The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I'm rueing the day I either bought the naan chips (Walkers Sensations, garlic and herb) or they turned up as a substitution because they're a little too good, lol. But I've been eating enough of those recently I'd be very surprised if they were at fault. It's like with dairy - I'm lactose intolerant, diagnosed after being made to drink some vile concoction they had the cheek to call sugar and some blood tests, but I can have dairy. It needs to be full fat, preferably, semi skim/skim/low fat stuff sets me off immediately. But then I get the "but you said you were AlLeRgIc!1" No, I'm just careful lol. I'd be screwed if I had a food allergy, honestly.

I have one bag of naan chips left. It's killing me not to eat them right now lol.
Glad you’re feeling better. That was a rough oul night you had there 😢
Better than trying to explain what happened at 3am Easter Sunday morning in A&E at the Ulster :))
I don’t have any intolerances or allergies, but I have NOTHING ‘nice’ in the house because I’ll just eat it til it’s gone. No willpower and then I balloon up at a rapid pace. The electrician is here for a few days putting electric outside for me. I had no milk for his tea, no butter for the pancakes he brought for us, no biscuits, not even any cheese for the oatcakes! So tomorrow he’s bringing scones (his wife works in an AMAZING home bakery). I said, “I’ll get some milk and butter!”
“No no no dear, I’ll bring you some.”
He’s so kind! We have breakfast and a chat, before he starts work 🤣

Had the last bag of naan chips last night. Intestines revolted. 10/10 would do it again anyway, lol.

A young magpie landed on my windowsill this morning. Pretty sure it was young, the feathers were in moult and you could sort of see...not adult magpie feathers? You know what I mean. Anyway, I knew it landed because I heard it hit the window. Not collided with the window, it didn't seem dazed or anything, just misjudged the landing. It's young, these things happen. No point going outside to check, the parents would not have approved lol.

One of Bathroom Spiders got itself stuck in the bath last night. Used a jug to move it out. Then it ran into the hall towards my bedroom. Those skinny legs make it very hard to see and I didn't want to stand on it so I used the jug again to move it back into the bathroom (and aim to release it towards the back of the toilet this time). There's currently two spiders in the usual spots under the sink and above the corner of the bath. Hopefully one of them was yesterday's rescue. Still no sign of the other three.
If I'd been brave enough to move a spider **shudders** I'd have chucked it outside not behind the loo!
I mean maybe, but I didn't have a lid for the jug. It could walk out of that jug again at any point, and my hand would be...right there, y'know? :)) Better to get it somewhere it can leave again fairly swiftly with no loss of life or sanity. And the bathroom is better than my bedroom.
Day 152🌟🎉
Hard to resist those naan chips 😬
Well done oh great spider rescuer - indoor spiders can’t really survive outside so moving it,( as they can’t climb out of a bath/sink ) was a lovely kind thing to do. He/she will live happily in your bathroom and will eat all the little creepy crawlers that also live there ….that you don’t see😂
Those naan chips are always worth it, lol.

I'd watched try and climb out a couple of times before getting the jug - there was a towel draped over the bath at the other end that it could've used but I couldn't convince it to go that way, and it was getting halfway up the side before sliding down. It was 1am, if I didn't move it then it was a goner, heh.

Nearly lost it on the carpet though. Those legs are so skinny you can only see the body, and on that carpet, you'll see the movement, not the spider itself. They're not like Ser Spider and Wall Spider that way. I thought it was gonna head under the goblin room door but it kept on walking. Back to the bathroom we go, Bathroom Spider!
I know those long thin legged spiders - I’ve got some tiny young ones in my bathroom
There's one's turned up in the kitchen, I'm thinking it's the one from the corner of the living room ceiling, aka Bath Spider. It's not as big as Bathroom Spiders. I don't mind the spindly legs. They move so...daintily, too. With how long their legs are their gait seems so much more sedate.
I've looked it up, apparently they're cellar spiders (otherwise known as Daddy Long Leg). There's one in the kitchen, and now one occupying each of the three spots in the bathroom. I'm baffled as to what's so enticing about the bathroom, though.
Maybe there is tasty food in there 🥰
At least they wouldn’t go after your naan chips 😂
I'm quite happy to have those cellar spiders in my house, they don't scare me at all AND they eat the big brown spiders that scare the life out of me. Even when the big brown ones are bigger than them their long spindly legs mean they can wrap them up without getting bitten. They are my friends.
That’s amazing I didn’t know anything about the cellar spiders. I don’t mind them in my house either
I had a wee cellar spider behind the pedal bin. I caught him and put him in the rhubarb. Hope he’s ok now.
I love that Lorcan is the great spider rescuer
And keep going with the quitting smoking Lorcan …..we are all so happy for you and supportive of you ! 🌟
Spiders, bees, snails...there's nothing worse than heading to the bins after dark and hearing that crunch :no: I did one day find a snail that was attempting to move from one bin to the next but it seemed to be struggling because the gap was a bit wide, so I poked the shell to get it to constrict itself then pushed the other bin slightly closer without the risk of injuring it. It got the hint! Snail was last seen comfortably bridging the gap. Felt good, lol.

Boiler's passed its safety check! Turns out that while it was originally condemned, permanently disabling the "fireplace" part (it's an old backboiler, easily 50+ years old) means it still passes its checks. The emissions are a little high, which is a given because of the type of boiler it is, not because it's on its way out, but he was saying that there's some similar boilers out there he adamantly refuses to pass, it's not worth his job to do it. He's also the plumber that the lettings agent sent out when I had the foul water pipe blockage back in January, and I told him the letting agents hit the housing association with the bill claiming it was my fault for flushing wipes down the toilet. He had told them the opposite, and I knew it because I was there when he made that call lol, and he wasn't best pleased to find out the letting agents were making stuff up as they went along. He did say something that makes me think the letting agents are trying to find excuses to fire him, but he didn't say it outright. Nobody likes the letting agents anyway 🤷‍♂️

Now, just to wait for Royal Mail and hope there's been nothing screwy over the redelivery!
Busy day already Lorcan !
Good the boiler passed - I had one of those in my other house ….they go on and on and on !
Hopefully you’ll get your parcel ok !
I’m with you I try not to harm insects etc as I think it’s food for wildlife ….birds, hedgehogs etc all feed on slugs and snails ….that is the way 🥰
My OH laughs because i pick the snails up out of our hanging baskets (don't ask me how they get there) and take them to the 'wild' area at the bottom of our garden. It takes them a long time to find their way back. 🐌

Well done @Lorcan on getting to day 153. :yahoo:
Honestly I'm still sat here waiting on my parcel. I missed two parcels on Tuesday, used Parcel A's info to rearrange, and Parcel B's turned up. Still no sign of Parcel A. It's a bigger one so it may be on a different van, but flippin' heck, hurry it up lol.
My neighbour to the left is a smoker and I just heard her as she walked past my window, wheezing. Doesn't feel so long ago that that was me.