The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I mean I'm assuming it's a haze thing. Smoke makes things darker. There's particulates in the air when it's darker so that must mean Smoke. Should that be the case? No, but I guarantee that's what the issue is. Nothing else makes sense.
Wouldn't it be funny if the smoke alarm was the spider's clubhouse? ....ok, maybe I think that would be funny. Can you get a new one installed? It's not safe having a defective one as they can go off in the middle of the night scaring everyone.
The downstairs one is easily replaceable, but the upstairs one isn't. You'd need a ladder even if you were tall (which I am not), the ceilings in this house are relatively high (as a rough estimate, they're at least 10ft, probably more).
I mean I'm assuming it's a haze thing. Smoke makes things darker. There's particulates in the air when it's darker so that must mean Smoke. Should that be the case? No, but I guarantee that's what the issue is. Nothing else makes sense.
Yeah I was thinking that smoke alarms aren't triggered literally by the smoke, or its smell, but by the particles blocking light from the sensors. Perhaps the sensor has gone faulty/over-sensitive, or could there be something (spiderwebs!?) in it, in front of the sensor? Maybe the alarm can be opened to clean it - if you can reach it somehow ...
yeah, and I think the sensor is what's causing the problem. The downstairs one has stopped going off since I moved the PC back upstairs but the door to my room is closed at all times unless I'm walking through it - for the sake of the goblins, not just the fire alarm. There's nothing I can see from the floor that could be causing issues, whatever it is, is probably internal.
Can you complain Lorcan ? It’s clearly defective and suspiciously might not work when you need it to ie smoke/fire
It has to work as part of your tenancy contract I’d have thought.
I've mentioned it several times, and the only response I get is "well it's the vaping". Which is accurate, but incredibly unhelpful. It doesn't consistently get triggered by the vaping. Hell the other day it was screaming, and I left my room to turn it off, went to go back inside my room, and the stupid brush fell into the door hinges so I had to go back out and move it before I could actually close my door. I'd been vaping heavily, it didn't go off a second time.

I'm sick of explaining to them something's wrong with it. Mind you, it's not even like the alarm could do me a favour and go off when there's another human in the house. It's always when it's just me and the goblins lol.

I have two pairs of fingerless work gloves. I can find the left hand of one pair and the right hand of the other :doh: I only need the one for the time being anyway, my left hand is behaving itself at least.

I'm vaping a Vimto flavoured juice and as flavours go, it's accurate. Tastes like the squash, though, would've preferred the fizzy version. Or the jellybeans.

This will probably sound awful, but I'd ordered a parcel for fast delivery for today, because I needed it urgently. And now the mail strikes are cancelled and I spent extra money for a service I didn't even need. And of course it's coming via DPD :roll: but that's not the Queen's fault. These things happen. I will find it hilarious if Royal Mail gets my parcel to me before DPD manages it. Still, means I have to babysit the door again today for both RM and DPD and I have so many better things I could be doing, like finding my other left hand glove.

Frustrating eh !

Just a wee bit, aye! It's a pity smashing it off the ceiling with a brush handle probably gets me a warning for destruction of property, lol.
Day 189 wow 🎉

Yes don’t get a warning !!
I love Vimto - amazing the vaping flavours you can get. What’s been the worst one , the most disappointing one and the favourite one ?
How are the little ones ?
It’s definitely cooler today …..bit gloomy everywhere which suits the mood of people today.
Juices are weird. Some taste great no matter what. Some only taste great in a certain tank, or with a certain coil. Some taste absolutely awful no matter what - I had this blackcurrant juice once that tasted like neat Ribena but with even less water. Gross. Same company also did this bubblegum orange soda type thing and it was a "half a tank, never again". There's a few brands I'm wary of buying another bottle of because the first bottles I ever got from them were that awful.

Some people can't taste certain flavourings - strawberry's a common one. I can taste it, but 95% of the time I can't stand it. The other 5% it's amazing. Do I know which it'll be before I buy it? Nah, but then that's half the work. Anyone who vapes will tell you you'll hate just as much juice as you'll love, it's why when some people find one they like they stick with it. I just get bored too easily for that, lol. I have an orange soda one I like, but it sticks around on the coils for a few tanks afterwards which is fun. Because I switch juices every time I refill, I get the old flavour as it's leaving the coil and the new one taking over, and you can get some very interesting flavour combos that way. Entertaining, if nothing else.
The most disappointing one has been Dinner Lady's Melon Twist. Not because it's terrible, because I've bought plenty of bland and terrible juices, but because I got a 60ml bottle of this one before finding out it was bland. Serves me right, lol. I'm also not a massive fan of pie/pastry (though I have a banana cake one I love).

For a favourite one...I don't have any. There's a reason I can't settle on any one flavour lol.

Also I was right. Royal Mail arrived before DPD did. I should not find that this funny.
Also I thought I should let you know I just watched Bann eat all the pea flakes he could manage while Camowen chose to beg at the bars after I'd already folded the bag away, and I then watched him frantically try to find anything Bann hadn't already snaffled. 🤷‍♂️
Day 190.

I have run out of carrier bag to use as an informal bin. I keep one near my desk and chuck rubbish in it til it's full and then put it in the main bin. I could get a small pedal bin, I know, but the carrier bag works. Then I ran out of carrier bags. So now I have a big black (well, this one's grey, but you get the idea) one instead and it feels like overkill. But walking downstairs to use the bin risks me falling (again, lol) and/or setting the goblins off. Bags are easier. And safer.

Also I have apparently sliced my finger on something. Pad of the middle finger on the left hand. How? I know Bann tried chomping down on a finger last night, or maybe this morning, but it's a bit too neat of a slice for that.
It was accidental, btw, he was trying to get at the coriander in my hand.
Well done….day 190
Sorry to hear about that finger - hopefully it’ll heal quickly.
Bann will do anything for coriander won’t he 😂
Comet loved trying to give me a heart attack, that's what he loved :)) I remember him going through a phase where all he wanted to eat was hay and blueberries, and spinach (but only if you gave it to him stalk end first, the leaf end was a no-no). I was practically pulling my hair out trying to find something else he'd eat...and being very confused that of all the things offered it was thyme he went for. THYME.

Then once he started eating thyme he started eating most other things again too. But coriander was always useless as bribery food lol. Blueberries, thyme or hay - that was our Comet.
It'd be hard to not have fond memories of them, their entire time with me was one facepalm after another, lol. This might sound awful but one of the defining moments of their friendship, was when Comet needed the antibiotic injection at the vets and was screaming his head off. I moved the carrier off to the side and sort of reflexively said to Blitzen (in the carrier) something like "You, you stay out of trouble." and the vet and the vet nurse being very confused because they hadn't realised there was a second guinea pig in there. And Blitzen just sat there eating his hay, lol.

They adored each other, and it's the sort of guinea pig friendship I'm not likely to come across again. And I'm good with that because it means I get to laugh at the shenanigans for as long as my memory allows :))

Also, when Claire was looking after Comet overnight because I was in hospital and he'd had the anaesthetic, she told me that apparently he woke up slightly confused as to where he was and what he was doing there...and then promptly set about endearing himself to everyone and rumbling at Edward from the other side of the house. Oops.
Day 191!

I keep hearing an alarm going off and panicking it's mine, except I'm 99% sure it isn't, it's loud but not loud enough and I keep hearing my neighbour swearing, so I think it's hers instead lol. Unless it's a carbon monoxide alarm from downstairs except that sounds like a fire alarm to me, and the gas isn't running atm anyway. But I keep going out into the hallway to check and I keep getting the goblins excited. Oops.

As for slicing my finger, I think I might have done it on some scissors. I'd used them to cut...something, can't remember now, and I've a habit of wiping down the blade afterwards with a finger. Guess these were sharper than I'd remembered lol.

Also that alarm is annoying the (words) out of me.
Woohoo……day 191
Glad it was it your neighbour’s alarm !
Yes be careful with those scissors - I did a similar thing once washing up a knife. I’m super careful now😂
A bit of a break thru with Bobby today ….I was poop picking and he came up to sniff my hand …..normally he’ll run away but he does take food from me.
I've banned my support worker from doing my washing up ever again because it's twice now he's sliced himself with a kitchen knife. I don't know if he's just used to very blunt knives but enough is enough, lol. He's also terrible at doing the washing up in general, but the knife issue is a better excuse.

As for scissors - if they were my fabric scissors I treat those very carefully...but they're kitchen scissors, the type that blunt themselves as soon as you want to use them on anything lol.

And go Bobby! Never feels any less momentous, does it?
Ooo yes ban the support worker from washing up.
I quite like washing up …I used to earn my pocket money doing it every eve.( that was for 2 adults and 6 children 😬)
Yes it’s always momentous when piggies do something brave 🥰 I’m still smiling about it !