The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Spiders bother me anywhere!:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

The way I see it, we don't have spiders that jump in the UK. Or if we do, they're that rare that one turning up in the house is entirely unlikely. So on a wall, I'm relatively safe from it landing on me.

They can run, though, and they can run at me. And that means I want them off the floor. Because on the floor I'm fair game and I'm not having that, lol.
It's the way I tell 'them!

...but no really, it has been mentioned to me a few times, I have a gift for funny stuff. Not necessarily making people laugh, I'm no comedian, but every so often I nail the sarcastic delivery perfectly. I've also had a few moments in life you couldn't script if you tried and I share those stories because they're funny, y'know?

The goblins have been put in Time Out overnight, first time I've closed their door since the heatwave, but I want to eat sweets in peace, lol.

As far as the fire alarms go, I'm really confused. I finally got building the coils that I'd been unable to because of the hand sprain, even if it took more attempts than I'd like to use the screwdriver because yay, tremors. And I tested them out, made sure they were good. Then realised "ah (bleep) that's a fog and a half." I swear it was worse than yesterday, or...whatever day it was at this point. Alarms stayed quiet. What gives?!

I spent a fair bit of time on the doorstep today, lol. Not that I mind. I know it's not cigarette smoke but I don't really like that much of it sitting at once, y'know?
Can I share my photo of Ser Spider with you all? I'm not actually sure if I can hear a photo in a post and I could upload to imgur (which you wouldn't need an account for) but then, external image host links. Hmm.
Can I share my photo of Ser Spider with you all? I'm not actually sure if I can hear a photo in a post and I could upload to imgur (which you wouldn't need an account for) but then, external image host links. Hmm.
Er .... I'd rather you didn't! :yikes: :yikes:
Can I share my photo of Ser Spider with you all? I'm not actually sure if I can hear a photo in a post and I could upload to imgur (which you wouldn't need an account for) but then, external image host links. Hmm.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a photo of ser spider ……he’s at your house not mine !
Btw you do have a gift for humour and especially telling stories Lorcan ( I don’t mean untruths 😂)

Day 145 I believe 🌟🌟
if I can hear a photo in a post

Lol I've just seen this, phone autocorrect strikes again. That was meant to be nest a photo. Direct imgur link then, or not, lol. I DON'T WANT YOU TO SHOW A PREVIEW. :))

As for Day 145, you'll never guess what just happened. Vaping one of my least vapour producing tanks, put it down, exit Mass Effect, put vape back down without vaping more because there's yelling from upstairs, go to the kitchen, get some food for them, give it to them, chuck the rest in the cage...

and the upstairs alarm went off. UPSTAIRS. Something's seriously not right with those alarms.

As for Day 145, you'll never guess what just happened. Vaping one of my least vapour producing tanks, put it down, exit Mass Effect, put vape back down without vaping more because there's yelling from upstairs, go to the kitchen, get some food for them, give it to them, chuck the rest in the cage...

and the upstairs alarm went off. UPSTAIRS. Something's seriously not right with those alarms.
Maybe the motherboard is broken or just needs new batteries. It shouldn't be screaming all the time; sounds like an insecure fire alarm.
Maybe the motherboard is broken or just needs new batteries. It shouldn't be screaming all the time; sounds like an insecure fire alarm.

If it was the downstairs one I'd be tempted to muzzle it with a shower cap. It's like the upstairs one knows there will be no repercussions because it's too high for me to reach on my own.
So apparently it's definitely the vapour because the alarms have a "heat sensor and particulate detector" and "it's a common misconception that vapour won't set off smoke alarms" and I'm like...have you been paying attention to anything I've said?! If it was the vapour why isn't it permanently going off? Vapour might trigger a particulate detector but they're being really selective on when it triggers them, and vapour isn't setting off any thermal sensor. For a start, it's too cold for that.
But of course, it's the vaping setting it off, so I can just deal with it apparently 🤷‍♂️ I'm gonna start keeping a diary. See if they can notice the non-existent pattern to this too.

And have I got a doozy for you today, my friends. Not the smoke alarm this time, but this. And to let you see it relative to where I was sitting on the sofa, have this one too. Pictures on imgur again for the sake of @Betsy and others.
Woooo that’s a bit close to your sofa Lorcan 😬
Amazing day 146🌟
Yeah I was sitting on the sofa when I saw it, too. I can't repeat what I actually said because, you know. :))
Ser Spider should stay underneath the sofa in that case, haha :)) I was on the phone at the time too, from normal conversation to lots of (bleeps) with a few (holy) thrown in there apparently out of nowhere.

Still sad about Bernard Cribbins.

I lost Ser Spider again yesterday. I watched it walk to the outside bannister, walk to the kitchen wall, move to the ceiling, go over the kitchen doors, head towards the front door, then continue on towards my desk, at which point I relocated to the sofa. I watched it crawl down the wall a bit...then vanish. And I mean, vanish. Looked down the back and the side of the desk with a torch, nothing. Checked the debris on the floor, nothing. I sort through all my e-liquid in the evening because I hate having it higgledy piggledy and I was expecting it to be hiding at the back of the shelves (there's no back wall to that desk cupboard), nothing. Checked underneath the drawers, nothing. Checked the back of the drawers, nothing. Ser Spider, we need to talk about this.

The charger for my AA/AAA batteries is now a paperweight. It still works but I thought I saw it spark when I plugged it in, but couldn't replicate it so figured I was imagining it. Then 5 minutes later I heard a pop. Thought it was the charger, maybe, til it popped again. Definitely the charger. Sigh. At least the charger for my 18650/20700/21700 takes NiCd batteries, too. My mouse is wireless and using standard batteries in it is pointless, it drains them too well. And I do have a spare 2 slot charger that can take them too. I'm just...cranky it's broken.

And finally, I woke up ~8.15am. Checked my phone, hey the hay delivery is due between 8.35 and 9.35. Get downstairs for 8.30. There's a note through the door: "Hey we missed you but your delivery is in your blue bin". Well first, thankfully the blue bin was actually emptied yesterday, and secondly...I can believe I missed the door. It happens, I have a bit of difficulty hearing the door from upstairs which is why the goblins get cleaned out in the evening when I'm not expecting visitors. But I should have heard the bin because they're right below my window. Which means he was here before I woke up. Since when does any delivery company manage to turn up at least a half hour early?!

What an odd day, lol.
It’s one of those days Lorcan !
I think Ser spider is really really keen to get your attention 😂
And ….day 147 🌟
Day 148!

Ser Spider is still missing. There's two large spiders on my bathroom ceiling, yesterday they were next to each other. Today they're at opposite corners of the ceiling. It's like a spider soap opera in this house.

Also, Asda gets it. Forgot to add coriander to my Asda order. Asda were out of parsley. Asda is sending coriander instead. :))
Yay day 148

I’m impressed with Asda - have you seen they do a lovely piggy duvet set ….out of stock tho.
Ser spider has put the word out that your home is the place to be !
Expect a spider party soon 😂