The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

This seems to have turned in to a spider thread. Sorry @Lorcan but look at the size of this. It was waiting for me at bedtime. It was 8.5cm long ! Sorry @Betsy don’t look. 🙈

Well done on giving up the ciggies 🌟


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Also, to sort of add to the spider thing, I was lying on my bed last night colouring in. I had the light off and the lamp turned down, not right down, but it wasn't bright. So when I saw something moving at the end of the bed, literally a couple of inches to my right, I made that noise and had that panic reaction that sets the heartrate off and couldn't move fast enough.

It was a charger cable. The end had slipped off the bed, and I saw that movement in the half light. I turned the lamp up after that lol.

Day 170!
Well done day 170 🌟
I laughed when it turned out to be a cable ! Phew !
Isn’t it funny how our minds will go into danger/ survival mode when we think we’re seeing something unknown !
How are you feeling today Lorcan ? Much better I hope 🥰
I enjoy colouring too - it’s a great distraction and keeps my mind still 😂
They’re not spiders, but do you wanna see my collection of wee garden dudes, I’ve been snapping over the summer hols? If you don’t - then don’t look ‘cause I’m posting them anyway! Glad you’re feeling a bit better. Have you tried a word search?
(I’ve added the wee orange peel guy in to cheer you up! He was made by my then 86 yo mum during the first lockdown. I used to go down the side of her house, while walking the dog, and waive at her. One day she had left me this 🤣🥰)


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They’re not spiders, but do you wanna see my collection of wee garden dudes, I’ve been snapping over the summer hols? If you don’t - then don’t look ‘cause I’m posting them anyway! Glad you’re feeling a bit better. Have you tried a word search?
(I’ve added the wee orange peel guy in to cheer you up! He was made by my then 86 yo mum during the first lockdown. I used to go down the side of her house, while walking the dog, and waive at her. One day she had left me this 🤣🥰)

I don't know what it is about snails but they make me so happy. I can't extend this love to slugs, but snails are :wub: and orange peel guy is adorable!

I'm feeling better, just massively overtired. Everything takes so much effort lol. But I need to reserve some energy at least because the goblins need cleaning out tonight whether I like it or not.

As for wordsearches, no, nor crosswords. But the NYT do a thing where they give you 7 letters and you have to make words 4+ letters long and they all have to have one specific letter in them. But you can use each letter more than once. I do that one fairly regularly. I also redid one of the spreadsheets I keep to do with the vaping - splitting one sheet into three, and manually typed out the whole lot because I was bored and figured why not. Easier to view and update on my phone now too, the old one was a nightmare.

I've also just made a massive mistake and taken the goblins up some food so I could use the toilet, forgetting I was going to want to go up in about a half hour to refill the vape and switch to the next one. Oops. Virus Brain strikes again!

Edit: and I've just found out that hitting Ctrl+Return on my keyboard posts my message for me so I don't have to use the mouse. Sweet.

The shrieking is incredible. Roll on being able to move the computer (and desk) upstairs again - I've moved all my vaping stuff into my room but if I'm downstairs it means facing the wrath of the Starving Goblins every time I want to switch device. It's kind of hilarious honestly, it's like they're trying to make their shrieking the guinea pig equivalent of chalk on a chalkboard.

Ugh. Chalk chalkboard. I shuddered typing that.

I was right though, I am sore as heck today. I should really have started their cage clean before 10pm last night. But I'd given them a pile of hay on the fleece liner while I worked on the other end and puppy pads and wood shavings and at one point they both sat there, eating and staring at me. I felt judged. There was definitely judgment. But they love a nice clean cage and the happy popcorns made it all worth while.

And Bann didn't eat plastic bags or puppy pads or the dustpan. Always a bonus.
Day 172.

So my care coordinator was here earlier to facilitate a chat with the GP to get stuff sorted. It was...well, when the call was over, I just kinda went, "...see what I mean?" lol. Got precisely nowhere with him, as always, but he has at least agreed to contact the endocrinologist about switching from injections to gel so maybe we can all stop arguing about who keeps doing what wrong.

THEN I had less than 24 hours notice that the housing association wanted to do a gas safety check. Turns out the letting agent doesn't like sharing details of the ones they do so I get it done twice. 🤷‍♂️ tbf this is what used to happen when I lived on Kirkholt - RBH owned the building and leased the building to St Vincents. RBH were technically liable for repairs etc for everything except the flats themselves, which were covered by St Vincents, but both of them insisted on carrying out gas safety checks. At separate points in the year, too. It could get a bit confusing.

BUT THERE'S MORE. When Sarah was here and we were talking about the aftermath of the phonecall I'd said I had a video appointment with Leeds anyway this week so I'd pass it along then too. With most of my vaping stuff upstairs I've been leaving my phone upstairs too (yes, I keep a spreadsheet of what juices go in which tanks at which watt levels because I can and lists make me happy) because the phone's the easiest way to access the spreadsheets. I went upstairs to do this earlier and I'd missed two calls from a withheld number. That Leeds appointment was later this week as it turned out - by a couple of hours. :doh: Oops. By the time I noticed their phoneline had closed for the day. Oh well, it wasn't that urgent. I'll blame it on my GP. He's accusing me of doing it anyway, might as well help myself out there lol.

Oh and the goblins are going mad. Business as usual right there :))
Well done day 172 🎉
Wow you have had a busy day !
GPs are disappointing …..I know they’re working very hard but……
At least you know the gas appliances are ok and safe !
Glad the goblins are behaving as normal 😂
This is a man very stuck in his ways and very much unable to read a situation outside of his very specific and narrow narrative - who has also, incidentally, asked that if I speak to a doctor, to see if I can speak to anyone but him first, snort. Sure thing, the eejit. I don't have anything against him, I really don't, but if it's what he wants I'm happy to oblige, lol. Thankfully I rarely have need to speak to a GP so it's going to cause me very little inconvenience.
As long as you’re being supported Lorcan and not feeling let down !
We all have our little ways 🥰
He's always been unhelpful, the only new thing this time is he tried it on someone else instead. I lasted for about half the call before realising I really didn't have to listen to him over this again (yes, I could hear him, no, it wasn't loudspeaker) so I wandered outside to vape on the doorstep and heard the goblins yelling from upstairs. :td:
Just caught up with your thread Lorcan, you have done so well giving up the ciggies. What a couple of characters the goblins are, bless them. I do enjoy hearing about them.

Leeds appointment has been rearranged for 1/9, same info for the video appointment thankfully because admin said there's no guarantee a letter would reach me in time lol. I'm like, "You probably can't pass the message on, but yesterday was a ****show and I forgot" and apparently, that was good enough!

Also was gonna cancel my visit from the housing association today but then I realised if I kept it I might be able to get my furniture moved, because I can't move the desk solo. I'm good but not that good. So I'll keep it. Furniture movement takes priority over an extra nap at this point. If I can get the PC and tv upstairs it'll be great. Sarah wasn't happy at the thought of me living in my bedroom again but it's better all round - my front door's crap and I don't trust it to stand up to someone determined to get through it, and the PC and tv downstairs feels like an incident waiting to happen. Plus it's starting to cool down and who wants a window open downstairs when it's freezing? Better upstairs where I can close over my door to keep the window open and the vapour from hitting the rest of the house - and the smoke alarms. And then the goblins don't get set off by my running up and down the stairs too.
Guess who else is their happy, screechy selves this today? I think they're trying to outdo the birds.
Wonderful day 173 🌟
Sounds a really good plan - hope it all works out Lorcan. 😊
Furniture's been moved, quiet words have been uttered where they won't have been heard :roll: he means well, but that doesn't make the stupid stuff less stupid. Or annoying.
Lol I do this to myself.


Yes. I have an army of soft toys.

In unrelated news I almost-but-not-quite trod on a snail. I was outside in my socks because the ground's dry and I felt something underfoot. And because it was something, I didn't put the pressure down, which I'm grateful for. Socks and snails don't mix. I picked it up and put it on top of the bin, and I'm pretty sure it was still alive at the time. I feel bad, but it would be a definite goner if I wore shoes or boots, so there's that.
I'd be tempted except I don't trust Cam not to learn there's an inside to my jeans leg, because that's the one thing he would learn, lol. I'll dump most of it on the floor and sleep on half the bed for the night. I got distracted by looking at the Top 10 Endangered Building lists from the Victorian and Edwardian Society and I don't even know how I got there in the first place.