The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

The spiders know they can live alongside you , Cam and Bann without being disturbed - word gets round on spider Facebook 😂
I’d still eat the dip on its own …..😋
It was a fresh dip rather than jarred, so it'd only keep for so long anyway and Tesco do a mean onion and garlic dip, lol. I've tried others, none come close.
I agree that’s my favourite from Tesco and it doesn’t last long so you HAVE to eat it
I love Aldi's sour cream and chive dip smeared on jacket potato, it's really horrible as a dip! After reading this thread this morning I just had to have it for dinner.
I usually get a tub of Tesco's sour cream and chive dip too. It's nothing on the onion and garlic but if, god forbid, one was out of stock, it'd mean I've at least a 50/50 chance of getting one I like. Now I want more dip. Dang it.
Day 184 ? Lorcan - how are those rascals ? Or shouldn’t I ask ? 😂
Not very impressed by the noise coming from Spotland Stadium :)) they're not scared by it, it's not loud enough for that, but you can tell they don't see the appeal lol. Not that I have any idea who is playing what since apparently Rochdale aren't playing today. Who knows?

The goblins and I have a routine for cage cleaning. I start at one end of the cage, usually in the small square. I clear out whatever puppy pads are there, scoop a little of the disposable bedding out, then shove the rest towards the main bit of the cage so I can have space to sit down because bending over for so long hurts.
During this time and as I'm clearing a bigger space and scooping up bedding, there's a lot of muttering to myself and the occasional bout of swearing. The goblins, by this stage, have relocated themselves to the far side of the cage to eat whatever hay is still there and they watch me. It's not the Evil Eye, it's the Watch of Judgment, mostly from Camowen.

Camowen who also held up a large chunk of my time because he wandered from one side of the cage to the other while I was standing up and then plonked himself between my feet and was adamant he would not be moved.
Thanks, Cam. :doh:

The goblins have been suspiciously quiet today. Still eating with gusto, but I'm guessing the appointment for 10:30 that became an appointment at 11:15 didn't help, lol. Having three voices in the house instead of just one or two probably didn't help either. Bann still tried to eat my finger this afternoon, so no change there.
I have, I think, broken one of my vape tanks. It still works but it needs replacing, gonna have to wait til Thursday though and I need to hope I can actually find one online come Thursday too.
Shenanigans. It's always shenanigans. Last seen scarfing up kale like their lives depended on it 🤷‍♂️ I need to go downstairs again in a second and no doubt even if they keep quiet at least one of them will be watching the doorway, just to make sure I remember they're there.
Brilliant …day 185
I love to know what Cam and Bann are thinking …..🥰
Day 186, and we're back to a relatively noisy goblin room. I stuck my head in earlier because Camowen was in Bed B and I couldn't see Bann, figured he was in Bed A. Mostly just wanted to see him, make sure he was still breathing, the usual stuff.

Bann was not in Bed A. Bann was stuffing himself with hay in the cage proper and the minute I looked, he clocked me back and hello, chaotic mayhem. Sigh. Thanks, Bann.
Awesome….day 186🌟
I love how Bann is not predictable…never where you think he is 🥰
I also love hearing about ‘life in Lorcan’s house’
Looking forward to the next adventure
I'm less noisy than the goblins! Although tbf, that's not exactly hard. I could have my speakers turned up full blasting Doin' It Right by The Bellhops and I'd still be making less noise than the goblins.

The goblins are being the goblins. I managed to get a Tesco order for today - cost £6.50 for delivery and not the usual £4 but I want my dip, dang it. Tesco have stopped selling my favourite pretzels to dip in it though. :td: But it does mean I'm trying to clear out the last of the veg in the fridge before the order arrives tonight and the goblins are loving it.

Managed to order a replacement tank for the one I managed to break. The base is in 3 or 4 pieces instead of 1 and it doesn't leak, but it does take a bit of work putting it back together after I've swapped out the coil. Ordered some replacement pods for something else alongside because I broke one of those too and not having spares makes me anxious. Then I was going to order coils for the replacement pods because I have coils, til I realised the coils I didn't have, I preferred those. But they were twice the price than I could get them for elsewhere so, yay. Two orders. I'd've preferred one but got free shipping on both.
And even with the strikes tomorrow and Friday I went with Royal Mail. DPD can go...well, you know. By the time they'd get their backsides in gear I'd be getting it on Friday anyway.

I have my spares, my dip, my snacks (original Pringles were on offer and I paired those with a 175g bag of salted pretzels), my caffeine. The goblins will have their veg and my sanity. Business as usual, then.
Really great ….it’s day 187 🌟
Sounds like a busy day getting everything ordered !
Feels good when you’ve got it sorted and the orders done.
I can guess the little ones are very happy 🥰
Enjoy your eve Lorcan 😂
Goblins shrieked for lunch. Goblins shrieked even louder when I left my room to go downstairs. Got downstairs, opened the fridge...upstairs fire alarm went off. Sigh. Walked upstairs, jabbed it with a brush, went back downstairs. Goblins were silent. Popped recycling into their respective bins. Got goblin food. Went back upstairs...shrieks of joy!

Stupid alarm. The trigger for it seems to be when it's darker. Remember I said before it never does it in the evening? It doesn't. What's so special about the evening? The lights are generally on. There's no false alarms when the lights are on. Clearly we've got a dodgy sensor somewhere, but the lack of light seems to be the trigger point.

In other news I had to turn the heating on for an hour. Twice. I had one normal hand and one white hand, lol.

Ah, Day 188.
They do, to an extent. I couldn't find mine this morning anyway, but I prefer work gloves to cotton/woollen/etc ones, the fabric on those can get too wet to be useful and there was always more of a fire risk (from smoking) wearing them. The work gloves have their own drawbacks, though, some things are almost impossible with them on. They make using a mouse harder, used to be nearly impossible to pinch tobacco properly when I rolled. Little things, but they're always better than no gloves at all.
Day 188 🌟
Reynauds is horrible
Weird about your alarms reacting to darkness !
And the rascals……..