The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Oh I've been there all right with furniture and space at a premium. I still have nightmares about having to store two flats worth of furniture in a single studio flat and I don't miss that at all.

Except I currently have a double divan and double mattress propped up against my bedroom wall and then a single mattress next to it on the floor about a foot and a half away from where the goblin cage is so maybe I can't talk, heh.
Since the goblins have been so good all day (I've had excited wheeks every time I've been in earshot, swapping to sad wheeks when they've thought I forgot about them and their poor veggie-starved bellies) that I found a couple of small baby cucumbers and gave them one each. Bann took his and ran. Cam, somewhat predictably, immediately dumped his into the water bowl. 🤷‍♂️
I still can't believe they'll have been here two years tomorrow, it still feels like yesterday when @YvonneBlue brought them home.

@fluffysal I usually do slice them because I feed little and often through the day but they've been so well behaved, all things considered.
Wow, where did those two years go. It only feels like yesterday that we collected the boys from Torquay. I love seeing how happy they are with you.x
They've now been with me for longer than Comet & Blitzen but also it still feels like it was yesterday except less cold, lol. They've celebrated by peeing in the water bowl every time I turn my back. I think it's my punishment for yesterday's veggie starvation. I'll take mucky water bowl over eaten beds, though. :))
Cam got pepper in bed, all fine.
Bann got pepper, ran into the same bed.
Scuffle breaks out, with Cam briefly poking his head out one doorway and Bann the other for a few minutes.
Piece of pepper ends up just outside Cam's doorway, probably his own. He eats it anyway.
Other piece is still in the bed.
Bann pops his head out of the other doorway searching for his pepper.
Bann gets another piece of paper outside of the bed.
Bann proceeds to run straight back into the same bed.

So far today, I woke up, said Cam's name, he had his back to me eating hay but turned his head to look at me, and when I said hi, he bounced excitedly all the way to the cage bars to beg, and I figured there was no harm in giving a pea flake for being such a lovely boy...

And then I saw the deception, because as soon as I had the tub out, Bann came running from his nearby hiding place because they were both such good boys right? Manipulative gits, lol.

Then later, the celery. I generally slice a stick into 8 pieces. Tossed a couple of the smaller ones into the cage to get their attention because they'll still come to me for their first piece, and they did. Cam took his fine. Bann sniffed his, stepped back, stepped forward, sniffed my hand...and then yanked a different piece of celery out of my hand, still ignoring the proffered one like it was radioactive or something.

Honourable mention goes to Cam for realising food was on the go and scrambling backwards out of the tunnel wheeking in panic "don't forget me!" like I'd forget the shrieking hallion who lives in my bedroom.
I did not! All I can think of today is, wtf did I think this was a good idea for:

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Yes, I'm working on it upside down. Easier to reach the top this way.
I do that too!

Here is the puzzle I'm working on atm.


This is what it'll look like when it's finished


It's a Cityscape map of Bournemouth. I found it in the cupboard in the bedroom.
Mine's of York Minster. The missing edge pieces are still in amongst the others hopefully, I just don't feel like hoaking them out at the moment, lol.

That's lovely though. I want one!
I went to give the goblins food and neither would get out of bed, which I'm never happy about. So I went to check out Cam and make sure he's okay and they swapped beds. Instead of the delinquent, I got the hooligan who shrieked like the cursed Damned but, interestingly enough, that's when Cam came running to check on his buddy. Okay they're fine.

Went to the other room to change a vape coil and wandered back in to give them hay, but Bann was eating and Cam was watching him intently, with a quick glance on my direction, that was all.
Bann was eating a bean. Cam waited til he dropped it then immediately grabbed it and turned 180° so his bum was facing Bann. Bann didn't notice. Bann was too busy searching his immediate vicinity for his lost bean.
The puzzle I'm working on at the moment is in danger of going out the window! 10 shades of sludge, a reproduced oil painting so none of the pieces match across the join properly and the pieces fit together whether they are right or not. There's an awful lot of pieces in wrong places due to bad light!