The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Hiya Lorcan how’s the giving up smoking going, my sons a manager in a vape shop in Bracknell. He got me into vaping, & I’ve been off smoking 60 a day for about 4yrs. Also one day I was a meat eater, next day a veggie, gives me more money to spend on guinea piggies, hamsters, rats, & dogs. Hopefully at Christmas I’m going to get a Purdy cat. Before then I’ve got to design a lid / cover for the piggies. Anyone got any good ideas for that?
Woohoo day 109 🌟🌟🌟
Well done Lorcan …..we all know on here how hard it is for you some days but you’re doing fabulously
I'm genuinely sitting here trying to convince myself to rebuild one of my tanks because if I don't, I'll have to do it tomorrow, probably when I'm grumpy OR when my keyworker is over and then I'll have an audience...and I hate audiences. So what am I doing? Staring at it and watching Doctor Who instead. I'm not very good at the self pep talks, haha.
Thank you Claire!

And yeah I was right, I'm doing this when I'm grumpy or else Jamie will get here and I'll have an audience, lol.


Two hours after waking up and this is as far as I've managed, lol.
Woo! Day 110! Good job, Lorcán! It will get easier. How far off is the surgery? Bet you can't wait! Also, just curious... are you using e cigs as a gateway to completely quitting, or are you planning on staying on the e cigs? Either way, You are doing GREAT! (Also I didn't read the entire thread so if I missed something and am not making sense sorry about that)
Woo! Day 110! Good job, Lorcán! It will get easier. How far off is the surgery? Bet you can't wait! Also, just curious... are you using e cigs as a gateway to completely quitting, or are you planning on staying on the e cigs? Either way, You are doing GREAT! (Also I didn't read the entire thread so if I missed something and am not making sense sorry about that)

Nah you're good. I'm planning on trying for 0mg nicotine at some stage, but I don't know if I plan on quitting vaping too. It's much less likely than quitting the nicotine is, but I may feel differently about it when the time comes. As for the surgery, who knows. It's not a priority for surgeons (and it shouldn't be, not after the past few years) and I still have weight to lose first, but for the time being I'm on track.

I'm getting yelled at from upstairs. There's a definite wind blowing (and I'm hoping for a storm, honestly, you could cut the air with a knife it's that heavy, it needs to break) and their window is open and the blinds closed. The blinds are making noise and moving and we can't be having that, can we? It's a good thing none of you are here to listen to me groan "I'm not closing the f**king window" for the millionth time, although my tone of voice would probably make it sound far less menacing than it does in print.

I'd really love that storm though. It's too dark to have no lights on and too early in the day to be switching them on anyway, so if the weather could just hurry up and make up its mind I'd be grateful. AND I'd stop getting yelled at over the blinds. Well...maybe.

Also I need a new fridge freezer but the issue's been there for months and it keeps getting glossed over. It's not mine which means it's not mine to replace....but I wish it was, because then at least I could stop waiting for someone else to do something about it.

I feel bad. Camowen was yelling at me as I was leaving the bathroom and I asked him why he was being such a demanding little (something)* because it wasn't fresh food time yet. Fresh food time starts after midday. I got downstairs to look at the clock and wouldn't you know it, it's 12.10 and he was right.

*it was a term of endearment. And I did apologise. They're happily munching on some lettuce from a salad bag.

I feel bad. Camowen was yelling at me as I was leaving the bathroom and I asked him why he was being such a demanding little (something)* because it wasn't fresh food time yet. Fresh food time starts after midday. I got downstairs to look at the clock and wouldn't you know it, it's 12.10 and he was right.

*it was a term of endearment. And I did apologise. They're happily munching on some lettuce from a salad bag.
Well done….. day 112 🌟feel proud of yourself Lorcan for achieving sooo much !

Washing was done again today, it still doesn't smell right. It's clearly being cleaned, but I know what that detergent's supposed to smell like and there's nothing. NOTHING. Putting some of the goblins stuff in there now. if it comes out fine (different detergent tbf) I might try putting mine through a third time.

The goblins keep trying to upset the neighbours starting from 11am. I will not be drawn into cracking and feeding them early. Nope. Meanwhile apparently someone's meant to be coming to do a valuation of the house on Tuesday. I should really be cleaning. Instead I can barely keep my eyes open, but if I try to go to bed early I'll probably have a repeat of last night - take meds at 9pm, fall asleep at 3am. Sigh.
#115! Marked today with an absolutely hilarious phonecall with the GP surgery where we both sat and basically said, "We're confused, wtf is going on?!"

So I got a phonecall on Friday asking me to make an appointment with the GP for a medication review. The guy (turns out it was a trainee) had no idea what medication. I thought he made the appointment for Monday. Overslept this morning. Had a text reminder about my appointment on Tuesday.

What appointment?!

So I ring in, just after 6pm, and that's where the fun starts. It's the medication review but there's no record of what medication it's for. She thought I'd asked for the review and then was very confused when I told her I'd got the phonecall about it instead. There's zero record, anywhere, of what it's for. There's no outstanding medication requests and my repeats were only done last week, so they can't be that. I'm due blood tests on Thursday and there's no point in reviewing meds for those without the results in first. If it's related to the last lot of blood tests 7 weeks ago, that still doesn't make sense, why wait for 7 weeks? Especially since, with those being the endocrinology related ones, the review doesn't actually happen through the GP.

Oh but it gets better. Then she mentions my appointment on Wednesday.

...what appointment on Wednesday?!

So Sarah had made the Thursday appointments for my bloods and my injection, 12pm. She'd apologised they were so early in the day but it was all she could get. Fair enough. Except those appointments for Thursday are still there but I have duplicate appointments for the same thing on Wednesday. 5 appointments. 3 days. Nobody knows what one of them is for, nobody knows why two have been duplicated. The person who made the Wednesday ones doesn't normally cover admin. The trainee from Friday isn't in work again til tomorrow afternoon. And that poor lady on the end of the phone, while I'm cackling my head off at the whole thing, is just like "Yeah, I'm going home now, I'm done." lol.

Cancelled the medication review though. The doctor wants it that bad, he can tell me what it's for in the first place. And then I'll hopefully get Sarah to work out if Wednesday or Thursday works better.

Supposed to have the house be valued tomorrow. I don't have the energy to clean or tidy up, so screw it. I'll be in bed all day tomorrow instead. Assuming they even turn up.
#116, no idea if they urned up to value the house because I didn't fall asleep til 10am 😱 and only woke up again at 4. Sigh. Also I love trying new vape juices, right? I'm not very good at sticking with one of, well, anything. Flavour of crisps, brand of crisps, yogurts, etc. You get me. You know the problem with new juices though? I have to add the nicotine to them. Adding the nicotine is my least favourite part of vaping, it's a faff, my fingers and hands and wrists don't like it, hell even my elbow is complaining at me now because of it.

The way the American FDA is clamping down on vaping though, maybe a sore arm is a small price to pay to not have to put up with it.
117! The goblins have taken to assuming I'm hiding food on them every time they see me. It's quite something to step out of the bathroom after a shower and get yelled at :td: Also, in unrelated news and just because I find it hilarious, I've been growing facial hair for a while but kind of ignoring it because there wasn't really much of it, but it was beginning to look scraggly so I shaved it. I just went to rub my temples out of habit and that "oh &%($" moment where my heart skipped a beat because my skin felt wrong. You know, because I shaved it.

Who said adulting was boring, eh?
117! The goblins have taken to assuming I'm hiding food on them every time they see me. It's quite something to step out of the bathroom after a shower and get yelled at :td: Also, in unrelated news and just because I find it hilarious, I've been growing facial hair for a while but kind of ignoring it because there wasn't really much of it, but it was beginning to look scraggly so I shaved it. I just went to rub my temples out of habit and that "oh &%($" moment where my heart skipped a beat because my skin felt wrong. You know, because I shaved it.

Who said adulting was boring, eh?
I’m the same when I’ve just shaved my legs for the summer and put trousers on! Feels weird 🤣. Here! I got a bottle of Holy Water today from a child as a leaving present!