The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Hope you slept well in the end Lorcan 😂 you’re right not to try to do everything at once …..little bit every day.
How are your little rascals today ?
Fell asleep about 1.30 and then woke up just before 8 because my brain was like "Noises. Hey, noises. Hey, there's noises." There was noises, one of my neighbours was bringing me back my bin lol. Bann was begging at the bars when I'd barely had chance to open the door and I couldn't work out it was him for a second because my eyes were refusing to focus and Cam's the one normally up first.

Then I had popcorns from Cam because new hay and Bann apparenly figured hay was an appropriate tribute. All's quiet on the western front. And I have a chance to dose myself with caffeine before DPD arrives.
And it’s day 174 🌟
Those rascals keep you on your toes ! I love how piggies get excited about hay 🥰
Little act of kindness from your neighbour ….I like that !
Have a good day Lorcan and keep those stories coming 😂
It's a couple of neighbours that do it actually and I don't know which one did it this time. There's a gate that leads to another street where our bins get left, we all leave the bins at the gate on Wednesday and either the house at the end or the house next to it, they'll put the bins to the street on Wednesday and bring them back in once they've been emptied on the Thursday. Except when my bin went missing a few months back but that was the council's fault for neglecting to empty it before it went MIA lol. The guy in the end house did find it again just before it was next due emptied though, so there's that.

They do love their hay. I mean it's been a while since I've tried giving them anything else but while they'll eat softer hays (think the Nature's Own 1kg types) they're not mad on it, Happy Hay's timothy has been their favourite out of anything they've tried and I don't have to worry about hay pokes so much because they're not nesters like Comet was. Well, most of the time, Camowen has his moments.

Speaking of stories I hadn't seen any of the Bathroom Spiders for some time, but there was a cellar spider in the corner of the bathroom ceiling again this morning!

Found the goblins in the same bed this morning. I'm assuming they thought it was too cold overnight (the room thermometer had a lowest registered temp of 19.4C but that could have been last night or a few days ago, still not horrendously cold).

The hay I ordered yesterday morning was here at 8am. I'm not awake enough for this stuff that early :))

Then Asda's substituted some salad bags. I should maybe stop buying the bags out of laziness but I *think* these are safe for the goblins. I hope so, or I'll have riots over the lack of lettuce, lol.
Wonderful day 175 you are doing so well Lorcan !
I love the boys were in the same bed ! It was cooler last night , I slept much better !
Hay deliveries are super efficient ! Me thinks you might have to add a bit of romaine or butterhead lettuce …..before they contact Thea the one and only of TGPU 😂
I mean mostly they only want in the bed t'other is in to kick t'other one out. As you do. It's always a bit odd to walk in and realise they have to be in the same place because the other 2 beds, the 2 fleece tunnels, AND the two log tunnels are empty. I'm assuming it's a temperature thing.

I usually get a couple of bags of bagged lettuce which is what the sub was for but I also get two butterheads in every Asda order. I'm not daft enough to try skipping those, lol.
If they were restricted to only one vegetable for the rest of their lives, and they could tell me which one it was, I guarantee it'd be butterhead. Tesco don't sell butterhead, and I prefer Tesco's food, but sacrifices must be made. That's what I keep hearing, anyway :))
Yes my boys (and me) love butterhead - luckily my Tesco does deliver it so they’re happy and I’m happy
The contents of those bags are okay @Lorcan as far as I know, Spike and Peanut used to love those. There was some concern a few years back about the way they wash that one though (chemicals?) so I would give it a good rinse first if you don't already wash bagged salad.
The contents of those bags are okay @Lorcan as far as I know, Spike and Peanut used to love those. There was some concern a few years back about the way they wash that one though (chemicals?) so I would give it a good rinse first if you don't already wash bagged salad.

Thanks - I figured they looked fine but you know what it's like when you've never bought a mix before. It's in the fridge now for later.
You'd think but I just gave Bann a bit of chard and he chewed it then stopped to stare at me as if I was up to something. Chard. He's had chard before. Then Cam tried nicking Bann's chard and it turns out if Cam wants it, it's definitely worth eating first. 🤷‍♂️
Day 176 - you’re doing so well Lorcan !
It seems now is the mating season for Ser spider and his friends so you might get a few more indoors !
I don’t mind the daddy long legs type but I prefer them to stay downstairs 😂
Well, as long as the spiders stay out of my bedroom, y'know? Although even with the window open if I've been playing games on the PC my room ends up far warmer than the bathroom and the goblin room, so maybe not 😱
In other Day 176 news, Bann's miffed at me because I took away his bed. There's still a second bed in the cage, it's not like he doesn't have options, but no, I took away his bed, the one he's pooped all over and managed to pee on the roof of. He wants that bed back.
Day 177, and so far it's been an easy going day. I should be sorting out the living room and instead I'm playing videogames and eating Mug Shots (roast chicken or the cheese ones) and drinking Pepsi. I know, I know, but my attention span's been whack recently and if this holds it, I'll keep doing it.

Now if the weather could just make up its mind about whether I need the blinds open or closed, that'd be great.
Thankfully tomorrow's a bank holiday and I get to be lazy for an extra day. I might also pretend to be asleep for Tuesday morning's visit (it is at 9am, so...) so I get til Wednesday. What I really want is some icecream but it's a terrible idea, my intestines will make sure I know it.
Yes another lazy day ! Enjoy it and why not extend it to Wednesday 😂
Don’t spoil the bh with ice cream tho !
I know. There's a salted caramel and a vanilla tub both just...calling my name from the freezer lol.
I know, I know, but...Asda's vanilla icecream is some of the best I've had! As is their salted caramel and triple chocolate, but I already ate the chocolate one. :bal:
Day 178!

Didn't eat the ice cream, but apparently I overdid it on the Mug Shots :td: Serves me right lol.

Just went to get a can of Coke and grabbed some goblin food on the way because hey, I'd have to walk past their room twice. Got halfway up the stairs, the goblins were shrieking in delight...and I realised I'd forgotten the Coke. Sorry, goblins.

Wearing glasses instead of contacts for a couple of days before putting in the new pair. I hate glasses. How did I put up with these for so long?!

Also my fridge vibrates if the door's open too wide. It opens that wide naturally, it's not being forced open, but that vibration noise is weird.

and I keep forgetting to bring a carrier bag upstairs to use as a rubbish bag. 5 days of this so far, lol.
Day 178 🎉🌟
You did well to avoid the ice cream temptation 😂
I love how Cam and Bann are so excited when they hear your footsteps !
Never a quiet moment in your house Lorcan 😂
Speaking of quiet moments...

I was gonna take a nap earlier, so I grabbed the goblins a few rocket leaves so if I overslept they'd have less to complain about. They got their leaves and I walked into the bathroom and as I'm finishing up there's this unholy shriek from next door.

They'd eaten all the rocket already and were apparently displeased with their meal. You'd have thought someone was murdering Bann the way he was getting on. :eek:
That made me lol ! I can just imagine you thinking it’ll be quiet and you can have your nap …..and Bann just having to remind you that he’s there 😂
That, and the sheer amount of rocket leaves they'd hoovered up in 90s is kind of terrifying lol. Got back out of the bathroom and there they were with Bann's head over the top of the bars and Camowen not far off it next to him.