The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

day 161, and in the middle of the Zoom call, the postie turns up an hour earlier than usual. Not only that, but he has three parcels for me. Not only that, but he has to take a photo of me holding all three parcels. So he's apologising because he's having to kind of place the parcels in my arms so all three are in the photo, I'm trying not to laugh my head off because it's ridiculous, and he leaves. He gets as far as the next house and has to come back because he's left a pile of post on my windowsill. :))

And I'm relieved the goblins were quiet when saying hello. It's very hard to talk with your mouth full (thankfully!). I had to go up to close their window afterwards and of course that's when they chose to raise hell. oh but it gets better. They were given something small (tiny apple slices, because I wanted the big ones :shh::whistle:) and Cam got his slice and sat in the middle of the cage to eat it. In the middle. I swear he's learned this from Bann.

Edit: and I made it through almost the whole call without swearing. Almost. :doh:
Great day 161 !
Love the stories Lorcan ….. highlight of my day 🥰 you are a great storyteller 😂
I love how Cam is learning so much from Bann 😂
Honestly I don't like being up there too much at the moment, not with this heat. It's hard enough keeping the room cool as-is.
Honestly I don't like being up there too much at the moment, not with this heat. It's hard enough keeping the room cool as-is.
It’s even hot here! Thankfully with the way my house faces - I can keep the kitchen, where the girls are, nice and cool.
Tbh the goblins don't help matters - I didn't have guinea pigs again til January and my plan did not involve adopting skinnies, because originally they were going to be downstairs. But it's too cold for the skinnies downstairs unless we're in the middle of a heatwave, so they're upstairs, which doesn't help with keeping them cool.
So I just yelped something unrepeatable because I found yet another spider, now to be known as Curtain Spider. Curtain Spider was last seen crawling up the lining of my curtains.
Omg that sounds a surprise !
It’s difficult with heat/ cold - our houses don’t really cope with extremes of temperature.
Hope you can relax now you know where curtain spider is !
I don't. It was in the curtain lining and it may still be in the curtain lining, but gentle shaking isn't shifting it if it is and since the lining is only open/accessible from the bottom of the curtains I'm not brave enough to look, lest Curtain Spider fall on my head. It's a different breed than the cellar spiders and the giant house spiders (Ser Spider and Wall Spider). Its legs were translucent, almost see through, and the body was lighter too.
I don't. It was in the curtain lining and it may still be in the curtain lining, but gentle shaking isn't shifting it if it is and since the lining is only open/accessible from the bottom of the curtains I'm not brave enough to look, lest Curtain Spider fall on my head. It's a different breed than the cellar spiders and the giant house spiders (Ser Spider and Wall Spider). Its legs were translucent, almost see through, and the body was lighter too.
TMI @Lorcan TMI :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

Well I didn't get a photo and I'm sort of hoping somebody knows the sort of spider I'm talking about, seeing the curtains are next to my desk I want to know if it's a spider to be worried about lol.
I don’t think you need to be worried about that spider - it’ll be more scared of you - none of the UK spiders are harmful/ dangerous to hoomans. They do like cool darkish places mostly.
Word is clearly getting out that yours is the place to be 🥰
I don’t think you need to be worried about that spider - it’ll be more scared of you - none of the UK spiders are harmful/ dangerous to hoomans. They do like cool darkish places mostly.
Word is clearly getting out that yours is the place to be 🥰
Which is weird because keeping the sun off the windows is nigh impossible. I'm very much not looking forward to tomorrow.
I have a spider. It lives, suspended in a beautifully engineered web, overlooking my little pond. It’s web is always well stocked with tiny flies. As long as it stays there we’ll both be ok.
Day 162, and (drumroll please!)

Ser Spider's back! I saw what I thought was Wall Spider on the board that covers the pipes again. If it was Wall Spider, it has since disappeared. However, considering Ser Spider is hanging out at the top of the wall above my is facing towards the ceiling and not at me, but still. Why there, Ser Spider?!
Definitely drum 🥁 for you …. Day 162 🎉🍾🌟
I had an idea Ser spider might reappear … very happy in your house 😂
Great day 163 Lorcan ! 🌟

They’re just waiting aren’t they …. very good hearing too.
Did you respond ? 😂
I pretended to be deaf for 10 minutes then snuck out the front door to vape in peace (from goblins AND fire alarms, lol).