The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

The Kylie version was apparently in my top played songs in 2020. I'm thinking it's gotta be from that Pride playlist, it's hilariously out of place with most of the rest of that list :))
Oh yes,I think I remember hearing it in that playlist.That had a great selection of songs.
Oh yes,I think I remember hearing it in that playlist.That had a great selection of songs.

Thank you! I still have it, I think. Or at least I have a playlist on Deezer (since I've stopped using Spotify) that isn't exactly the same but it's very close.
Btw I hope those little goblins will ok tomorro and stop worrying their hooman 🥰
Yes if Cam and Bann are the usual lively vocal little guys that a very good sign 🥰
I mean, they're less vocal, but that's because they're usually shrieking every couple of hours because that's when the food's due. Since they've not been being fed fresh food, they're not yelling for dinner because it's been a few days since that routine was happening. Honestly they've always been terrible alarm clocks. However, when they see me I still get those hopeful wheeks, so going to the toilet is still a dangerous game lol. Roll on being able to buy new veg tomorrow.

Also apparently the letting agents were coming to do a house inspection today between 10 and 4. Hell of a thing to find out at 9.30. They'll be back next week instead. Good riddance.
Day 158, you're doing great.

Hope the boys digestion is getting back to normal.
Yeah I'll give it one more day, then I'm hoping so too. I just tried stroking Bann's nose but he was too intent on trying to sniff my finger, lol. But even that's progress! There was a time they'd've run a mile from that.

Also when going up the stairs I tend to announce I'm on my way up, said, "How're we doing?" and got the "ooh it's you!" happy wheeks.
Day 159, and Bann has a death wish. The outside's too warm now to leave their window open and that means walking through the cage to close it. Normally this doesn't cause grief. Today, however, instead of running away from me, Bann ran towards me. I'm never going to understand him.

Wall Spider is back! Least I think it's Wall Spider, looks a bit small to be Ser Spider. I came downstairs at 8am and it's been there since I did. Moved ever so slightly, there's a bit of board covering a pipe (I think) running vertically down the wall and it's on that, trying to squeeze itself as close to the wall as possible.

Also I burnt a brand new vape coil this morning because I forgot I switched it yesterday and the watt requirements were higher on the last one. This one rates 30-40w. I had it at 59w. :td: Flavour's still fine but I can see the burnt spots on the cotton so nope, new coil it is (or will be once I finish the tank anyway). And I need to find myself a replacement glass for one of the others because it's looking suspiciously scratched, you can see the lines all around the glass when the tank's full. Sigh.
Wall Spider has been on the same piece of box since I came downstairs this morning. They've shifted position slightly every so often but they're still there. I'm just waiting for Ser Spider to pounce when I'm doing the nightly Sorting Out The Juice Shelves, lol. Cam also just literally bounded towards the door as soon as he saw me at the top of the stairs - fingers crossed for these two, I'm going to let them have some veg tonight.

And get my caffeine, or I might strangle the magpies.
Wall Spider has been on the same piece of box since I came downstairs this morning. They've shifted position slightly every so often but they're still there. I'm just waiting for Ser Spider to pounce when I'm doing the nightly Sorting Out The Juice Shelves, lol. Cam also just literally bounded towards the door as soon as he saw me at the top of the stairs - fingers crossed for these two, I'm going to let them have some veg tonight.

And get my caffeine, or I might strangle the magpies.

Here’s hoping the goblins are ok ! They’ll love some veg - I’m surprised they haven’t been in touch with The One and Only Thea of the GPU !
Enjoy your caffeine and hope you sleep ok tonight !
Glad to learn Wall spider is still about 😂 ( altho Betsy won’t be !!)
It's been over twelve hours, I should be charging Wall Spider rent at this point lol. They ate their lettuce with gusto...although that's hardly surprising. I'll probably give them something small as a treat before bed assuming the poop output looks okay, but it should do.
To be fair it is bigger than it looks, but the angle was odd and it had its legs bunched in close. Wall Spider is currently MIA again though.

Meanwhile, it's Day 160, the goblins are back on their lettuce (kind of wet lettuce too because I'm not really taking much water off it again after washing it (like grab a handful, run it under the tap, feed) because it's hot again and they're really bad at drinking. Or bad at drinking without spilling 90% of the water in the bottle. 🤷‍♂️ Still, they're not convinced they're getting enough lettuce and not only are they shrieking to remind me they "need" fed, but I swear they're only making so much noise with packing paper because I'm not getting the hint with the shrieking, the little goblin hallions that they are.
Yeah I'll give it one more day, then I'm hoping so too. I just tried stroking Bann's nose but he was too intent on trying to sniff my finger, lol. But even that's progress! There was a time they'd've run a mile from that.

Also when going up the stairs I tend to announce I'm on my way up, said, "How're we doing?" and got the "ooh it's you!" happy wheeks.
Every bit of progress is precious!
Well done day 160🌟
Wall spider will reappear ….hopefully in the same area 😂
I’m pleased the goblins are back to lettuce ….hopefully no issues !
I love how demanding they are …..little rascals 🥰
I mean, it turns out I can get to the window and back without Bann causing an incident as long as his attention is elsewhere - like on trying to scarf down as much of the available lettuce as possible. Funny, that.

Every bit of progress is precious!

I have Raynauds, so I have permanently cold hands, and normally they run a mile because cold hands are unpleasant for the skinnies. That he even let me near his nose (while he tried to work out if my finger was food or not) is big for him. But again, Food.