The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Yeah they were getting a bit too close to "behind the desk" for comfort. A few knocks on the dado rail with my phone, and it got the hint. Ran up the wall, over the top of the window wall, and is now hanging out on the wall behind the TV.
I feel bad because I clearly scared it, but this solution works for us both. If it were a chest of drawers or the tv cabinet that's fine, but my vaping stuff is in and on my desk and it's the sort of stuff that's vulnerable when dropped in fright :td::))
You’re right to set boundaries and move them on and they have to abide by ‘ them rules’ if they want to share your home.
They clearly like your home 🎉
I mean, I did have a clothes horse that was in that corner that I took out, just in case lol.
149 days.

The goblins are shrieking again. My first reaction is always the same - they got fed 10 minutes ago so there must be something wrong and I should go and check. But let us be honest, even if there was something wrong, by the time I was upstairs and they saw me their first reaction would be "oooh food" anyway. And there's nothing wrong. They just want more food. I know this.

Also I'm an idiot. The washing machine's been taking forever and for a while I thought I broke it. Which I can't afford to do because their fleece is in it and I need it washed and dry. But it's not broken. I put it on a 60 wash. I normally use 30. Of course it takes longer to heat up the water. :doh:

Bathroom spiders are still there. Last check one was in its ceiling corner and the other has moved itself to the space under the sink. Still no sign of Ser Spider or Wall Spider from yesterday.
Woohoo day 149 you’re doing so well Lorcan 🌟
Good that the wm is ok …. Sometimes I find mine doesnt spin properly as there is no half load so it has to be really full !
You seem to be training those spiders really well ….they do know where they can and can’t go !😂
That washing machine is going to be the death of me, seriously. Sometimes it behaves itself at full spin, sometimes I have to actually go outside when it's on full spin because my anxiety goes crazy. It genuinely shakes the whole house lol. I'd prefer it if it always did it, least then I'd have some warning. I'll brush stuff off before it goes in...then I'm taking stuff out of the machine and there's little guinea pig beans in the rubber seal. HOW. HOW DID I MISS IT?!

It also won't do a quick wash, lol. It freaks out every time. If you want a quick wash you put it in on a 30 wash because it takes 2 hours instead of 3. If you make the mistake of putting it on an actual quick wash, it won't spin. It gets to that stage and does nothing. And you can't turn the dial to do a spin or a rinse and spin because it'll only rinse and spin after doing an actual wash cycle. Which means letting it drain, switch it off, adding more stuff to the drum to bulk it out, and then doing the 30 wash you should've done in the first place.

Washing bedsheets is an absolute nightmare. There's never enough weight, lol.
I get that ! Mine is just like that ! Never simple to operate my wm
Every washing machine has its quirks - I think it's part of being an adult to work out which quirks you'll have to deal with :)) The only electronic device that outdoes washing machines for "wtf is it this time" is a PC, although at least my PC doesn't get guinea pig poop stuck in the fans.

There's another spider, big but with skinny legs, on the ceiling corner above my desk. I don't mind the skinny legs ones though. It's a smaller version of the bathroom spiders and possibly the one I accidentally soaked the leg of trying to stop it falling into the bath? Because the ones in the bathroom now are too big to be Bath Spider.

I now have 5 house spiders. The Twin Bathroom spiders, Bath Spider, Wall Spider, Ser Spider. Ser Spider hasn't reappeared btw. Where did you go?! I'm also getting yelled at because I dared go upstairs without food offerings. Apparently needing the toilet isn't an acceptable excuse. Pfft.
Great ! day 150 🌟
I don’t mind the skinny leg spiders either.
Word has definitely got around that yours is the house to be and that spiders are left alone 🥰
Party soon 🎉
*shudders*. Oooh that’s a biggun! 🤢

The person I was on the phone with, I showed her the photo today and she was like, "...yeah okay, that's a big one." I've had a spider on my head once, for everyone's sake I never need it to happen again lol.
Once I was sorting out my washing from the washing line - kept hearing a buzzing noise and a bumble bee was inside a pillow case 🥰
Day 151!

Was not very well overnight (thanks, intestines). Nobody died though and I didn't break my neck (or anything else) stumbling from my bed to the toilet to my bed to the toilet in the dark. No idea what time that started but it wasn't finished til 4am. So then I didn't hear my alarm go off til someone rang me and then they rang back 10 minutes later. It was 9.05. DON'T RING ME REPEATEDLY IF I DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE.
So I'm blaming the 9am stuff on my oversleeping and missing the postie at 10.35 and now I get to wait til Thursday.

Also on Thursday there's a gas boiler check due. "You have an inspection soon I think..." "You mean the boiler? Right? Because it's due." "No an inspection I think but I can't find the email..." "It'll be the boiler. It's no big deal." "No but it's an inspection, I'll help you clean up." Well according to the phonecall from the letting agents yesterday, they want access for a gas safety check on Thursday. I couldn't have rolled my eyes harder, lol.

Since I overslept, I woke up about 11.30 and I did my usual, hay first to the goblins. Except they believed their hay time should've been midday's Actual Food Time and they weren't very impressed with hay. I've also just watched Bann grab his bean through the bars and yank it with some force, pinging it halfway across the cage. He looked very confused. :))

Bathroom Spiders have moved. One's under the sink, one's in the opposite corner of the bathroom. I don't know if they've both moved or just one. Bath Spider has disappeared from the living room ceiling. Ser Spider and Wall Spider are still MIA. But you know what I realised yesterday? I might have a lot of spiders, but the ants have disappeared entirely and I don't remember the last time I saw a fly that didn't chance entering through an open front door. I'll keep the spiders tyvm.
Good day 151 Lorcan 🌟
I’m sorry you were so ill overnight ….hopefully feeling a bit better now?
Have a quiet easy day !
Isn’t it funny how we all attend to our piggies first ….. total love ❤️
I’m glad the spiders are obeying the rules but shifting about a bit.
They are great at keeping insects down….I have no flies in my house and if one is silly enough to enter I don’t see it for long ! Spiders can live quite a few months without food so they’re cheap house guests 😂
Yeah I'm good now. I know IBS is one of those things that people kinda go, "Well it's not that bad...", and most of the time that's true. Occasionally, like last night, it tries to kill me lol. I've passed out and hit my head (or hit my head and passed out, no idea which came first) with it before, a combination of pain + shock + fluid loss. Thankfully, not last night!

I'm slightly more miffed I have to wait til Thursday for my parcels now.
Sorry you are unwell. Hope you are feeling better soon. x

Thank you. I ate some turkey+stuffing and chicken+stuffing slices yesterday and I think that's what triggered it, it hasn't been that bad for months. Been no issues since I went back to bed at 4, thankfully.

And the goblins are their usual selves, Cam dropped his bean to the wrong side of the bars mid-munch. Again. :doh:
Good to hear that you are feeling better. My sister has IBS and really random things can trigger it, sometimes it can be something she has eaten previously without any issues.

My piggies have recently decided that they no longer like green beans or mangetout, it was like they had a meeting and decided they were all going to be difficult this week because i have a big work deadline.
Well it's either the meat+stuffing slices, or it's the pitta chips I've been eating like they're sweets, or the naan chips I've been eating like they're sweets. And honestly it could be none of them or all of them.

However, I am reminded I ate a bag of paprika Walkers Max within the last couple of days and my intestines don't like paprika that much. Oops.

The goblins don't like watercress at the moment...although at least it's not beans and the Asda lettuce bags.
Well it's either the meat+stuffing slices, or it's the pitta chips I've been eating like they're sweets, or the naan chips I've been eating like they're sweets. And honestly it could be none of them or all of them.

However, I am reminded I ate a bag of paprika Walkers Max within the last couple of days and my intestines don't like paprika that much. Oops.

The goblins don't like watercress at the moment...although at least it's not beans and the Asda lettuce bags.
I must admit i have developed something of an addiction to the Giant Wotsits. I have to avoid the crisp aisle at the supermarket or i come home with 10 bags them.