The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I should, I have more hoodies downstairs, and I could've got one from there without issue but no no, I had to try the easy route lol.

Unlike later when I did try to get straight down the stairs and my door was barely closed before I had to yell "I know I swear lemme get downstairs first I swear I'm getting food!"

My poor neighbours.
It's the only time he ever makes that specific noise. So I called in for Bann to stop it. Then I heard scuffles, so I told Bann it was his own fault for winding Cam up. Ten minutes later we were finally done, Cam was back in bed, and Bann was keeping to himself at the far side of the cage.

Don't feel bad for him, he's a thug when he wants to be. Cam's just more inclined to make noise. A match made in heaven 🤷‍♂️
For the most part they'll stick to their own bed, it's rare for them to swap and if Cam decides to swap it gets done with minimal fuss. Only when Bann wants to swap is there an argument lol.
These two.

First off, it was non-stop shrieking and screaming all morning and afternoon. Nothing would placate them. Then evening rolls round and silence. You could've heard a pin drop.

So we get to bedtime, I remove the Snugglesafes, bring them back nice and toasty warm, toss the nuggets in, and wait. And wait. And wait ten minutes, zero movement. Not even a twitch.

So I checked inside the beds just to be sure. They were not impressed with this at all. I had a nose out of each bed and it was genuinely like "uh Human tf is going on what do you think you're doing wait, WAIT there's nuggets EAT THEM ALL WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS"

My life in a nutshell :flag:
The bulb in my bedroom isn't working and needs replacing. I'm pretty sure the goblins think I've just forgotten to switch the light on. Sorry lads, no can do lol.

Cam's feeling a little insecure in his King of the Castle status and, when Bann's not encouraging him by trying to throw his weight around (bloody thug!) he's got his nose in the air and Cam's under his chin. Is Spring over yet?
I miss being able to get baby peppers but Tesco hasn't had any for months at this point. I had to buy four packs of bell pepper just to be sure I'd get any usable ones and even though I checked those bags before the delivery guy left and still missed dodgy ones. Only caught those trying to put them into the fridge.

I still can't give them lettuce regularly, I'm sort of relying on cucumber and pepper to make up the difference. Nobody wants to eat nothing but cucumber and I'm sure no goblin wants to either.
To make Snugglesafes warm, I need to microwave them. The goblins don't understand that, they simply correlate me taking them away means they'll get warm ones back in 20 minutes. Cam grumbles but he gets this.

But not Bann, not tonight.

He had his bum plonked right on it and he was not moving just for 20 minutes of inconvenience.

And trying to put it back?

Oh to be a goblin. Every night is the same routine - I collect the Snugglesafes, I microwave them, I bring them back nice and toasty warm. So why, every night, is there some audible displeasure and complaint about this?

Tonight it was because both were in the same bed and did not appreciate having to lift the bed to get it out. Fml.
I swear Bann likes to plead ignorance, but he's just as bad.

All joking aside it's kinda nice to be yelled at because they'd been very vocally quiet for months. I mean it's clearly a case of too much or too little and I'm never likely to get a happy medium, but if this is what I get, I'd rather it was too much.

But also I need to apologise to the neighbours because he's still going. Loudly.