The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Absolutely! I was waiting for a Tesco delivery driver the other day and saw this gorgeous orb-weaver while I was standing there.
You asked for it! I have to say, of all my ‘little garden dudes’ photos I took over the summer - I enjoyed taking this the least….


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Better spiders than slugs, I just had to evict two slugs from my kitchen. Shudder.
I don’t mind slugs if they stay outside but I’ve had one or two venture indoors !
I definitely prefer snails. And snails make it much easier to relocate them outside.

I definitely prefer snails. And snails make it much easier to relocate them outside.
I agree, they are easier to touch. I just went outside in the dark to get the poop bucket for a last sweep of the cages before bed. I stepped on a slug, it took a scrub with cif to get my foot clean. Doubt the slug was very impressed either!
I agree, they are easier to touch. I just went outside in the dark to get the poop bucket for a last sweep of the cages before bed. I stepped on a slug, it took a scrub with cif to get my foot clean. Doubt the slug was very impressed either!

My neighbours probably think I'm mad but I take a torch with me every time I go out my front door after dark. Even just to sit on the doorstep I have to make sure it's snail/slug/woodlouse/millipede free. Tonight it was Slug Kitchen, Millipede Doorstep, and Woodlouse Walls. Snails I'll pick up by hand, the other three no chance.

The glamourous side of Adulting, lol.
My neighbours probably think I'm mad but I take a torch with me every time I go out my front door after dark. Even just to sit on the doorstep I have to make sure it's snail/slug/woodlouse/millipede free. Tonight it was Slug Kitchen, Millipede Doorstep, and Woodlouse Walls. Snails I'll pick up by hand, the other three no chance.

The glamourous side of Adulting, lol.
I need to get into a winter routine again and bring the bin in earlier the early darkness descending has caught me out! When I stepped on it I heard my mother's voice "where's your shoes", she never could get her head round me hating anything on my feet! Bet she was watching me from the afterlife laughing, watching me trying to wash the goo off.
Thank you ❤️ seriously, having had somewhere to count the days has made a huge difference, and I'm grateful to have it. I'm at the point where smoking doesn't even cross my mind...even if my brain keeps yelling "505 DAYS WE'RE GOING 505 DAYS", danged Reddit thread lol. But I said that's what I'd count to and I will.

In semi-related news my smoke alarms have been replaced :beer:

First, wow. 201 days. Kinda still surprised at myself? BUT I'VE DONE IT.

Second, yesterday. When I got the smoke alarms replaced it should have been a 20 minute job. Five minutes to drive to the office, five minutes to grab replacement alarms and some steps, five minutes to drive back, five minutes to install.
It did not take 20 minutes.
Turns out when he got to the office nobody could find the alarms (turns out it was the housing association installed them) so the maintenance guy said to the guy doing my visit yesterday he'd meet him at...whatever hardware store it was, I don't remember, but he'd meet him in 5 minutes. Then didn't turn up for some time, I don't remember why. So the guy finally gets back here, with new alarms, and we have this momentary panic because we couldn't find the batteries. Then we found the batteries. THEN he realises he forgot the steps.

Don't get me wrong by this stage I'm laughing my head off. We get the downstairs one installed. "Do you have any steps?" "Nope." "Do you have anything that could be used as steps?" "...I mean, I've a shoe rack." "Think it'd hold my weight?" "I dunno, I don't think it'd even hold mine." We choose to go with the shoe rack. And as he's lifted it out and starts to carry it up the stairs, a shoe fell out. "What was that?" "Just a shoe." "Where did it come from?" "...sorry, what did you think was going to be in a shoe rack?!"

Since he moved the rack, though, I got access to my old Docs again. They're about 20 years old, possibly more, and I'm never getting rid of them. Never.

Also, gave the goblins their lettuce lunch, and Bann immediately dropped his out of the cage and had his nose over the top of the bars again. "FEEEEEEEED ME." Daft eejit.
Wow what a day ….already
Wonderful day….201 🌟
Glad those pesky alarms have been replaced……peace & quiet reigns ? Apart from Cam and Bann 🥰
They seem content to sleep all day today. I dunno quite how, but Bann's moved his bed so the door faces east instead of south - these beds could hold 10 goblins with room to spare and they don't have rigid walls so if they're in them, you have to watch for movement in the bed itself because you can't see past the collapsed doorway. That had to have taken some effort and I have no idea how he's managed it 🤷‍♂️
Doing so well 201 Days 😊

I mean, yes, but I took a hoody off the floor and checked the hood, shook it all out, made sure there were none of my spider friends seeking refuge inisde it, and then once I put it on...felt something tickle the back of my neck and had a proper freak out.

It was my hair, of course. Of course it was. :td:
I mean, yes, but I took a hoody off the floor and checked the hood, shook it all out, made sure there were none of my spider friends seeking refuge inisde it, and then once I put it on...felt something tickle the back of my neck and had a proper freak out.

It was my hair, of course. Of course it was. :td:

I’ve done that before and it’s really freaky 😱
I’ve done that before and it’s really freaky 😱

It had caught itself slightly in a chain I wear and then that rubbed up against the hoody. I haven't worn one in forever and I'm blaming it on that, I'm not used to these things :)) Half of my brain's in panic mode and the other half is yelling "YOU'VE ALREADY CHECKED IT CAN'T BE A SPIDER YOU NUMPTY".

And then I had to go and retrieve my hoody because I'd thrown it on my bed in the panic. Because that's exactly where you want a spider to disappear, into your bed. 😱

First, the ancient Docs, because I was either 13 or 14 when I got these, but that spans about 3 years because my birthday's so close to Christmas, and I'll be 35 this year:


Second, Bann keeps shoving his head so far between the gap created by the fleecy forest and the cage grid that I'm beginning to think I might have to do something, like take the fleecy forest down. He only does it when he wants food and thinks I have it but that doesn't make me feel any better about it, yesterday he had trouble getting his head back down. He's not left hanging by it or anything, he's long enough that he could do it easily, but it's that corner. Sigh.

Third, I found out on Facebook last night my aunt got married sometime in the last week. I got a notification from a relative of her new husband saying congrats, and originally I thought I was seeing it because my ma had commented, and then the "new name/same person" bit clicked. It doesn't seem to have been a big bash or anything but finding out on Facebook's kinda weird. I'm happy for her though, they've been together for a few years now, before the pandemic, it's nice to see her moving on with someone else (my uncle died ~15 years ago, I can't remember exactly. he was a smoker til he got stomach cancer and it was removed, and then after he quit he got cancer in the lungs. If I ever needed a push to remember why quitting smoking was a good idea, he's a part of it).
That’s great day …. 202 🌟
Those are great boots - designed for longevity! I expect your feet have grown since you got them !

What is Bann doing ? Do you think removing the fleecy forest for a while might get him out of the habit of doing that or is he so full of mischief ?

The bit about your Uncle passing away does show you how well you’re doing and that he’s helped you go for it.
Families are funny groups….I’m sure it wasn’t intentional by your Aunty not to mention it but you know how things just get forgotten. It definitely does in my family. They always think they’ve told me……😬
Tbh assuming any of us did know (she may have deliberately kept it quiet, which she's more than entitled to do), it'll turn out that my ma was supposed to tell me and she's got a head like a sieve, seriously. If the world was depending on her remembering something vital, the world's screwed.

As for the boots, I stopped growing at 14, there's every chance my feet are (technically) the same size. I have wide feet, and with gaining weight they're probably wider, but that'll be all. They've definitely not got longer lol.

As for what Bann's doing, he likes to get his head as far over the bars as possible for his veg. The fleecy forest is cable tied to the grids to keep it from sagging too much since I have smaller grids than most (a foot square). Bann doesn't actually care that it's in his way, so he pokes his head through the gap between fabric and grid, because he can reach with ease, especially if there's a bed in the corner.
He's not getting himself stuck, but he does seem to have realised that if he has to push his head through he has to pull it back again, and occasionally he really has to pull it back again because he's got it so far through. It's not a tight gap, but still. I'd get a photo except I guarantee if I did that he'd do it again and I'd really rather he didn't lol, it's not so bad when food's involved because he'll pull it back to eat but I don't want him doing it without the added incentive.
Update: Bann's not only just fallen over trying to use the forest part of the fleecy forest as a wall (again) but he did it again as soon as he recovered the first time. Maybe I just need to take that one down entirely. :doh:

I'm meant to have had an appointment with someone from the new mental health team I'm under on Monday. I also need to buy more hay, AND I'm waiting on a new charger for my vape batteries because the old one broke. Now, I doubt the hay'll be here on Monday if I order today but I don't wanna risk missing it, and the charger's being sent on a 48-hr stamp and only got sent off this that'll be Monday, then. Sure, appointments are important, but vape batteries 🤷‍♂️

Also, I scraped over a snail shell with my foot again last night. Grabbed it and another one nearby and put them on the windowsill. Yay, torches. Thankfully my neighbours weren't in to see that lol. I thought I'd killed the one I scraped over :no: because there were lots of frothy bubbles coming from that shell...and yes, I was incredibly happy when it finally poked its head out of its shell and started moving up the wall. :beer:The other one was halfway up a window pane at that stage lol.

Also got a couple more pictures of Daylight Snail yesterday.


Apologies but I've no idea which one I liked best.
Day 203🌟
I love those photos - beautiful shell reminds me of humbugs 😂
Apparently snails and slugs can travel a great distance every night.
In my other house I had leopard slugs ….beautiful

Sounds like Monday is a busy day ! Did you sort out getting the hay in one box?