The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

They’ll be complaining to Thea the one and only of the GPU next - that you’re starving them of veggies 😂
Hope you got your nap btw 😴
They’ll be complaining to Thea the one and only of the GPU next - that you’re starving them of veggies 😂
Hope you got your nap btw 😴

I did not, lol. Probably not a bad thing though because I don't actually nap, it's always a proper deep sleep.
Day 179!

Bought some samplers with the latest hay delivery to see if they've changed their minds on whether other hay is acceptable, or if we're still on just timothy and oat. Gave them the rye grass. Now admittedly I'm an idiot and put it on top of a pile of hay already in there so I can't be 100% sure but it certainly looked like they were eating it and not just shoving it out of the way to get at the timothy underneath. Although tbh that's probably exactly what they were doing lol.
Great ! day 179 - well done Lorcan ….we know how hard it can be to continue this 🌟
Diving not a pile of hay is one of the piggies greatest pleasures 🥰
It’s all good fun in the world of Cam and Bann 🥰
Btw I like those samplers for the eating the cardboard box as well as the hay !
These come in stapled paper bags but yeah, same idea - remove the staple and away they go! Just not quite yet, they're small enough I'd rather give them all at once.
Dear Bann and Camowen

It has come to my attention that you are being starved of veggies. This is not on! I have had a look at the guide When Your Slave Deprives You of Veg and What To Do and it clearly states that "Veggies should be available at all times even though your Slave may only give them to you once or twice day" Slaves are really stupid and think that veggies should pnly be a small part of our diet but we know better don't we?

Veggies are a very tasty and very good for you and they must be served in small quantities throughout the day. To ensure that this happens wheek at your slave VERY loudly so he knows that you are unhappy with the portion served up. I understand that your "We Want More Veg" Chorus is loud enough so that the neighbours think you are being murdered (you are to be congratulated on this as it is quite an achievement) but you need to up the volume so that the whole street is aware that you are really unhappy about your veg portion.

Yours hoping you get more veg

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward.
Dear Bann and Camowen

It has come to my attention that you are being starved of veggies. This is not on! I have had a look at the guide When Your Slave Deprives You of Veg and What To Do and it clearly states that "Veggies should be available at all times even though your Slave may only give them to you once or twice day" Slaves are really stupid and think that veggies should pnly be a small part of our diet but we know better don't we?

Veggies are a very tasty and very good for you and they must be served in small quantities throughout the day. To ensure that this happens wheek at your slave VERY loudly so he knows that you are unhappy with the portion served up. I understand that your "We Want More Veg" Chorus is loud enough so that the neighbours think you are being murdered (you are to be congratulated on this as it is quite an achievement) but you need to up the volume so that the whole street is aware that you are really unhappy about your veg portion.

Yours hoping you get more veg

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward.


Day 180 Lorcan 🌟🎉
Have you still got Ser spider ?
I’ve seen some gorgeous ones in my garden …..prefer them to stay there tho 😂
I’ve noticed that the birds in my garden have more or less disappeared despite the bird food - RSPB says once they’ve had their brood ….they opt for the plentiful seeds etc in the fields etc.
No sign of Ser Spider in a while, same for Bathroom Spiders, although there's a slightly smaller one in there occasionally. There's been a little spider in my room but that's it. No doubt they're all still here somewhere mind you!
Sounds like they’re respecting your boundaries!
How are the lovely Cam and Bann …..or shouldn’t I ask 😂
People always talk about how pets shouldn't rule the house and that's great, but they've clearly never lived with guinea pigs. It's not like they can understand boundaries. If they were in my room and not theirs it's not so bad but because of where they are, they get to hear and see a lot more. Which is good for socialisation, and as for food and people and noise? We-ell....
Day 181.

My link worker at Leeds (who has over 200 people on her caseload and really doesn't like it and I can't blame her) were talking earlier, and when I'd said I'd quit smoking, she asked how long, and I said 181 days. She had a good laugh at that. Damn right I'm counting the days!

Storytime. A few times recently I've been hearing noises in my room. I wondered if it was the goblins but last night it definitely wasn't, it sounded like something in my room. You know how pipes creak? Well imagine it without the actually creaking pipes. I was paranoid I had four legged furry friends in the cupboard or something.
It was a moth banging off the lightbulb and lampshade. THAT'S what's had me paranoid for days.

Still waiting on DPD. Evri managed to find my house just fine (although I can't remember why I ordered a bucket, but whatever). If Evri can do it, and the previous DPD driver could do it, this one could've too if he used his brains. However I ate a bag of pretzel chips with sour cream and chive dip and my body's gone into carbohydrate coma mode. I want a nap already. And I can't turn my phone on silent or I risk missing the phonecall from when DPD bloke inevitably gets lost again later.
Wonderful day 181 👏
At least you’ll relax this eve now you know it’s only 8 legged friends that have invaded your home 😂
I love that story …. I saw that Thea of the GPU had given advice to Cam and Bann 😂
Good luck with the DPD delivery - it is a bit of hit and miss with some delivery drivers!
Hope you can relax this eve with your parcel 🤞

I feel bad for the goblins. I try not feeding them before 11am, that's as early as I want to go. The DPD parcel was due for delivery again this morning between 10:36 and 11:36 so as I'm on my way down the stairs I'm telling them it's alright, I'll bring breakfast back up with me, since DPD were obviously going to take forever if they turned up at all.

I literally opened my door as the DPD guy walked up. Oops.
Woohoo day 182
That’s great that your delivery arrived ….not so hard to find your house !
Hope those little rascals got their breakfast soon after 🥰
You can relax and enjoy your day ….not awaiting that delivery !!
I mean, it can take a bit of work to find it. The street has no vehicle access, it's only accessible on foot. That means Google Maps won't show you where it is, they'll show instead the road next to it. But it's not impossible to find, one end of the terrace has the street name sign attached to an upper gable wall, easily viewable from the road. Some people just don't want to make that extra wee bit of effort.

If looks could kill, Bann would have me dead. The Science Selective pellets I have didn't come in a resealable bag so I had them in tubs instead. Well now the bag of Cunipic was empty enough I could add one of the tubs of Science Selective into it. Bann, it turns out, doesn't like the noise of pellets pouring from tub to bag. I'd apologise, but he made angry noises at me for doing it giving me the Evil Eye the entire time.
Cam stayed where he was, eating. Priorities, right?

Also I have a confession. I'd run out of things to dip into my onion and garlic dip last night, so I ate the dip instead.

Edit: Oh I forgot. I ordered new water bottles so I could take both the old ones out to sterilise them. Got an email yesterday saying there was an issue so I'm getting no bottles but I will get a refund. ffs. Second time this has happened with an Amazon delivery via Royal Mail, I'm guessing glass things are getting broken.
And I'm waiting on another bag of Back2Nature before I can clean out the goblins. I ordered two bags. One arrived on Wednesday. One will arrive tomorrow. Sigh.

If looks could kill, Bann would have me dead. The Science Selective pellets I have didn't come in a resealable bag so I had them in tubs instead. Well now the bag of Cunipic was empty enough I could add one of the tubs of Science Selective into it. Bann, it turns out, doesn't like the noise of pellets pouring from tub to bag. I'd apologise, but he made angry noises at me for doing it giving me the Evil Eye the entire time.
Cam stayed where he was, eating. Priorities, right?

Also I have a confession. I'd run out of things to dip into my onion and garlic dip last night, so I ate the dip instead.

Edit: Oh I forgot. I ordered new water bottles so I could take both the old ones out to sterilise them. Got an email yesterday saying there was an issue so I'm getting no bottles but I will get a refund. ffs. Second time this has happened with an Amazon delivery via Royal Mail, I'm guessing glass things are getting broken.
And I'm waiting on another bag of Back2Nature before I can clean out the goblins. I ordered two bags. One arrived on Wednesday. One will arrive tomorrow. Sigh.
Well done for reaching day 183! Also nothing wrong with eating dip without dippers. I used to enjoy eating peanut butter and honey on bread, then one day realised it was even better just to use a spoon and not bother with the bread part.
Oh and I have a new friend @Roselina (image on Imgur for @Betsy's sake lol)
Oh gosh they do like your home Lorcan ! I’ve got a few of the ‘daddy long legs’ type including two really mini ones
I love how Cam gets on with important thing in life ….FOOD !
I love an onion and garlic dip and I like how Pound Shilling & Pig says why bother with the stuff you dip into the dip 😂
And really great it’s ….. day 183 🌟
I can't decide if it's a good thing spiders like my house so much or not. I swear it's not like the place is crawling with flies or mice* or rats*.

*no matter what my brain tries to convince me when moths are attacking my lightbulbs at 1am.
Well done on day 183.
I'd rather have spiders than any other invader, we have at least a dozen spiders at the moment. I using the webs as an excuse not to dust, my partner is always accusing me of making spiders homeless so I shall leave them to it and see how long it takes before he complains he has walked into a web.
Well done on day 183.
I'd rather have spiders than any other invader, we have at least a dozen spiders at the moment. I using the webs as an excuse not to dust, my partner is always accusing me of making spiders homeless so I shall leave them to it and see how long it takes before he complains he has walked into a web.

Heh. Speaking of, I was sitting on my chair about a half hour ago and I looked up (this is how I discovered Ser Spider mere inches from my face once, I clearly never learn) and there was this massive long cobweb, mere centimetres from my face. It definitely wasn't there this morning, but cobwebs don't turn long and thin without a few days of work.

I think it's been on the ceiling and something's knocked it loose, but still... :bal:

Edit: and there's a cellar spider on my bedroom ceiling but it's miniscule, it just looks like a black dot.