The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

164, and I've been listening to shrieking for five minutes straight. They got fed at 2. I have no words, but I'm wondering if they're making noise because the TV sounds like "people" and "people" means food.
164, and I've been listening to shrieking for five minutes straight. They got fed at 2. I have no words, but I'm wondering if they're making noise because the TV sounds like "people" and "people" means food.
That’s wild! How about dumping a load of compost in their room and rake it out and sow grass seed and lettuce and some cucumbers and bell peppers and just let them have at it! 🤣🤣.

… oh but I forgot about their dodgy tummies - you might come off the worse again for that…
That’s wild! How about dumping a load of compost in their room and rake it out and sow grass seed and lettuce and some cucumbers and bell peppers and just let them have at it! 🤣🤣.

… oh but I forgot about their dodgy tummies - you might come off the worse again for that…

100% guaranteed they'd still insist I was holding out on them and demand the "good stuff".
It's like I'm trying to give myself a heart attack. I had the new phone arrive yesterday and got the stuff for sending the old one in for recycling this morning. Packed away the phone - well, actually, screwed up packing it up and had to improvise with gaffer tape but y'know, somebody's taken it to put it in the post and all's well.

So I was looking for the new phone and had this horrific realisation I could see the old one. Did I screw the packing up that badly? I can't fix it now because it's in the post and how am I supposed to explain I sent back the packaging without the phone?

...I didn't. It was the case for my old phone, that's all. Thanks, Day #165. :doh:
Also to add to this, the air temp outside is still cool enough to keep the windows open but I wanted to close the blinds in the goblin room. Since I have to walk through the cage for this I need to know where the goblins are first. Bann was easy, he poked his head out of bed. Camowen? Camowen had managed to bunch hay together (like he has to have physically moved at least some of it there) and then buried himself into it - refused to move until I'd shifted enough of the hay myself. :td: I have to apologise to Comet, because if I thought Comet was bad, I was clearly very wrong lol.
OMG ! What a day Lorcan ! My stomach lurched when I thought you’d sent the new phone back 😬😂
Coping with the goblins is easy after that worry ! Cam is making mischief ….I bet Thea the One and Only of TGPU has advised him 🥰

And relax and breathe …….day 165 amazing 🌟
Oh sorry I jumped to conclusions ! It’s the sort of thing I could do ….😬
Oh sorry I jumped to conclusions ! It’s the sort of thing I could do ….😬

Honestly I genuinely thought I'd forgotten to put the phone in the box - which is weird, because putting the phone in the supplied box is how I ended up needing gaffer tape on the packaging in the first place.

btw I just went upstairs to close the windows because that sky's looking a wee bit dark and Cam spent ten minutes running over my foot, and then trying to work out if he could use my jeans leg as a ladder. Small paws on the foot is a bit ticklish.

The old phone's been received for recycling and I should get the money through soon.

Rang up the letting agent to ask to postpone tomorrow's home inspection til Friday. They said they'd get in touch. They never got in touch. I'm still not answering the door tomorrow.

Also just went to chuck a can in the recycling, stood on my doorstep to vape for a bit. I could hear what sounded like the goblins but I'm outside and their window's closed. It can't be the goblins. Walked in the front was the goblins all right. :eek:
Great day 166.
Good phone has got there.
What rascals ! They love to get your attention…..🥰
And yes don’t answer the door tomorro !
Day 167. Still nothing from the letting agents. I got a text this morning from the housing association reminding me they're due out between 10 and 12 and I'm still not answering that door. So I'm trying to be sneaky and keeping the downstairs blinds and curtains closed but I've already set off the fire alarm once, lol. I need a Plan B. Preferably one that doesn't involve the goblins getting shouty. I know I joke about them disturbing the entire street but until yesterday I was sure it was a joke. It is definitely not a joke.
Well done day 167
You were in touch with the letting agents yesterday and they were going to get back to you….and didn’t.
So I wouldn’t answer the door. Hopefully Cam and Bann will scare anyone away 😂
Maybe a little veg treat might keep them quiet ?
Only if I have a constant supply of coriander and parsley on hand, otherwise even using the stairs to get more would set them off.

On the bright side I did get my bedroom rearranged yesterday. It gives me a bit more space than I had because the bed's no longer in the middle of the room.
I love those little vocal monsters 🥰
It feels good rearranging a room for the better. I got rid of lots of stuff to the Dogs Trust yesterday… much nicer to have less in the house! Enjoy your new bedroom 😂
Day 168 and I'm staying in my room all day because I feel awful. Headcold I think - not helped by the screechy monsters the other side of the wall. Ach well. A wee bit of distraction never goes amiss.


Not that I'm getting very far very fast mind you lol.
Day 168 🌟
I’m sorry to hear you’re ill Lorcan. I hope Bann and Cam can let you rest so you get better asap !
Looks like you’re ‘taking it easy’ which will help! Healing vibes sent your way

The image itself. And I'm a very bad patient, I need to be doing something unless I'm asleep, lol. Only problem with doing it on the bed is my foot, the one I broke 11 years ago, doesn't like it when I sit cross legged.
I was given a sprout one for Xmas ! It wasn’t that easy to do !
I've had one with baked beans before. That was a bit tricky! Have you done the puzzles with the same picture on both sides where one picture is rotated by 90 degrees? Or the one where the reaction of the people looking at the puzzle is shown and you have to guess what the picture is? Now they are a bit hard!
I did one in the first lockdown. That’s my contribution. Happy Day 168 and get well soon! Here’s the furry pinball to say hello … (and yes the car is a tip - no one could ever accuse me of being car proud!)


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Great day 169 🌟
I’m sorry you’re still feeling rubbish ….hopefully not for much longer
It looks a hard jigsaw and if you’ve got a bit of ‘Brain fog’ it’s much harder !
How are Cam and Bann today ? Apart from causing mischief 😂