The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)


Woke up this morning to a phonecall. "I'll be round in a sec, your fridge freezer is due this morning, we've changed the session time too, is that okay?" It's not that I'm not a morning person but I need at least an hour after I wake up before I can People. My care co was due this morning too so I'm like no, no can do.

Fridge freezer turned up. It wasn't a fridge freezer. It was a freezer. They had to take it back. My keyworker was making this much more complicated than it needed to be. Just sign the return paperwork already. But no. Signs the paperwork, emails the office, sits down to wait on the reply email because...reasons? "But it can't be an under counter one, that's too small." Pause. "Do you have a tape measure?"

Yegads. Tell them to order a fridge freezer. Anything as long as it has a fridge, and the freezer isn't just a compartment in the fridge. Please. This isn't rocket science. "So what time's your care co due this morning?"

By the time my care co actually arrived I was already done with today, lol.
Day #125!

Forced myself awake barely 4 hours after falling asleep. I took my meds early last night to try and get a decent kip but no, still took 5 hours. Grumble. But I was told, I needed this telephone appointment to discuss the blood tests and do a meds review. The meds review: "You take (list all meds here)? No problems with them? Great" That's the meds review done.

Then the blood tests: "We ran 4 tests on your liver, 5 tests on your kidneys, and a blood sugar test. Everything looks very good." :eek: I'd had two cans of Coke before going to get those blood tests done. It wasn't a fasting test. This won't stop them whinging about my Coke (heh) habit though. The only thing that was slightly off was the cholesterol as I thought, but for once I didn't catch any flak for it, because "that's normal with the hormone treatment". Wow. They finally get it! No anaemia though - iron or B12, which is a bit of a problem because then what's been causing that issue this last while?

My testosterone levels were a tad low but I mean, the injection was 3 weeks late, of course they were. I got lectured about "you need to make sure you've got the meds and make the appointments and turn up". So close, "no s**t Sherlock" was right on the tip of my tongue.

Why did I need this appointment so urgently again? He won't even increase the amitriptyline for the migraines because of the meds cocktail I'm on. My psychiatrist doesn't prescribe those because they were originally GP prescribed but I might have to see if she's happy to increase them because that's my last option. And I hate psychiatrists.
Wow day 125 🌟

Sounds like you had a thorough check Lorcan !
Sleep problems effect everything ….so take care 🥰
I almost wonder if they were looking for something to complain about - 9 tests just for my liver and kidneys?! Still it at least explains why they wanted 7 or 8 bottles of blood in 7 weeks. The blood sugar one's hilarious though - I can't do fasting blood tests because my veins refuse to cooperate and I used to get so many lectures about "you know, we really need those blood tests done so can't you just try..." lol that's not how it works, it's not how any of this works.

I have been told to get a record of my weight and height every time I come in. Guess I should stop wearing steel-toed boots every time I go? :))

The goblins don't normally get anything more than hay til after midday. Today they got fed earlier because their room was over 24C when I woke up, so I opened the window. But it's an unpleasant looking day so I need to make sure the temp doesn't drop too much, but if I go upstairs they get shrieky without a food sacrifice to placate them. Temp's now down to just over 21C, so much better.

Gets to just after 12, though, and then I hear it. "Dad, it's food time. Dad, where's the food? Dad, have you forgotten? Dad, we're going to fade away to nothing. Dad, do you hate us? Dad, why won't you feed us?"

Roll my eyes, grab a bit of lettuce, head upstairs, where it's not Camowen that's upset, but Bann! Good thing there's enough lettuce then.

According to the goblins, I'm a walking food source. I can just magic it out of thin air. So when I have to go to the toilet, but have to leave the light off so I can hear if there's a knock, which means I have to leave the bathroom door open since there's no windows, I have a problem. Because I'm upstairs and if I'm upstairs that means food. I mean really, if I'm upstairs that long and it's not bedtime, clearly I'm just starving them to death as always.

Parcel turned up. Then they shrieked louder. Sod it, it's only 15 minutes, I'll feed them for the peace and quiet. Then Cam tried to eat my thumbnail, he was in that much of a hurry to scoff down his butterhead.
128 days.

My downstairs smoke alarm went off again earlier. I'd just stuck the kettle on in the kitchen and suddenly there's a screaming alarm, I thought it was the carbon monoxide alarm in the kitchen but nope, smoke alarm. If it's me vaping setting it off, you'd think it'd get set off when I'm vaping and not when I'm not in the room.

Still, better safe than sorry. I've propped the front door open. To be fair this one is chucking out clouds better than usual. I thought maybe it was the juice but it's the same as others I put in it, a 70/30. 🤷‍♂️ I'm convinced that smoke alarm just likes to make noise sometimes.
Wonderful day 128 !
You don’t need to test the smoke alarm this week then 😂

What bugs me is, the vaping shouldn't set it off. If it was because of the vapour then it would be going off more often, and there's clearly no fire so...what's setting it off?! This is why I'll only vape downstairs - aside from anything else, easier to grab a pole to whack the stupid thing with.
Maybe the smoke detector needs new batteries? They can get a bit strange when the batteries are going. We had one that screamed over its dying battery.
Maybe the smoke detector needs new batteries? They can get a bit strange when the batteries are going. We had one that screamed over its dying battery.

Usually if their batteries are dying there's a pattern to when it screams. This one has no pattern, or at least no obvious one. It tests out fine, too.
When our smoke alarms kept going off for no reason we were told it was because of the very warm weather. As it’s gotten warm recently maybe that’s your reason too. Also ours were over 10 years old. So we replaced them and it’s been fine since.
As it’s gotten warm recently maybe that’s your reason too.

That's not a bad point actually, although it's only the downstairs one that feels like screaming into the void. Metaphorically speaking, lol. I wonder if it's a combination of things - the heat and the vapour, that might explain just the downstairs going off. They're both fairly new though, a couple of years I think.
Day 129!

So that nettle that stung me caught me through the gloves, grumble. Right at the knuckle too so the entire finger hurts in symapathy 😒 Plus I was just sitting minding my own business and putting a coil together in my living room when suddenly, on top of the washing machine trying to vibrate itself to pieces, there's an unholy clatter from the kitchen. I thought, maybe it's a brush has fallen over? NO.

The vibration had forced the freezer door open and the noise I heard was the Snugglesafes launching themselves onto the floor. :td:

So I've wrapped the Snugglesafes in a piece of fleece and left them in the cage. It's 23.3C in there. How do people in hot countries do it?!
And 130 days!

The Openreach engineer was out this morning. He got lost and when he rang me to ask for directions, I laughed. He's like, "I'm not from around here!" I had to point out that even the police would probably have trouble with finding the address, it's definitely not just him.

He couldn't find a problem with either the line, the physical hardware, or anything really. He was very apologetic about it, but it's not his fault. He's swapped out my microfilter for a hardwired one to see if that helps at all, but as he pointed out it's easier to find the cause of the issue when the issue's happening right in front of him.
Woohoo well done Lorcan ! You should be very proud of yourself !
130 days ago a Chinese rocket crash landed onto the Moon’s surface !
And 130 days!

The Openreach engineer was out this morning. He got lost and when he rang me to ask for directions, I laughed. He's like, "I'm not from around here!" I had to point out that even the police would probably have trouble with finding the address, it's definitely not just him.

He couldn't find a problem with either the line, the physical hardware, or anything really. He was very apologetic about it, but it's not his fault. He's swapped out my microfilter for a hardwired one to see if that helps at all, but as he pointed out it's easier to find the cause of the issue when the issue's happening right in front of him.
What happens next then?
132 days! I kinda forgot about yesterday. Woke up after 4 hours of sleep at 5am, I think I lasted til around 1pm? Then slept til 6.30pm. The goblins were not impressed by this. Had no food in the house yesterday (for me anyway) either so I had to do a last minute "express delivery" with Asda that costs £8.50. Just for the delivery. I cried, but I also needed food. And once it turns up I realise I forgot to add toilet paper. So okay, keyworker's out later, I can sort it then?
Slept through that instead lol.

Ended up doing another express delivery this afternoon, for toilet paper and goblin veg. Forgot to add cotton buds to that one (there's a pattern here) and it's the same guy that did yesterday's delivery too. Scundered.

I've enough cotton buds for a few days though. Might aim for a Tesco order in the next couple of days. I prefer Tesco food, but I prefer Asda's vegetable selection.
Well done you day 132 🌟
Sounds like an upside/downside couple of days ! We’ve all been there. I once fell asleep before checking out a delivery and paid delivery charge and packing charge for tea bags and bread !?*£#! You just have to all raise your eyebrows and think oh well….!
Take the telling off from the goblins gracefully ….it’s just cos they love you v much 🥰
Take the telling off from the goblins gracefully

I just wish they'd realise waiting until I wake up to cause a fuss is pointless and that making noise to wake me up would work better for all of us. They're the only guinea pigs I've had that make terrible alarm clocks. Jake woke up the entire house by screaming his head off one morning because I was 30 seconds late with breakfast and he set off Shadow who hadn't realised there was an intruder in the house until this started so she barked loudly and repeatedly to let us know there was an intruder. But I lived next to a house that kept 2 Rottweilers so Jake was unfazed by barking and instead just screamed louder.

It was Christmas Day. I thought this was hilarious. Nobody else did. :))
Wow it must be 133 days today. You are amazing, what will power you have.❤️
Indeed! I took the strapping off my fingers this morning because 90% of the pain was gone. Turns out my fingers were lying to me about being "better" lol. Oh well. Nothing's broken, they'll get used to it. And I'm planning on stuffing my face with doughnuts later lol.
Ah those damn fingers ! I think you should enjoy the doughnuts 🥰