The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

The first time Blitzen let me give him food (rather than him stealing Comet's food...every single mealtime. Every one. Comet could be an eejit) it nearly killed me not to whoop out loud right there. I didn't realise how much self control I possessed until that moment, lol. It's a joy you can't explain until it happens, really, and then you get it.

And now I've got two shrieking monsters in the next room. "Guys I'm going to the toilet, not downstairs." "Guys I was on the toilet. I have no food." "No, I'm not going downstairs." "No, you don't need fed." "No, you have hay, I'm not going downstairs."

You don't need me to tell you how that one ended, right?
Day #192!

I sometimes wonder how I get out of bed in the morning without causing myself an accident. I'm clumsy, I'm accident prone, and adulting is hard.

And then I look at the goblins - Bann, who was so adamant he was getting his breakfast first that he stood on top of the bed so he could get his entire head through the gap between the grid wall and the fleecy forest, and Camowen, who got his breakfast and ran off with it, ate a bit, dropped it into the bed in front of him, then spent 30 seconds hunting frantically for it because he couldn't find it despite not having moved from the same spot, and I realise that actually, I'm doing better than some of us are :))
Day #193!

I've ordered a small box of orchard hay (2.5kg) to chuck into the timothy hay box still here, which is about 1/3 full. I don't want to get another 5kg box because the timothy isn't close enough to running out but also, I get paranoid about running out. And the goblins seemed to enjoy the orchard hay sampler so it's worth a try at least.

Speaking of the goblins, they're getting shrieky in the other room, but the washing machine's on the rinse/spin cycle so they'll have to wait it out, lol.
Brilliant it’s day 193 🌟
Sounds like Cam and Bann are full of beans !
I get how you feel about running out of hay. My two won’t just eat any hay ….has to be Haybox soft cut Timothy hay 😂
How’s your migraine ? I’m hoping it’s gone !
I...think so. My neck still hurts, the curtains and blinds are still better closed, but looking at stuff doesn't hurt anymore and my face doesn't feel like it might explode. Still got that malaise, though. The Tesco order will be here between 5 and 6, so I can get some painkillers again then. I just don't have room temperature food...well, I could open a can of mackerel and just eat that. I won't, but I could, I've done it before lol.
Ah I’m glad you’re a lot better ! Hope you got your painkillers and a few treats 😂
Day 194.

It's an early one today. My bedtime routine involves me switching off the TV and computer, switching on the lamp, switching off the light, getting into bed, switching off the lamp and today none of that was done. Why?

Ser Spider just ran across the floor and did a disappearing act around the black bin bag I keep next to my desk. Nope, no, no thank you.
Omg ! Did you get any sleep ? 😂
I don’t mind spiders being downstairs and in my bathroom but I’m wary of bedroom ones !
Last night I had a humongous one run across the floor in my sitting room and hide under the tv unit 😱

Great that’s it’s day 194 🌟
I got sleep and the computer put itself in Sleep Mode overnight, because I wasn't getting out of bed lol. I did shine a torch in that direction a couple of times, just in case, but nope, Ser Spider was gone. Again. It was trying to avoid me, though, it did wait til I was in bed to make the run. I'm still being very careful about what I pick up off the floor this morning though and I've kept my shoes on all day. Just in case. :))

There's a tiny one in the corner of the ceiling above my bed, too. But it's tiny, it can stay. And a cellar spider on the ceiling just to the south east direction of where I'm sitting. But's no Giant House Spider.

(whose bright idea was it to call them that?!)
Mmmm I wonder.
The word has got around that yours is the place to be , safe,warm and can do what they like 🥰
I think Cam and Bann know that too 😂
(and me!)

I'm waiting on Royal Mail who were meant to deliver two parcels this morning. I'm supposed to have the housing association visit in an hour. I need to sleep, I don't want Royal Mail delivering parcels while someone else is here, and I kinda really need to sleep but if I'm asleep I can't hear the door. And I can't tell who's knocking on the door from upstairs.

Bloody hell, Royal Mail, what gives.
Day 195!

So the hay's arrived, and not too soon because I was almost out of the timothy. First time I've seen orchard hay that wasn't part of a sampler so I had this moment of " it even the right hay?" but they both jumped on it, so even if it isn't, we're still good lol. They sent a sampler pack with it. A sampler pack is on the order email. I don't remember putting a sampler pack in with the order? I mean I'm grateful for it, and the missing sampler is for orchard hay so if they have sent the wrong hay it'll be a surprise but there's still nothing like trying to work out why you got packing paper in your hay...and then it being bags, lol.

I tipped the smaller box into the old timothy box. Cam watched me in the hall the entire time, with that look of anticipation, frozen and just waiting for you to say the right thing or to make the right noise. He loves it, Bann loves it, and I'm gonna take a nap lol.
Great ….day 196 - I hope you feel pleased with yourself Lorcan 🌟
I love how smart Cam is 🥰
You should do a ‘daily diary ‘ of Bann and Cam - I love hearing what they get up to 😂
I swear they do have their normal moments in between the daft shenanigans, but the normal moments aren't very entertaining lol.

I need to learn to speak Goblin, because it's very hard to convince a goblin to move his little backside when I need to take the beds so I can microwave the Snugglesafes, and it's very hard to convince a goblin to move his little backside so you can put the beds back where they belong so he doesn't freeze to death overnight.
(I swear Camowen does this on purpose)

I did finish that playlist the other night! Not quite party music, just sort-of feel good. There's a couple oddballs in there too. 🤷‍♂️
Peeks Pt. 2 This one's longer than the Angry Music playlist too, which I think is a good sign lol.
Another onwards ! Day 197 🌟 brilliant
Goblin language is unique !
I like the playlist ….I’ll listen to that 😂
I have this massive playlist of 1200+ songs, so I'm going through it and making smaller playlists from it, with songs to fit a "mood". I'm keeping the big playlist though, it's useful to have one big playlist to chuck stuff into.

The goblins don't want to get out of bed. They'll come out, somewhat begrudgingly, if there's food on the go. I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with them but the beds are warm and outside of the beds is not. I get it. I'm still not climbing into their cage to feed them in their beds, but I get it lol.