The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I'll have the goblins in their carrier in the bathroom, it's not ideal but it should be okay. As long as they behave.

Okay yeah tomorrow's gonna be fun lol. Plus I'm supposed to have a telephone appointment with Leeds in the afternoon, my replacement jigsaw should be turning up and my fingers have swollen with picking up all the hay. Plus a full bin and 3-4 bags dossing in the living room. Ah, such good fun.
To keep adding to tonight's entertainment I've just put the Snugglesafes and some more hay in the cage like so


Cam was out like a shot to check out the new hay pile, ran round the corner and then stopped. I wondered if he maybe couldn't get round the back of the tunnel but then he started scrambling backwards, sniffed around, and then found a bean he'd missed earlier and ran like the clappers into bed. It was the last bean. By the time Bann stirred it was long gone.

Speaking of Bann, he's a hooligan and a half. Thank bleep it's only for one night.

Edit: he's now dunking his hay into the water bowl and then eating it. Like...why. Just why.
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We're still alive! Angry upset wheeks from the goblins but that's as much because they're winding each other up as it is because of the banging and drilling. The upstairs windows are in so the goblins are chilling out (/snort) in the boxroom next to the radiator. I think their cage is wood dust free but I don't want to move them out prematurely.

Also I have to clean all my vape devices because of the dust, and change all the coils. Grumble. Also he was rude to a neighbour of mine and I really don't appreciate that. Neither did my neighbour. Sigh.
Two on. Frame of the third is in. He's busy beating the crap out of the front door and my heating bill for today is going to be astronomical lol.

Also I went to feed the goblins some parsley and in the process managed to remove the door from the carrier. I did not intend to remove the door from the carrier. Swearing and apologising profusely, trying not to spook them in case one bolts out the doorway, and finally got it on and peaked inside to see chewing faces with a look of "you bloody eejit" on their eyes. 🤷‍♂️
I thought, rather complacently perhaps, that the goblins would understand the cage was moved and the hay box had moved so the Begging Spot should move too because there's a box in the way.

I've since moved the box. How silly of me!
I could hear what sounded like Cam doing his "human don't forget us" wheek but they got fed 5 min prior so I left it. And then again slightly more urgently. And then again. Fourth time I went upstairs and Bann poked his head out of bed when I gave them hay. And then he left the bed and it turns out the shrieking was because he was in Cam's bed and Cam doesn't like sharing.
So is it warmer with the new windows and door?

Technically, no. The air temp is still reading its usual average, but what I no longer have is the draughts. 12 panes of single glazed glass per window, rotting wood frames, and latches that weren't 100% effective means for a lot of draughts.

17° last week would've frozen the house out. This week it's comfortable for all 3 of us.
My partner is going in the loft tomorrow to get my board and some puzzles I've not made yet. I am going to shoe horn the table in between the cages or move some furniture round in the bedroom. With all this bad weather I really want to make a puzzle!
I'm going to wait til tomorrow to glue it so the sponge can dry out a little but I've been doing these with something playing in the background (Taskmaster and Torchwood mostly) and it has been very relaxing. And a good way to avoid tidying upstairs back up like it hasn't been a week since the windows were installed. Downstairs not being a 24/7 icebox makes a world of difference.
I am in the guinea pig equivalent of the doghouse, the last pepper had started to turn and I didn't want to risk their delicate bellies. They are adamant it would be okay but, nope.

And the 3 of us agree I'm in need of an intervention.

I've not been able to get enough natural light in the front room during the day since the storms started, so overhead light it has been. Easier to watch stuff on the phone with the curtains closed too, so it's not a massive deal.

Edit: I'm also broke until tomorrow unfortunately. Going to do a Tesco shop at 1am again I think.
I've got too much reflection on the pieces. Unfortunately I don't have room to move anything. I don't have room to move! Will have to remember to be careful if I get up in the night. I have to move the table backwards and forwards to get out of bed and then out of the door.