and I heard it a lot when I lived in Cornwall. Not sure if I've heard it in Bristol, though I probably have.
Tbh it was probably my mum said it to me and I can never be sure whether she's using an English expression because she's English, or if it's some form of Ulster Scots she's picked up, or if it's something else entirely. 9 years I've lived in England and I'm still finding expressions that don't translate well here :))
My Mum used to say it to me ….she was born near Cambridge and I’m an Essex girl 😂 so I think it’s nationwide and it really does translate for all animals - my beloved Lab would have a funny half hour now and again as did my children 🥰
At least it's not like when a mate was headed to the chippy, asked if I wanted anything, and then stared blankly at me when I gave them the money and asked them to get me a fish supper lol.
So, as is tradition, for Day #199, I have a spider photo for you all. I walked out of the goblin room and caught sight of it, and I'm not really ashamed to say that my reaction was to yelp "(bleep) sweet (bleep) (bleep)", if that gives you an idea of what I mean before you click the link. You've been warned!

Say hello!
I genuinely thought they were screwing with me, and the worst part was my brain was trying to think of what the "proper" term was and for some reason, "fish and chips" wouldn't come to me at all. Cause y'know, we order a fish and we get chips, and a fish supper is "fish and lots of chips". They're stingy here btw, you order a fish and a fish is all you get lol.

What I wouldn't give for a John Dory.
I genuinely thought they were screwing with me, and the worst part was my brain was trying to think of what the "proper" term was and for some reason, "fish and chips" wouldn't come to me at all. Cause y'know, we order a fish and we get chips, and a fish supper is "fish and lots of chips". They're stingy here btw, you order a fish and a fish is all you get lol.

What I wouldn't give for a John Dory.
What!? Do you not get a wee few chips with your fish? What about a pasty supper?
Not in England, when I was last over for a couple of weeks we were driving to Tesco for dinner, but we passed a chippy on the way and never got to Tesco lol. I walked out with a fish supper and a pasty and almost got a couple of battered sausages too before my dad was like nope, we're going home now lol.

Here, you just get less food with your takeaway, seems to be an England thing tbh. not that you get stiffed on your food, it's just the extras. Less chips, less rice, and so on. And pasties confuse them, because they think cornish pasty, not the deep fried tasty monstrosity we have lol. And now I want a pasty. And a battered sausage, but mostly a pasty. I've always said what I miss most about NI is the food.
Not in England, when I was last over for a couple of weeks we were driving to Tesco for dinner, but we passed a chippy on the way and never got to Tesco lol. I walked out with a fish supper and a pasty and almost got a couple of battered sausages too before my dad was like nope, we're going home now lol.

Here, you just get less food with your takeaway, seems to be an England thing tbh. not that you get stiffed on your food, it's just the extras. Less chips, less rice, and so on. And pasties confuse them, because they think cornish pasty, not the deep fried tasty monstrosity we have lol. And now I want a pasty. And a battered sausage, but mostly a pasty. I've always said what I miss most about NI is the food.
They tell me that in England when you get a cup of tea - that’s all you get! No wee bun or a biscuit or a bit of wheaten and cheese, or fruit loaf! 😳
I knew someone who visited NI (Portrush/Portstewart direction specifically) and when she came back, she asked if the "food thing" was normal and I had to laugh. I didn't even need an explanation, lol.
Just had a look, lol. There's been minor positional shift through the day but still in the same general place. Thankfully. Except that's the corner with the hay box and I wish it'd go...even the corner of the ceiling would be better, lol.

I think it might be the Bedroom Jeans Spider. It's certainly the size for it.
Part of me feels he's too small to be Bedroom Jeans Spider except I only ever saw him in the half light from the TV, there's every chance my brain exaggerated his size lol.
I have a pic of a garden web spider,.,,, but I don’t know how to put a link to it. I can only post it as a pic, so you can’t avoid looking at it! Do you want to see it…?