The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Wow Lorcan - just shows the difference for your lungs
Well done on day 153 🌟 I know it’s not easy and I’m inspired that you keep going whatever 🥰
@Lorcan I haven't followed this thread from the beginning but am enjoying the daily updates. I like how it seems less about smoking (or not) and more about goblins, spiders and strange going ons :eek::yikes:. And I like your style of writing.
Also well done for quitting smoking, I know how hard that can be.
We like you just the way you are….. especially enjoying the stories and adventures of Lorcan, Cam, Bann and the spiders 🥰

I knew the goblins wouldn't keep quiet for long. They feel like they've been without lettuce for quite long enough. Sigh.

Also, the second parcel didn't turn up yesterday. Rang up again today to make sure they still had it, "Yeah, it's been selected for redelivery but it's not out today." Right. So he rearranged delivery for Monday. I am not impressed. I didn't say to rearrange it for Monday. They could at least have done the decent thing and rearranged it for tomorrow. But oh no, "next available working day". I'm not calling them again though, I'll end up saying something I shouldn't. I get staffing shortages but how hard can it be to just...put it on a van?
Great day 154

It’s crazy - I don’t know how some delivery companies actually work…. I was tracking my parcel one day and it was nearly here , then it disappeared off the screen and was reorganised for delivery the next working day ! No explanation they just did it . At least they have your parcel - I hope it’s nothing too important !
It's an awful lot of vape juice :( I don't need it urgently or anything but I do kind of want it to be here, y'know?
So. I had an Amazon delivery today via Royal Mail that I'd kind of forgotten about. It was a monthly renewed order I keep forgetting exists - 12 bottles of root beer and 12 bottles of cola from the same brand. The cola apparently had a problem with the shipment so it was just the root beer. The root beer turned up (with packing paper for the goblins) and with my parcel of vape juice. 🤷‍♂️ .

I'd said to the people who sent it that it was running late too, they like to keep an eye on this kind of thing. If a parcel gets lost/damaged/etc, it's good for them to know. I'd sent the two redelivery emails to them earlier and just sent them a message on Reddit saying it was here. Least it got here before the rain started. Again.

Also they sent me a free t-shirt with the juice. :yahoo:
Whoop whoop and indeed hurrah! Keep ‘er lit! (But not a feg). You’re doing so well and your wee lungs will be thanking you with every one you don’t have 😁👏👏👏

Story time :)) The goblins have been drinking more because of the lack of fresh food. They're messy drinkers and a large chunk of the water ends up on the cage floor. Last night before bed I was refilling the bottles, one was empty and one was 1/5 full (I checked those bottles regularly, no idea how they managed it). So, I take the jug upstairs and sit myself on the floor and I go to take the empty bottle and...Camowen tries drinking from it. Mate, it's empty. Let me have the bottle. He got the hint. Bottle refilled, on to bottle 2...

Bann chooses, at that moment, to start drinking the remainder of the water in Bottle 2. "Bann, I need that bottle." (Drink) "Bann, I need the bottle." (Drink) "...Bann, give me the bottle." (Drink) "Bann, for crying out loud. Let me have the bottle." (Drink) "...Bann!?!"

Those bottles are close to each other. He knows the other bottle is there. And instead I get 5 minutes of "give. me. the. bottle." Ah, guinea pigs. :doh:
🤣 it’s the same here. I thougt I give them at least 2 off everything, so they won’t figt for it. You know what happens? They allways want whatever the other one is playing with or sleeping in, I gave up 😂
The drinking bottles here were empty very quick aswell. My piggy’s don’t normaly drink as mutch 🤔.
When I payed a bit more atention to it i found out that seems like gizmo is taking showers 🙈
He goes under the bottle and lifts his back so the water comes running out. :mal:
The worst part was Bann had gone to the recently filled bottle first, but the bottles are kind of cable tied to the bars so in that brief couple of seconds where I was trying to lift the spout out, he came over to Bottle 2 and started to drink and I got an extra 5 minutes of one sided arguments over the bottle lol.
They do seem to prefer that one bottle, or at least whatever bottle is there at the time. I could swap the bottles around and the one on the right still gets drunk first. The rate they're attacking it (based on what I can hear) it'll be empty in a couple of hours again 🤷‍♂️ Meanwhile the left bottle has hardly been touched, which is why it makes no sense for Bann to have been holding the left bottle hostage at 23.30 lol.

I remind myself that I knew how bad boars can be. Jake ate a plastic bowl (thankfully without any major repercussions, but ceramic bowls for life at this point), Comet and Blitzen were bonkers, Rocco hated absolutely everyone and everything. Jack was a sweetheart though. But why am I surprised at these two finding new ways to drive me mad? Maybe because I figured Comet had already exhausted that lengthy list, lol.
They have their ways don’t they?
I think that’s why we love them 🥰
I use ceramic bowls - the ability for piggies to chew anything is amazing !
How is the spider party developing ?
There's one in the kitchen, just to your left as you walk through the door. There were only two spiders in the bathroom yesterday but we're back to three again. Still no sign of Ser Spider or Wall Spider.

Actually I take it back, Kitchen Spider has moved. Somewhere. It was there this morning though.
🤣 it’s the same here. I thougt I give them at least 2 off everything, so they won’t figt for it. You know what happens? They allways want whatever the other one is playing with or sleeping in, I gave up 😂
The drinking bottles here were empty very quick aswell. My piggy’s don’t normaly drink as mutch 🤔.
When I payed a bit more atention to it i found out that seems like gizmo is taking showers 🙈
He goes under the bottle and lifts his back so the water comes running out. :mal:

I meant to say this earlier and forgot, but Jack and Jake both loved to drink so enthusiastically they kept eventually breaking the spout off the bottle cap. I used to buy 5-6 bottles at a time and whoever was serving me in PAH kept looking at me like I was nuts. I got lucky if they lasted two months :doh:
Ah that’s interesting - most piggies aren’t to bothered with water - how is your day going Lorcan ?
I need to eat, but I'm not actually hungry, so I'm putting it off. Cup soup or something would be fine but I don't have any and if I eat too soon I'll have to chuck half of whatever it is out.

Also, with Jack and Jake - I think it's the way they were drinking, causing the bottle to rattle and eventually the plastic around the spout to crack. Both were the exact same way, but they didn't learn it from each other.

Finally, I'm tempted to break and give the goblins lettuce. Their poops are mostly fine and my head could do with the peace...but it's still a bit too soon, I think. :flag: mind you last I was upstairs they weren't particularly chirpy, I think I caught them both napping. They're quiet for the time being - til I next need the toilet, anyway :doh:

Gave the goblins some butterhead. They repeatedly climbed over each other to get at the delicious, delicious lettuce like the starved little piggies they were.

Also, last night with the water bottles, I went to fill them and realised they needed a clean first, so I took them downstairs to clean, refill, brought them back upstairs. Right bottle was replaced without incident? Left bottle...I got it into its cradle and I got the spout through its cable tie. So far, so good. Except the spring pinged off one of its prongs and it's not the easiest to fix that with a bottle in the way...but Bann was holding the bottle hostage again, so I was stuck trying to get it back on its prong around a decent sized water bottle because Bann wouldn't take two steps to his left. :td:
Day 156 brilliant 🌟

They love butterhead lettuce don’t they !
Bann is king of the castle that’s for sure 🥰
I almost forgot! Day 157, and Bann didn't hold the water bottle for ransom last night, because I took Left Bottle out first and then Right Bottle. It'll not work two days in a row, but it's better than nothing, lol.

Also why am I listening to The Loco-motion?

Edit: the playlist is on random, next up was Royal Republic's Tommy-Gun. Apparently it's just that sort of a music night.
I almost forgot! Day 157, and Bann didn't hold the water bottle for ransom last night, because I took Left Bottle out first and then Right Bottle. It'll not work two days in a row, but it's better than nothing, lol.

Also why am I listening to The Loco-motion?
Can't beat a bit of Kylie,if it is the Kylie version lol.
The Kylie version was apparently in my top played songs in 2020. I'm thinking it's gotta be from that Pride playlist, it's hilariously out of place with most of the rest of that list :))