The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Day 136!

I just went to give the goblins their first meal of the day (some parsley) and the two eejits ran to their usual feeding spot. Which would be great but there's a towel in the way. Do they move to the grid not covered by towel? Nah of course not, much better to shove your nose into the towel then shriek at me for not giving you your promised food. :doh: :))
Hah both my bedroom window and the goblin room window are wide open. I'll sleep without a blanket tonight so if the temp drops too much I'll at least wake up to close their window. I'm about to go stand in the garden barefoot and vape for 5 minutes (and inwardly groan that I wish I could get away with doing it in t-shirt and boxers but the neighbours probably wouldn't appreciate it).
He he but they wouldn’t be up would they ? And you can do what you like ( as long as it’s lawful ) in your own garden.
I put my rubbish bin out tonight while wearing shorts 😂 it was dark tho 🤭
The joys of terraced houses lol. Here's to hoping the weather finally calms itself down mind you, I've only got the two towels and both of them have been nicked by the goblins for the time being.
The joys of terraced houses lol. Here's to hoping the weather finally calms itself down mind you, I've only got the two towels and both of them have been nicked by the goblins for the time being.
Ah well they’re the most important Lorcan ! I think the weather will settle and hopefully we’ll all get rain rain rain ! If you do go outside … a rain dance ! Now that would get the neighbours talking 😁

Woke up, bloody eejit goblins hadn't had anything to drink. I'm blaming the socks over the bottles. Refilled the bottles with nice cold water and gave them early veg (because water) because Bann's eye looked a bit bulgy and his breathing was too fast for my liking. His eye's normal looking now, I think I maybe caught it at a bad angle before. And they're very unimpressed with my lack of regular food offerings. DRINK, you muppets. It helps, I promise!

But I should probably take my own advice because I've been queasy since I woke up. I blame yesterday. The new fridge is due today and I don't know what to do with the stuff in it. Can't take it out now because it's still too warm. Bleugh. Can I go back to bed yet? The answer is no, btw, it's still too damn hot up there.
Also just went in, chucked them a few salad leaves, then realised I had to grab something out of the cage and there was a guinea pig and his salad between it and me. Apologised, stepped in, over Cam, leant down the rest of the way to grab it, and Bann bolted. Fair enough. Except it was Camowen under my leg and he kind of...looked up, did the guinea pig equivalent of 🤷‍♂️ and went back to eating and I'm just like mate, HOW.
Day 139!

I went and took a lie down earlier, the last couple of days have caught up with me and I needed it. I closed my door and everything. I got up and opened the door and I literally couldn't take the two steps to the bathroom door right opposite me because Bann saw me and Bann started yelling for his food. That I don't have. They know I didn't come up the stairs. THEY KNOW. Thank goodness for a hay bribe.

That said there's something to be said for walking up the stairs saying, "Are we hungry?" and getting enthusiastic wheeks in reply.

Smoke alarm started screaming again. I thought was the vaping, poked it...then realised it was the upstairs alarm going off. You know what this tells me? It's not the vaping. Can't be if the downstairs one was quiet. The only thing, and I mean literally the only thing, that's been consistent on all three occasions is the window or the door's been open. Stupid things.

I dropped a bean on Bann's head earlier. I had almost dropped something else and got hold of it and then the bean fell. He seemed rather upset about this. Not upset enough to not eat his bean, but I definitely got That Look.

Meanwhile yesterday Camowen had a bean and dropped it to chew on his mouthful, staring at me the whole time. And I stood and waited because I knew what was coming, and it was hilarious watching him realise he had no idea where the hell his missing bean had gone. That frantic looking everywhere, lol.

In the continuing saga of the smoke alarms, I take it back. It might be one of the e cigs. What I'm not sure of yet is how, because it doesn't happen daily or even frequently (in the grand scheme of things). Went to go to the toilet earlier, got upstairs, realised I could see a slight vapour haze which isn't great, but I go to grab my phone which has been charging since I woke up, and the downstairs alarm starts screaming. I have to run down the stairs to grab the brush to whack it with. I groan, go back upstairs, get the light on and the door open and just as I put my phone on the edge of the bath, the upstairs one starts screaming. And I swore a lot as I went back downstairs to grab the brush to go back upstairs to whack the upstairs one, something like "I just want to go to the (bleep) toilet is it really so (bleep) much to (bleep) ask to be able to go to the (bleep) toilet?!"

The looks I was getting from the goblin room were almost like them rolling their eyes and pointing out it was my own fault. Sheesh. But it is my own fault, lol. I'd close the door to their room except I don't think that's fair and their room heats up quickly too, which isn't great. It might be raining but it isn't cold outside. I'd open the window in my room except there's no air movement outside so that's pointless. I'm wondering if running a fan might help, downstairs I mean, as long as I kept it off me directly.
Woohoo day 142

Those pesky smoke alarms !
Good luck with them.
I love how the Goblins are always watching …..🥰
The way upstairs is laid out, if their door is open they see every bit of movement from the top of the stairs - someone going up, or down, or to the bathroom, or to my room. I should've maybe thought it through better before putting them in there lol, but it works, and they seem to like it.

I just wish I knew what to do about the fire alarms. There's no smoke to be picking up, there's no excessive heat, and they don't even do it every time I vape the heavy duty stuff with bigger clouds. You'd think if vape clouds were the problem it'd happen every time.

In other news it's chucking it down outside and the goblins are yelling. Possibly the rain, possibly "uh we're starving to death here".
They really do like it and I’m sure they make themselves known ….starving indeed !
Could be worth vacuuming the alarms but it seems overcooked food/ temperature can can cause them to go off.
So stop Bann cooking for a start 😂
There's currently two spiders hanging out in the bathroom - one under the sink, and one in the corner of the ceiling above the sink. Neither of them are Ser Spider, though, the legs are wrong. These are the alarms:


Or at least that's the downstairs one, the upstairs one is identical. You'd think if it was low battery issues they'd be chirping incessantly instead of just having a meltdown every so often? And I've been vaping thicker liquids on and off today, they've never gone off again. I really don't get it.
They’re a good reliable make Lorcan - if it was low battery it’s usually a regular chirp but if the batteries are dying it could be the issue as it can be on and off

The mystery deepens………👻
I don't think they're particularly old. The previous tenant was a smoker I think, and I know the place had to be redecorated top to bottom after he moved out, but even without being a smoker they're suspiciously white still. No aging to them. The light flicker (you know how they always have a light that flicks on and off) is red but I figured it was meant to be red?

I'm mostly used to the mains wired ones. Like the one that completely lost its mind after the flat flooded through the ceiling. That was a fun afternoon, at least these ones shut up when I get the broom out lol.
Has the light always been red ? Otherwise it might need resetting - mine is a continuous green light.
There should be a reset button
No, it's a regular flash. Not frequent, just regular.

Actually, just took the downstairs one off the ceiling, it's not a low battery chirp, that's meant to happen once every 40 seconds. It's definitely the alarm that's sounding. It's also guaranteed til 2032. Not that they always last that long I know, but still. Got a long way to go.

I'm also genuinely in kinks. I didn't put the goblins in time out but I did turn the music on, I don't know if they don't make noise when the speakers are on or if I just can't hear them over it, but hey, you do what you gotta do right? So I took some food up just now, and I can see their cage from the top of the stairs. I can see Bann, already begging at the bars, but Cam's not in any of his usual haunts.

Where's Cam?!

Well when I walked through the door, I found Cam. Or more accurately, Cam bolted like a bat out of hell out of the hay pile he'd burrowed into and covered himself with. I have never seen him move that fast before. Thanks, Cam, you absolute melter.

So. There's a popular hangout for spiders, near the top of the stairs (there's a small landing, then another step to the right to get you to the top proper). The spot is just under the dado rail. It's a bit of a pain because it means it's right above the box of hay but rarely do they stay for very long. I think the record is 10 days and it hasn't been close to matched since. Since Ser Spider disappeared from the living room floor a few weeks back, a couple of others spiders have been at Hangout Spot but none were big enough for Ser Spider.

Except today. I'd bet money on that spider at Hangout Spot being Ser Spider. They don't bother me on the walls though. At least it isn't the floor.