The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I got a bottle of Holy Water today from a child as a leaving present!

Primary school right? My primary school teacher never got presents from me, I didn't like him and neither did my parents :)) any "gift" he got was mainly joke gifts calling him a chauvinist. He was, though.
Primary school right? My primary school teacher never got presents from me, I didn't like him and neither did my parents :)) any "gift" he got was mainly joke gifts calling him a chauvinist. He was, though.
Aye, but I’m nice! 😁. Happy adulting Lorcan!
Most teachers are, this guy just had very little redeemable about him lol. And I found my keys! On the sofa, underneath 3 cushions, a small quilt, 2 guinea pig beds, a pair of jeans, a couple of t-shirts, and a bag of ribbon spools. 🤷‍♂️
Excellent - a place for everything and everything everywhere! 🤣🤣
And I found my keys! On the sofa, underneath 3 cushions, a small quilt, 2 guinea pig beds, a pair of jeans, a couple of t-shirts, and a bag of ribbon spools. 🤷‍♂️
You should treat yourself to one of these @Lorcan. Then you wouldn't lose your keys (as long as you remembered to hang them up of course!)

You should treat yourself to one of these @Lorcan. Then you wouldn't lose your keys (as long as you remembered to hang them up of course!)

View attachment 206266

You should treat yourself to one of these @Lorcan. Then you wouldn't lose your keys (as long as you remembered to hang them up of course!)

View attachment 206266

The other end of this:


Is hooked into my belt loop with a karabiner. I took it out at one point when changing my jeans, chucked them somewhere, and then forgot where, lol.
You found them…..any other treasure ? 🥰

An ethernet cable, a USB type C cable, 6 pens (two blue Bic Finepoint biros, one black Zebra biro, one black Pilot V-5, one blue Mitsubishi Uniball micro, and one purple Uniball needle), a basic kumihimo pattern, 3 kumihimo foam boards I keep as spares if I run out of my usual ones, a dishcloth, a teatowel I'd forgotten I even owned, a deck of Star Wars branded poker cards, an as yet unopened fitted sheet for a double bed, a thing of hay cookies, and a pack of bin liners.

Yes, I do chuck everything on my sofa "to deal with later". :))
An ethernet cable, a USB type C cable, 6 pens (two blue Bic Finepoint biros, one black Zebra biro, one black Pilot V-5, one blue Mitsubishi Uniball micro, and one purple Uniball needle), a basic kumihimo pattern, 3 kumihimo foam boards I keep as spares if I run out of my usual ones, a dishcloth, a teatowel I'd forgotten I even owned, a deck of Star Wars branded poker cards, an as yet unopened fitted sheet for a double bed, a thing of hay cookies, and a pack of bin liners.

Yes, I do chuck everything on my sofa "to deal with later". :))
I bet there was at least one guinea pig poo too, somehow they get everywhere (even in the rooms they never go into) :D and don't get me started about hay.
I mean I'm genuinely baffled at the tea towel and dishcloth. The rest of it sort of makes sense - walk in the door, sofa's right there, chuck stuff on it. The tea towel, maybe I used it to carry a hot Snugglesafe into the living room if that's where I had the beds to put them in, but I can think of no remotely sane reason for a clean, unused-since-last-wash dishcloth to be hanging around on the sofa.
Two hours and 4 black bin bags later and the goblins finally have a nice clean cage AND have stopped rumbling at each other. Came downstairs with two bags, went back upstairs for the other two, and I hear the familiar "IT'S FOOD TIME" chirping. I need a cold drink lol. Day #118!
Isn’t it satisfying when you’ve done a full clean ! The boys appreciate it I’m sure.
Enjoy that cool drink Lorcan ….I think you’ve earnt that 😂
They're pretty good with cage cleaning time tbh, possibly because they stay in the cage as I do it. It's big enough for me to sit in and not be (metaphorically) right on top of them, I just sort of get eyed with suspicion. I have to move slightly every so often because they don't like running in front of me to pass sometimes but that means I have to shift myself forward so there's a gap behind me. I'll be feeling this tomorrow lol.
Day 119, the goblins are sulking at me and for some reason, I have this stuck in my head:


Two things - vape parcel turned up with the wrong juice in it (and no nicotine to add to it either) :td: They've said if I want to keep it they'll refund 35% of the bottle price and send me out the nicotine shot. Figured why not, it'll probably be nicer than the one I ordered anyway lol. Just sent them the photos so, wait and see.

Second - I have music playing downstairs on the speaker which I don't normally do. I was eating a bag of crisps. Rustling bags were heard. Camowen shrieked loudly enough to be heard over the music and I swear he did it deliberately. I miss being able to eat crisps in peace lol.
Well done Lorcan, i’m On 0 nicotine have been for about 2yrs. I will probably stay vaping, but who knows.
I don’t touch the coils hubby does that & even fills the mod for me.
Well done Lorcan, i’m On 0 nicotine have been for about 2yrs. I will probably stay vaping, but who knows.
I don’t touch the coils hubby does that & even fills the mod for me.

I'm quite happy with 3mg atm, I think, it's working out well no matter what tank I put it in. For pure nosiness, what mod and tank are you using?
The mod is MDURA, I tend to drop & break them, the tank is a fat Rabbit.

Niiiice on the tank, I have a dead rabbit v2. The dripper version though, rather than the one you have. I'm not even sure I have anything a Fat Rabbit would fit on.
Well done on Day 122. You must be very proud of what you have achieved.
Well done on Day 122. You must be very proud of what you have achieved.

It genuinely feels like I started this yesterday (although my care coordinator did ask wtf I was doing with what she called "£800 worth of hardware". It's not even close to that, I swear). Vaping feels much more...natural? now. Maybe. I don't know if natural is the right word. But it doesn't feel new anymore, there's no "I look like an idiot"feeling from it now. And I don't feel like an imposter when I'm giving advice about vaping over at Reddit, lol.

Lasting 122 minutes would have been a miracle at one point, having to wait 3-4 hours for a smoke after waking up in hospital had me crawling up the walls. Now I can go for a couple of hours after waking up without needing to vape and it doesn't have that "need to help addiction" craziness attached either.
Day 123!

I have enough concentration back to be playing videogames, but I'm playing Mass Effect (the original) one on PC, switched most of the sound in game either off or down low, and I've got a playlist of my most played songs in 2021 for music instead. There's something to be said for "air karaoke" and a tapping foot while also trying to aim a weapon with a mouse, keep movement going with the keyboard, get the idea.

This is how I concentrate as a general rule, it just looks like utter chaos.